Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Monday, March 31, 2008
USA 2008: The Great Depression - Americas, World - The Independent
USA 2008: The Great Depression - Americas, World - The Independent: "Michigan has been in its own mini-recession for years as its collapsing industrial base, particularly in the car industry, has cast more and more out of work. Now, one in eight residents of the state is on food stamps, double the level in 2000. 'We have seen a dramatic increase in recent years, but we have also seen it climbing more in recent months,' Maureen Sorbet, a spokeswoman for Michigan's programme, said. 'It's been increasing steadily. Without the programme, some families and kids would be going without.'"
USA 2008: The Great Depression
USA 2008: The Great Depression
: "The programme is available to people whose earnings are just above the official poverty line. For Hubert Liepnieks, the card is a lifeline he could never afford to lose. Just out of prison, he sleeps in overnight shelters in Manhattan and uses the card at a Morgan Williams supermarket on East 23rd Street. Yesterday, he and his fiancée, Christine Schultz, who is in a wheelchair, shared one banana and a cup of coffee bought with the 82 cents left on it."
: "The programme is available to people whose earnings are just above the official poverty line. For Hubert Liepnieks, the card is a lifeline he could never afford to lose. Just out of prison, he sleeps in overnight shelters in Manhattan and uses the card at a Morgan Williams supermarket on East 23rd Street. Yesterday, he and his fiancée, Christine Schultz, who is in a wheelchair, shared one banana and a cup of coffee bought with the 82 cents left on it."
"Hillary's Bosnia lie may have opened the floodgates. The media now seem to be aggressively fact-checking the tall-tales and fabrications of all the candidates -- and Obama is having a tough week."
"Hillary's Bosnia lie may have opened the floodgates. The media now seem to be aggressively fact-checking the tall-tales and fabrications of all the candidates -- and Obama is having a tough week."
Big plane model to honor Ike Kepford, Muskegon's WWII air ace
Big plane model to honor Ike Kepford, Muskegon's WWII air ace
"A nearly full-size replica of the Navy warplane flown by the late Muskegon air ace Ira 'Ike' Kepford during World War II will be on display on Muskegon's waterfront this summer."
"A nearly full-size replica of the Navy warplane flown by the late Muskegon air ace Ira 'Ike' Kepford during World War II will be on display on Muskegon's waterfront this summer."
Doctors support universal health care: survey
Doctors support universal health care: survey
"More than half of U.S. doctors now favor switching to a national health care plan and fewer than a third oppose the idea, according to a survey published on Monday."
"More than half of U.S. doctors now favor switching to a national health care plan and fewer than a third oppose the idea, according to a survey published on Monday."
The Real Obama::By Ken Blackwell
The Real Obama::By Ken Blackwell:
"Start with national security, since the president’s most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without preconditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong II, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table against terrorists — something no president has ever taken off the table"
"Start with national security, since the president’s most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without preconditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong II, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table against terrorists — something no president has ever taken off the table"
Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide
Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide
.. "the conclusions were not what she expected. 'I hoped that these findings would help me conclude that despite the high degree of identification with whites as a result of the educational and occupational path that black Princeton alumni follow, the alumni would still maintain a certain level of identification with the black community. However, these findings do not support this possibility.'"
.. "the conclusions were not what she expected. 'I hoped that these findings would help me conclude that despite the high degree of identification with whites as a result of the educational and occupational path that black Princeton alumni follow, the alumni would still maintain a certain level of identification with the black community. However, these findings do not support this possibility.'"
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Road agencies turn crumbling roads back to gravel
Road agencies turn crumbling roads back to gravel
"Because of shrinking budgets and a bumper crop of potholes, unpaved sections are cropping up in populated areas, on roads that had been covered with blacktop for decades.
A growing number of county road agencies -- including Kent, Montcalm, and Ionia -- are choosing to grind deteriorating asphalt back to gravel, at least temporarily, until they can do resurfacing this summer. Oceana, Muskegon and other counties are considering it."
"Because of shrinking budgets and a bumper crop of potholes, unpaved sections are cropping up in populated areas, on roads that had been covered with blacktop for decades.
A growing number of county road agencies -- including Kent, Montcalm, and Ionia -- are choosing to grind deteriorating asphalt back to gravel, at least temporarily, until they can do resurfacing this summer. Oceana, Muskegon and other counties are considering it."
Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills
Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills
"Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cash-strapped presidential campaign has been putting off paying hundreds of bills for months — freeing up cash for critical media buys but also earning the campaign a reputation as something of a deadbeat in some small-business circles.
A pair of Ohio companies owed more than $25,000 by Clinton for staging events for her campaign are warning others in the tight-knit event production community — and anyone else who will listen — to get their cash upfront when doing business with her"
"Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cash-strapped presidential campaign has been putting off paying hundreds of bills for months — freeing up cash for critical media buys but also earning the campaign a reputation as something of a deadbeat in some small-business circles.
A pair of Ohio companies owed more than $25,000 by Clinton for staging events for her campaign are warning others in the tight-knit event production community — and anyone else who will listen — to get their cash upfront when doing business with her"
Ballot shortages a continuing problem - Yahoo! News
Ballot shortages a continuing problem - Yahoo! News: "It's a simple question with no simple answer: Why do polling places across America keep running out of ballots when it's no secret that this contentious primary season keeps breaking voter turnout records?"
Best of the Web Today -
Best of the Web Today - "I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community,' Barack Obama said last week about his 'spiritual mentor,' the Rev. Jeremiah 'God Damn America' Wright. But now, CNN reports, Obama is changing his tune. Well, sort of:
In an interview scheduled to air Friday on ABC's 'The View'--excerpts of which aired on CNN on Thursday night--Obama talks about Wright's reaction to the controversy.
'Had the reverend not retired and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were [sic] inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church,' the senator said.
Does this mean he would have left? Or does it mean he would have stayed but felt uncomfortable? And when did Wright apologize? Blogger Tom Maguire undertakes an extensive investigation, and the answer appears to be: Never"
In an interview scheduled to air Friday on ABC's 'The View'--excerpts of which aired on CNN on Thursday night--Obama talks about Wright's reaction to the controversy.
'Had the reverend not retired and had he not acknowledged that what he had said had deeply offended people and were [sic] inappropriate and mischaracterized what I believe is the greatness of this country, for all its flaws, then I wouldn't have felt comfortable staying there at the church,' the senator said.
Does this mean he would have left? Or does it mean he would have stayed but felt uncomfortable? And when did Wright apologize? Blogger Tom Maguire undertakes an extensive investigation, and the answer appears to be: Never"
Toronto Chinese Rally Turns Ugly
Epoch Times Toronto Chinese Rally Turns Ugly: "'Dalai Lama die there!' some Chinese shouted at a group of Tibetans who had gathered across the street from the square to protest. 'Leave Canada!' others urged."
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » ‘21′ Holds Winning Hand At Box Office; ‘Superhero’ Is Superflop; ‘Stop-Loss’ DOA
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » ‘21′ Holds Winning Hand At Box Office; ‘Superhero’ Is Superflop; ‘Stop-Loss’ DOA: "I'm told #7 Stop-Loss opened to only $1.6 million Friday from just 1,291 plays and should eke out $4+M."
"It's not looking good," a studio source told me before the weekend. "No one wants to see Iraq war movies. No matter what we put out there in terms of great cast or trailers, people were completely turned off. It's a function of the marketplace not being ready to address this conflict in a dramatic way because the war itself is something that's unresolved yet. It's a shame because it's a good movie that's just ahead of its time."
"It's not looking good," a studio source told me before the weekend. "No one wants to see Iraq war movies. No matter what we put out there in terms of great cast or trailers, people were completely turned off. It's a function of the marketplace not being ready to address this conflict in a dramatic way because the war itself is something that's unresolved yet. It's a shame because it's a good movie that's just ahead of its time."
Friday, March 28, 2008
Terminal disgrace: Poor training and computer failings to blame for T5 chaos as flights fiasco to last into the weekend| News | This is London
Terminal disgrace: Poor training and computer failings to blame for T5 chaos as flights fiasco to last into the weekend News This is London: "Major blunders so far include:
• A lack of car parking space for baggage handlers arriving for the morning shift yesterday. Many were still driving round the airport looking for somewhere to park as the first passengers were checking in their bags
• A shortage of BAA security staff to let baggage handlers into the terminal"
• A lack of car parking space for baggage handlers arriving for the morning shift yesterday. Many were still driving round the airport looking for somewhere to park as the first passengers were checking in their bags
• A shortage of BAA security staff to let baggage handlers into the terminal"
Potomac Watch -
Potomac Watch - "Her Bosnia misspeak is now serving as proxy for all the truths about the Clintons' non-truths, allowing even liberals to break free from their Clinton dependence."
Hillary's Last Hope -
Hillary's Last Hope - "In other words, Florida Democrats acted as if their primary mattered just as much as other Democrats. By contrast, turnout in Michigan was only 23.7% of Kerry's 2004 vote, and it is an open primary. Michigan Democrats did not act like their primary mattered."
The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid#3380340530600110005
The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid#3380340530600110005: "the Democrats appear to be a party of lawyers. Only lawyers could have invented delegate selection rules as complicated and opaque as the ones the Democrats are struggling under. It also looks like only lawyers have a chance at the Democratic nomination. Harvard Law (Obama) and Yale Law (Clinton) candidates have survived, while University of North Carolina Law (Edwards), Syracuse Law (Biden), and the University of Louisville Law (Dodd) have been eliminated. And lawyers at the DNC Rules Committee will decide what happens next."
Limbaugh safe from voter-fraud charges
Thank God!
This could have been the end of Operation Chaos!
Limbaugh safe from voter-fraud charges: "Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has been telling his audience for days now that he could be indicted for encouraging Ohio Republicans to take a Democratic ballot in the March 4 primary in what he calls 'Operation Chaos.'
Could that actually happen?
Not likely, Ohio officials say."
This could have been the end of Operation Chaos!
Limbaugh safe from voter-fraud charges: "Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has been telling his audience for days now that he could be indicted for encouraging Ohio Republicans to take a Democratic ballot in the March 4 primary in what he calls 'Operation Chaos.'
Could that actually happen?
Not likely, Ohio officials say."
SCORCHED EARTH Charlie Sykes: "If you had a shred of doubt that Hillary wouldn't wage a dead-ender campaign to derail Obama... watch this: questioning Obama's electability; his 'legitimacy' as nominee; and talking about a convention floor fight over delegates."
click link to see the video
click link to see the video
Monday forum to focus on $25 million school bond election -
Monday forum to focus on $25 million school bond election - "If voters approve it in the May 6 election, the school district's taxpayers, who are currently paying off a 2001 bond issue, would continue to pay the current tax rate of 7.27 mills until 2037, 17 years later than the expiration of the current tax.
The additional money generated by the tax extension would pay for improvements to the district's facilities, alleviating some of the strain on the district's finances.
Among the items included in the proposed project are construction of a 48,450-square-foot early childhood center and a new transportation building, renovations to the three school buildings and installation of synthetic turf and additional bleachers at the football stadium"
The additional money generated by the tax extension would pay for improvements to the district's facilities, alleviating some of the strain on the district's finances.
Among the items included in the proposed project are construction of a 48,450-square-foot early childhood center and a new transportation building, renovations to the three school buildings and installation of synthetic turf and additional bleachers at the football stadium"
NAA Reveals Biggest Ad Revenue Plunge in More Than 50 Years
NAA Reveals Biggest Ad Revenue Plunge in More Than 50 Years: "The newspaper industry has experienced the worst drop in advertising revenue in more than 50 years."
Michael Calderone's Blog -
Michael Calderone's Blog - "While I'm all for transparency on blogs, and have made mistakes corrected by readers, it's remarkable that Think Progress would allege that the Republican nominee for president plagiarized a speech without putting the two speeches before the campaign for comment. Or, apparently, checking the candidate's website first"
Personal income rises, inflation moderates
Personal income rises, inflation moderates
"U.S. personal income rose more than expected in February as the economy teetered on the brink of a recession, while both personal spending and a key price measure increased only slightly, a government report showed on Friday."
"U.S. personal income rose more than expected in February as the economy teetered on the brink of a recession, while both personal spending and a key price measure increased only slightly, a government report showed on Friday."
Troubled neighborhood store to change hands
Troubled neighborhood store to change hands
"The market at 1149 Wood was the scene of 106 police calls during 2007, Kleibecker said, and if allowed to remain open, 'will only continue to drain police resources.'"
"The market at 1149 Wood was the scene of 106 police calls during 2007, Kleibecker said, and if allowed to remain open, 'will only continue to drain police resources.'"
Poll: Nearly half of Detroiters say mayor should resign
Poll: Nearly half of Detroiters say mayor should resign: "A new poll shows nearly half of Detroit residents surveyed say Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick should resign because of perjury and other charges he faces after the release of sexually charged text messages between Kilpatrick and a top aide."
Census report: Motown lost more people than any city
Census report: Motown lost more people than any city: "Detroit lost more than three times as many people as any other metro area -- its population declined more than 27,300"
Granholm signs levy zoo tax bill
Granholm signs levy zoo tax bill: "Gov. Jennifer Granholm has signed legislation allowing voters in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties to decide whether to use a property tax to help fund the Detroit Zoo.
The measure gives counties the power to form zoological authorities that will seek voter approval of a tax to support local zoos."
The measure gives counties the power to form zoological authorities that will seek voter approval of a tax to support local zoos."
Gore's Message To Climate Change Skeptics, Tells 60 Minutes That Doubting Global Warming Is Man-Made Is Akin To Believing Earth Is Flat
Gore's Message To Climate Change Skeptics, Tells 60 Minutes That Doubting Global Warming Is Man-Made Is Akin To Believing Earth Is Flat
"Al Gore says those who still doubt that global warming is caused by man - among them, Vice President Dick Cheney - are acting like the fringe groups who think the 1969 moon landing never really happened, or who once believed the world is flat."
"Al Gore says those who still doubt that global warming is caused by man - among them, Vice President Dick Cheney - are acting like the fringe groups who think the 1969 moon landing never really happened, or who once believed the world is flat."
Tri-Valley's leaders lash out

