Monday, March 14, 2005

Charter school seniors may leave campus at lunch

Can someone tell me why students are allowed off campus at all during the day? According to the article, this policy passed without parental support. Why did the Board support it? The negatives of this policy are obvious: drug, alcohol, smoking abuse. Kids coming back to class late, or the temptation to not return at all. Dangerous driving in a very busy area. Why allow it? Or is this just another case of journalistic sophistry?

Charter school seniors may leave campus at lunch:
Monday, March 14, 2005
By Teresa Taylor Williams
Similar to their peers in nearby traditional schools, seniors at Muskegon Technical Academy are now free to leave the charter school during lunch period.
But their new freedom is for only one day per week, and they must adhere to stipulations given by school officials.
Earlier this month, the school board reluctantly approved open campus lunch for 12th-graders who are passing all classes and have parent permission and no suspensions this school year.

The idea of allowing the high-schoolers at the sixth- through 12th-grade school to leave during lunch period was discussed last fall, and board members along with Superintendent Barbara Stellard were not in favor of it because of lack of parental support. "

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