Sunday, April 23, 2006

Loose lips reveal demo's duplicity.

Legislator: 'Illegals' will fill jobs: "West Michigan legislator Doug Bennett believes school districts in West Michigan that privatize their custodian and bus driving jobs will be getting rid of 'everyone you trust,' and giving those jobs to 'illegal immigrants.'
Bennett, a Democrat representing the northern Muskegon County district that includes the Reeths-Puffer school district, repeated his remarks three times during a public rally to protest privatization of school jobs.....
'We all know what's going to happen -- they are going to hire illegal immigrants to fill the jobs,' Bennett told Kathie Oakes..........'It's all about money,' he said.
Bennett attempted to clarify his statements after realizing Oakes was standing next to a Chronicle reporter.
The state legislator said his comments shouldn't be misconstrued as anti-immigrant. He also said he wasn't accusing Reeths-Puffer school officials of knowingly planning to hire illegal immigrants to fill custodial jobs.
Bennett said the likelihood of illegal immigrants working as custodians in the district will increase because the board voted to contract those jobs with Enviro-Clean Services of Holland, said Bennett.
Holland, he said, is known for having many illegal immigrants living there.
This guy is an elected State Rep? PANDERER!

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