I'm a fan of charter schools but these MEAP scores tell a pretty sad story.
Grade 7
Reading 60% have not met standards
Writing 86.7% have not met standards
Math 86.7% have not met standards
There doesn't seem to much educating going on at Tri-Valley
Too bad the Chronicle chose to keep these scores out of the article.
Tri-Valley's leaders lash out
"Tri-Valley board President Nelson Miller said GVSU's actions amounted to lack of support for Tri-Valley's low-income and minority children. Miller said he plans to report GVSU's charter schools office to the university's vice president for inclusion and equity.
'GVSU has not lived up to its commitment to diversity,' Miller said. 'My concern is that the charter schools office shows a correlation between poverty and student achievement, and it has chosen not to serve children on that basis.
'We have done what is appropriate to educate the children, and I think we should have a conversation on that.'"
"Tri-Valley board President Nelson Miller said GVSU's actions amounted to lack of support for Tri-Valley's low-income and minority children. Miller said he plans to report GVSU's charter schools office to the university's vice president for inclusion and equity.
'GVSU has not lived up to its commitment to diversity,' Miller said. 'My concern is that the charter schools office shows a correlation between poverty and student achievement, and it has chosen not to serve children on that basis.
'We have done what is appropriate to educate the children, and I think we should have a conversation on that.'"
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hillary's Minister Problem

