Wednesday, October 31, 2007

North Muskegon campaigns have some intensity -

North Muskegon campaigns have some intensity - "Override Headlee in Ferrysburg on Nov. 6

Voters in the city of Ferrysburg are being asked to do something this Nov. 6 that they wouldn't have to bother with, had the late Mr. Headlee not succeeded in attaching his pernicious tax-limiting provision to the state's constitution. The so-called Headlee Amendment was aimed at tying homeowners' property taxes to the rate of inflation; what it mainly succeeded in doing, though, was to tie the hands of city and school officials by throwing monkey wrenches into the budget processes of municipalities and school districts throughout Michigan. Thus, Ferrysburg voters have the choice -- the honor, really -- of overriding another Headlee rollback in Ferrysburg. If it is approved, the proposal would restore 0.3424 mills that would otherwise be cut from the city's operating budget, which would generate a little over $52,000. Cities, which have inflationary pressures of their own to deal with as well as ongoing steep cuts in state-shared revenues in recent years, already have a hard enough time keeping up with just the vital and basic services that their taxpaying residents expect and deserve. We strongly urge a 'YES' vote on Ferrysburg's Headlee override. "

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