Saturday, March 04, 2006

French Bistro non-attendees?

I guess they're not gonna come to the French Bistro Dinner but pretty funny anyway...

Hey Gordo, thanks for the invite... But we gotta pass.
Way too much carnage for a couple vegetarians: veal, duck, pork!

You need to watch “Babe” again!

When Mrs. X first became a veg, I thought, OK, that’s cool. I’m hip. I have a wife who’s a vegetarian! But then over a period of about 12 years, she “enlightened/brainwashed” me. These days, my daughter Nellie would get very confused if she found out I was eating ducks!

Today I was showing Nellie my old fishing gear from when we lived on our boat. I showed her a small aluminum bat and a gaff. I explained how I would gaff the fish, haul them aboard, and then clobber them on the head with the bat!! She was looking at me, like “what the heck are you talking about”? Fortunately, I never worked in a veal processing plant. That would be a tougher explanation.
Gotta love these parents!

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