"If you've never heard of The Fellowship (also known as The Family), it will sound like some shadowy organization in a John Grisham novel. (Indeed, as a Google search will demonstrate, critics consider it a cult.) The group was formed in the 1930s to minister to political and business leaders throughout the world, modeling itself as a kind of Christian Trilateral Commission."
NM school leaders get praises, raises - Muskegon Chronicle -
NM school leaders get praises, raises - Muskegon Chronicle - "Weaver's evaluation was completed last week during a closed meeting of the board of education. Using a scale of 'commendable,' 'meets expectations,' and 'requires improvement,' he received 'commendable' ratings in the areas of relationships with the board, community relations and personal and job performance qualities. He received 'meets expectations' in the categories of business and finances, and superintendent-staff relations."
New Montague superintendent gets high marks
What a wonderful "rainbow" of specific areas!
I was kinda lookin' for another "specific area".....
..... like, maybe......
......"kids gettin' edjukated".....
Like an adult analysis of how the Superintendent is delivering his most important product.
An educated child!
I guess not too important when the, obviously, real goal is to impress his employees, the teacher union members.
Imagine a company that employed this same analysis...... oh, the Big 3 auto unions of so many years ago......
... and how well that worked!
New Montague superintendent gets high marks
"Based on a written evaluation submitted by the school board as a whole, high marks were issued in the six specific areas of his job --
board and superintendent relationships,
superintendent/staff relationships,
community relations,
business and finance,
educational leadership
and long-range planning.
The board approved the evaluation Monday."
I was kinda lookin' for another "specific area".....
..... like, maybe......
......"kids gettin' edjukated".....
Like an adult analysis of how the Superintendent is delivering his most important product.
An educated child!
I guess not too important when the, obviously, real goal is to impress his employees, the teacher union members.
Imagine a company that employed this same analysis...... oh, the Big 3 auto unions of so many years ago......
... and how well that worked!
New Montague superintendent gets high marks
"Based on a written evaluation submitted by the school board as a whole, high marks were issued in the six specific areas of his job --
board and superintendent relationships,
superintendent/staff relationships,
community relations,
business and finance,
educational leadership
and long-range planning.
The board approved the evaluation Monday."
Muskegon Film Festival declines because of global cooling?

