Monday, October 09, 2006

Into the mind of a Democrat voter

A LTE in The Muskegon Chronicle
If you are rich or are an employer, you should definitely vote for Dick DeVos. If you make less than $100,000 per year and you are an employee, you should vote for Jennifer Granholm.
Think back. Has anything good ever happened to an employee or a middle-class person in a Republican administration? The answer is no.
Dick DeVos' plan for creating jobs is such a secret that he will not reveal it until elected. The reason being that he couldn't be elected if he reveals it before the election.

However, if you remember, his wife Betsy revealed their plan a year ago when she said the people of Michigan "make too much money." That seems a tad bit disingenuous coming from a billionaire. She also said that Michigan should quickly move to become a right-to-work state.
Here is his plan. As soon as he is elected, he will quickly try to make Michigan a right-to-work state. A right-to-work state is a state where an employer that has union employees may also hire non-union people to do the same job. This will basically eliminate unions. Unions are employees who fight to be treated fairly and paid a living wage. Without unions looking out for the workers, Dick can take a job paying $18 an hour and make two jobs paying $9 an hour.
That's his plan, folks, plain and simple. Then, because the one thing Republicans hate even more than labor unions, are taxes based on income. He will quickly move to eliminate those kinds of taxes.
Republicans love taxes where the poor people have to pay the same amount as the rich. Those are called regressive taxes. So, he will probably raise the sales tax like Engler did. He may even do like other right-to-work states do and put sales taxes on food. He may even raise the gas tax. Republicans like the idea that a poor person has to work four hours to fill his gas tank but a rich person only has to work about 15 minutes.
If what his wife said is true, this is his plan. If you like it, go for it.
Remember, the most powerful non-union country on Earth is Communist China. In the '60s, we were so fearful of the spread on Communism that we sent 58,000 Americans to die in Vietnam in an effort to stop the encroachment of Communism.
Dick DeVos hires these Communist Chinese because China is the perfect right-to-work state. So did Wal-Mart's Sam Walton. And George Bush thinks that is just fine, too.

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