Thursday, April 22, 2004

Oil for Terror?

I generally think that the Chronicle is a good newspaper but their coverage of national news, particularly the war on terror, is appalling. Today's front page shouts "War's cost: $4.7 billion per month". No context is provided, no comparison with other wars or other federal programs. Just the same "dang, this is TOO much money" inference. It sure would be keen to see the Chronicle give front page space to other financial this maybe?
"Especially with the U.N.'s own investigation into Oil-for-Food now taking shape, and more congressional hearings in the works, it is high time to focus on the likelihood that Saddam may have fiddled Oil-for-Food contracts not only to pad his own pockets, buy pals, and acquire clandestine arms but also to fund terrorist groups, quite possibly including al Qaeda."Read the whole article

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