Muskegon had an event in the winter and the apologists at The Chronicle blame the lousy attendance on inept publicity and one day of Michigan winter?
How 'bout the idiotic lack of convenient parking and the Chernobyl-like atmosphere of the few parking areas available?
Film Festival on track?
"Plenty of time to get film fest on track.
The numbers are in for the Muskegon Film Festival, which has become a hallmark winter attraction. The numbers weren't good, but the good news is, there's plenty of time to get things back on track for the next fest.
For the second year in a row, attendance has dropped for the independent film exhibit, which takes place at the Frauenthal Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Muskegon. The 2,000 in attendance this year was not an improvement over the approximately same number who attended in 2007. Those figures represent a big drop-off from the film fest's best year in 2006 and 2005 when the numbers were almost double.
It seemed then as if the festival was about to take off, but the attendance falloff has dashed such hopes. Nonetheless, the show will go on, according to organizers: 'Our plan is to keep going. We're already jumping on it. Our intention is to have one,' Mat Moore, the fest's president, told The Chronicle.
Part of the problem may be that the festival committee was hampered by a lack of publicity compelling enough to convince fans to come out in what was, at least for one of the dates, really rotten winter weather better for staying home and popping in a DVD. Organizers are looking at moving the festival to a nicer season, perhaps in June. Whatever works, we say."
How 'bout the idiotic lack of convenient parking and the Chernobyl-like atmosphere of the few parking areas available?
Film Festival on track?
"Plenty of time to get film fest on track.
The numbers are in for the Muskegon Film Festival, which has become a hallmark winter attraction. The numbers weren't good, but the good news is, there's plenty of time to get things back on track for the next fest.
For the second year in a row, attendance has dropped for the independent film exhibit, which takes place at the Frauenthal Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Muskegon. The 2,000 in attendance this year was not an improvement over the approximately same number who attended in 2007. Those figures represent a big drop-off from the film fest's best year in 2006 and 2005 when the numbers were almost double.
It seemed then as if the festival was about to take off, but the attendance falloff has dashed such hopes. Nonetheless, the show will go on, according to organizers: 'Our plan is to keep going. We're already jumping on it. Our intention is to have one,' Mat Moore, the fest's president, told The Chronicle.
Part of the problem may be that the festival committee was hampered by a lack of publicity compelling enough to convince fans to come out in what was, at least for one of the dates, really rotten winter weather better for staying home and popping in a DVD. Organizers are looking at moving the festival to a nicer season, perhaps in June. Whatever works, we say."
Obama to double capital gains tax?

Ben Smith's Blog: "“Right now, as you know, the cap gains tax is at 15 percent. He has yet to give us a specific number. How high he wants that number to go? He has said, and he told me today, that he won't go above 28 percent. So we are talking about the possibility of a doubling in the capital gains tax. He was averaging at about 25 percent.”"
The Truth About the Tuskegee Study

If we're going to have a discussion on "race in America" maybe we ought to get the accurate facts.
The Truth About Tuskegee: "Anthropologist Richard Shweder of the University of Chicago has just published a detailed analysis of the Tuskegee study in which he shows that virtually every popular assumption about it is false. (Tuskegee re-examined, January 8, 2004)"
the original article is here:
the original article is here:
funnies from Lucianne News Forum:
"Clinton Insists Dems Race Is a ‘Long Way’
From Over, Looks Toward Convention
We can't wait for her arrival in Denver. Talk about a corkscrew landing under sniper fire!!"
Schultz response.
GOP Looks to ‘McCain Democrats'
Number crunchers show there are more McCainocrats than Obamacans.
"Clinton Insists Dems Race Is a ‘Long Way’
From Over, Looks Toward Convention
We can't wait for her arrival in Denver. Talk about a corkscrew landing under sniper fire!!"
Schultz response.
GOP Looks to ‘McCain Democrats'
Number crunchers show there are more McCainocrats than Obamacans.
American Axle chief: Jobs can be moved

Are Michigan's Big Union bosses going to bring us back to our own permanent depression?
'We are fighting for the absolute survival of AAM in America,' Dauch said in an interview one month after a walkout by 3,600 hourly workers at AAM plants in Michigan and New York.
'We have the flexibility to source all of our business to other locations around the world, and we have the right to do so,' Dauch said, in a not-so-veiled threat. AAM has plants in Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia.
'We will not be forced into bankruptcy in order to reach a market-competitive cost structure in the United States. If we cannot compete for new contracts in the U.S., there will be no work in the original plants,' Dauch said, referring to operations in Detroit, Three Rivers and in the New York towns of Tonawanda and Cheektowaga."
'We have the flexibility to source all of our business to other locations around the world, and we have the right to do so,' Dauch said, in a not-so-veiled threat. AAM has plants in Mexico, South America, Europe and Asia.
'We will not be forced into bankruptcy in order to reach a market-competitive cost structure in the United States. If we cannot compete for new contracts in the U.S., there will be no work in the original plants,' Dauch said, referring to operations in Detroit, Three Rivers and in the New York towns of Tonawanda and Cheektowaga."
Investigation at MSU exonerates 2 student groups
Investigation at MSU exonerates 2 student groups: "But a 126-page report from the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives, which was released to accused and accusers alike last week and obtained Tuesday by the Lansing State Journal with student names redacted, said the alleged conduct, 'even if true, does not meet the level of actionable harassment or discrimination contemplated by the courts.'"
A victory against voter fraud?

The way I read this is that voters in Michigan primary elections will have total secrecy.
No party or other entity will have the list of primary voters.
No one will have a list of voters to give to phony "No ID required" scab-voters.
Michigan primary voter info law struck down:
"A federal judge on Wednesday struck down a Michigan law that allowed only the Republican and Democratic parties access to voter information from the state's Jan. 15 presidential primary."
No party or other entity will have the list of primary voters.
No one will have a list of voters to give to phony "No ID required" scab-voters.
Michigan primary voter info law struck down:
"A federal judge on Wednesday struck down a Michigan law that allowed only the Republican and Democratic parties access to voter information from the state's Jan. 15 presidential primary."
Obama-The impotence of Power
The impotence of Power: "I think you'll find it to be most illuminating. I think that Power's answers serve as a window into far more than just the foreign policy positions of the Obama campaign. The listener should come away with a clear view of the mindset which seems to be present in many of the people that surround the candidate.
This is a good description of the program. I would add only that the final 15 minutes of the program, when Morris corners Power, really provide the payoff. Audio of the show is accessible here."
This is a good description of the program. I would add only that the final 15 minutes of the program, when Morris corners Power, really provide the payoff. Audio of the show is accessible here."
"Diamond water paradox"

The Volokh Conspiracy - -:
"Oddly enough, the objectively reasonable price is always above what the buyers paid for it, after commissions.
The Abbotts paid $583,425 for their house last April. The market in Las Vegas has tanked since then, with prices down 20% from January 2007 to January 2008, according to the Case-Schiller index. I don't think it's the buyers who aren't being realistic. More generally, as famously explained via the solution to the 'diamond water paradox,' the value an item has in the marketplace is solely what the highest bidder is willing to pay, based on subjective valuation"
"Oddly enough, the objectively reasonable price is always above what the buyers paid for it, after commissions.
The Abbotts paid $583,425 for their house last April. The market in Las Vegas has tanked since then, with prices down 20% from January 2007 to January 2008, according to the Case-Schiller index. I don't think it's the buyers who aren't being realistic. More generally, as famously explained via the solution to the 'diamond water paradox,' the value an item has in the marketplace is solely what the highest bidder is willing to pay, based on subjective valuation"
AT&T CEO says hard to find skilled U.S. workers

AT&T CEO says hard to find skilled U.S. workers
"Stephenson said he is especially distressed that in some U.S. communities and among certain groups, the high school dropout rate is as high as 50 percent.
'If I had a business that half the product we turned out was defective or you couldn't put into the marketplace, I would shut that business down,' he said."
"Stephenson said he is especially distressed that in some U.S. communities and among certain groups, the high school dropout rate is as high as 50 percent.
'If I had a business that half the product we turned out was defective or you couldn't put into the marketplace, I would shut that business down,' he said."
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Saddam Paid for Lawmakers' Iraq Trip
Saddam Paid for Lawmakers' Iraq Trip: "the dates correspond to a trip by Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California."
Big Belly Boosts Risk of Later Dementia

That's got to end AlGore's hopes for President.
Big Belly Boosts Risk of Later Dementia: "Having a big belly in your 40s can boost your risk of getting Alzheimer's disease or other dementia decades later, a new study suggests."
Big Belly Boosts Risk of Later Dementia: "Having a big belly in your 40s can boost your risk of getting Alzheimer's disease or other dementia decades later, a new study suggests."
Millennium Park plan calls for 12,000-seat amphitheater

Loot the "rainy day fund"?
I thought the state was out of money?
Millennium Park plan calls for 12,000-seat amphitheater
"All the planned 12,000- to 14,000-seat amphitheater in Millennium Park needs is financial help from Lansing."
"All the planned 12,000- to 14,000-seat amphitheater in Millennium Park needs is financial help from Lansing."
Lawmakers in Lansing are being asked for a $10 million outlay, .... and possibly bond funds making up costs not covered by the state.
But bringing home the bacon might prove difficult, since the project and millions of dollars in other similar requests are being tied to using money from the state's budget stabilization, or "rainy day" fund.
But bringing home the bacon might prove difficult, since the project and millions of dollars in other similar requests are being tied to using money from the state's budget stabilization, or "rainy day" fund.
Enviro-Harassment "'Let me say it plainly: The environmental movement has been taken over by anti-capitalist radicals who are using it to wage war against capitalism and campaign for liberal Democrats,' he said. 'Protecting the environment is now number three, or lower, on their list of priorities.'"
Muskegon city income tax

I won't get into a city income tax vs. increased property tax vs. new business taxes/fees vs. increased spending on grant writers/lobbyists or other begging-for-money- from- government schemes.
Though that would be an interesting subject.
A city income tax has one benefit, increased revenue.
It is critical that revenue be thoughtfully invested or the net result for a city will be negative.
As it has been for Muskegon.
Unfortunately, there are some serious negatives that arrive with a new or increased city income tax.
(Read the rest of this in the "comments section")
Though that would be an interesting subject.
A city income tax has one benefit, increased revenue.
It is critical that revenue be thoughtfully invested or the net result for a city will be negative.
As it has been for Muskegon.
Unfortunately, there are some serious negatives that arrive with a new or increased city income tax.
(Read the rest of this in the "comments section")
"Tonya Harding" option?

Political Punch: "She will have to 'break his back,' the official said. She will have to destroy Obama, make Obama completely unacceptable.
'Her securing the nomination is certainly possible - but it will require exercising the 'Tonya Harding option.'' the official said. 'Is that really what we Democrats want?'"
'Her securing the nomination is certainly possible - but it will require exercising the 'Tonya Harding option.'' the official said. 'Is that really what we Democrats want?'"
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Hillary on 60 Minutes: 'Voters Are Tired of People Who Lie to Them'

This is precious!
"Now that the major media have acknowledged en masse that Hillary Clinton lied shamelessly about landing in Bosnia to sniper fire, it seemed like the right moment to remember Mrs. Clinton’s claims about honesty and truthfulness in the famous Steve Kroft 60 Minutes interview in 1992 – not the part that aired in 1992, mind you, but a different set of snippets that aired on February 1, 1998, twelve days after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke."
New warnings about entitlements shortfall
New warnings about entitlements shortfall
"Trustees for the government's two biggest benefit programs warned Tuesday that Social Security and Medicare are facing 'enormous challenges,' with the threat to Medicare's solvency far more severe.
The trustees, issuing a once-a-year analysis, said the resources in the Social Security trust fund will be depleted by 2041.
The reserves in the Medicare trust fund that pays hospital benefits were projected to be wiped out by 2019."
"Trustees for the government's two biggest benefit programs warned Tuesday that Social Security and Medicare are facing 'enormous challenges,' with the threat to Medicare's solvency far more severe.
The trustees, issuing a once-a-year analysis, said the resources in the Social Security trust fund will be depleted by 2041.
The reserves in the Medicare trust fund that pays hospital benefits were projected to be wiped out by 2019."
"Since when can’t a vet return to his own high school and talk about his service to his country?
I’ll let Hegseth have the last word: “Are we saying that patriotism and duty and honor have no place in our public schools?”"
"Since when can’t a vet return to his own high school and talk about his service to his country?
I’ll let Hegseth have the last word: “Are we saying that patriotism and duty and honor have no place in our public schools?”"
Jobless rates up in Muskegon, Ottawa, across state
Jobless rates up in Muskegon, Ottawa, across state
"The employment picture worsened in all 17 of Michigan's major labor markets as jobless rates increased from December to January.
Muskegon County and other West Michigan counties followed the trend. The January unemployment rate in Muskegon County was 7.5 percent, up from 7 percent in December and 7.3 percent a year ago."
"The employment picture worsened in all 17 of Michigan's major labor markets as jobless rates increased from December to January.
Muskegon County and other West Michigan counties followed the trend. The January unemployment rate in Muskegon County was 7.5 percent, up from 7 percent in December and 7.3 percent a year ago."
Study: Great Lakes 'salties' ban may create jobs - Muskegon Chronicle -
Study: Great Lakes 'salties' ban may create jobs - Muskegon Chronicle - "the notion of barring them from the Seaway is 'absurd,' said Terry Johnson, Jr., administrator of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp.
'The premise is that we would somehow abrogate a 100-year-old treaty with one of our largest trading partners and neighbor to the North, and that's just not going to happen,' Johnson said. 'This (study) is a paper exercise"
'The premise is that we would somehow abrogate a 100-year-old treaty with one of our largest trading partners and neighbor to the North, and that's just not going to happen,' Johnson said. 'This (study) is a paper exercise"
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Power of Cook County, Illinois

Vote early and often in Cook county...... a treasured tradition!
"In the race for the most popular votes in the Democratic Party's presidential primary contests, Sen. Barack Obama's lead over Sen. Hillary Clinton is about 711,000 votes -- not including Florida or Michigan -- according to Real Clear Politics.
Of Sen. Obama's 711,000 popular-vote lead, 650,000 -- or more than 90% of the total margin -- comes from Sen. Obama's home state of Illinois, with 429,000 of that lead coming from his home base of Cook County.
That margin in Cook County represents almost 60% of Obama's total lead nationwide.
Interestingly, Sen. Obama's 429,000-vote margin in Cook County alone is larger than the winning margin of either candidate in any state.
Chicago Dems still know how to support their candidates better than anyone else in the country..."
Of Sen. Obama's 711,000 popular-vote lead, 650,000 -- or more than 90% of the total margin -- comes from Sen. Obama's home state of Illinois, with 429,000 of that lead coming from his home base of Cook County.
That margin in Cook County represents almost 60% of Obama's total lead nationwide.
Interestingly, Sen. Obama's 429,000-vote margin in Cook County alone is larger than the winning margin of either candidate in any state.
Chicago Dems still know how to support their candidates better than anyone else in the country..."
Victor Davis Hanson on Wrong on Wright on National Review Online

The story the MSM won't report.
"Over the past four days, I asked seven or eight random (Asian, Mexican-American, and working-class white) Americans in southern California what they thought of Obama’s candidacy — and framed the question with, “Don’t you think that was a good speech?” The answers, without exception, were essentially: “Forget the speech. I would never vote for Obama after listening to Wright.” In some cases, the reaction was not mild disappointment, but unprintable outrage."
Women, Want a Healthy Marriage? Marry Man Uglier Than You, Study Says
Lib whine-fest over Rush's "Operation Chaos"

This is good lib-squooshie
Opinion - "Writer: 'Limbaugh undermines American values'
March 24, 2008
I am appalled by Rush Limbaugh's shameless appeal to his listeners to intentionally throw the democratic process in the primaries.
Limbaugh believes that Hillary Clinton would lose to John McCain, while Obama could beat McCain. In order to keep Obama out of the election in November, he wants to set up a false win for Clinton in the primaries.
He encouraged his Republican listeners to register as Democrats then vote for Clinton in the primaries in order to undermine Obama. While I do not necessarily support Obama, I do support fair-play and honesty.
It is despicable to cast votes that are outright lies in order to further a political agenda."
March 24, 2008
I am appalled by Rush Limbaugh's shameless appeal to his listeners to intentionally throw the democratic process in the primaries.
Limbaugh believes that Hillary Clinton would lose to John McCain, while Obama could beat McCain. In order to keep Obama out of the election in November, he wants to set up a false win for Clinton in the primaries.
He encouraged his Republican listeners to register as Democrats then vote for Clinton in the primaries in order to undermine Obama. While I do not necessarily support Obama, I do support fair-play and honesty.
It is despicable to cast votes that are outright lies in order to further a political agenda."
Deepening Democratic Dilemma

Deepening Democratic Dilemma: "Over the last week, I have been repeatedly asked by non-political people about Obama's connection with Wright's tirade. In the process, Obama's political persona has been altered -- transformed, as described by one friendly Chicago politician, from Harvard Law Review to South Side activist."
Obama racial issues may extend to Pa.

Obama racial issues may extend to Pa. - Carrie Budoff Brown - "Stephanie Gill, a bartender in a white working-class neighborhood, noticed the shift immediately.
A week ago, her customers at Rauchut’s Tavern in Tacony didn’t have much to say about Barack Obama. But when she returned to work Wednesday, a day after the Illinois senator attempted to quell the furor over his pastor’s racially incendiary remarks, the reaction inside the corner bar was raw and unapologetic.
“People are not happy with Obama,” Gill said. “It’s the race stuff.”
A week ago, her customers at Rauchut’s Tavern in Tacony didn’t have much to say about Barack Obama. But when she returned to work Wednesday, a day after the Illinois senator attempted to quell the furor over his pastor’s racially incendiary remarks, the reaction inside the corner bar was raw and unapologetic.
“People are not happy with Obama,” Gill said. “It’s the race stuff.”
If It's Intentional, Is It Malpractice?

If It's Intentional, Is It Malpractice?: "Over the last five years, we have witnessed something remarkable: our principal news media outlets have fabricated an alternative reality around the Iraq war by simply misreporting the facts. They have done this in order to advance their own political agenda. It is really quite extraordinary; someone should write a book about it."
Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick charged with perjury, obstruction, misconduct

Jeepers, no mention of his political party!
He must be one of those crooked, pervert Republicans...... right?
"Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, a one-time rising star and Detroit's youngest elected leader, was charged Monday with perjury and other counts after sexually explicit text messages contradicted his sworn denials of an affair with a top aide"
NATIONAL JOURNAL: 2007 Vote Ratings (03/07/2008)

The most liberal senator in the US Senate!
Compiled by a lefty magazine, no less!
NATIONAL JOURNAL: 2007 Vote Ratings (03/07/2008): "Senate Liberal Scores"
Michigan population drops .3%

Michigan population drops .3%: "Michigan still is shrinking.
The state's population dropped 30,500 people, or 0.3 percent, to 10.07 million residents from July 2006 to July 2007, according to population estimates released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau."
The state's population dropped 30,500 people, or 0.3 percent, to 10.07 million residents from July 2006 to July 2007, according to population estimates released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau."
Sidewalk claims cost Flint $1.3M since 1999
Your taxdollars at work in Flint!
I wonder just where they got the $1.3M....and where the federal block grant moolah went....
Sidewalk claims cost Flint $1.3M since 1999: "Flint used to spend about $250,000 annually on sidewalk repairs. But the federal block grant money earmarked for the fixes hasn't been used, or was spent elsewhere, in recent years"
I wonder just where they got the $1.3M....and where the federal block grant moolah went....
Sidewalk claims cost Flint $1.3M since 1999: "Flint used to spend about $250,000 annually on sidewalk repairs. But the federal block grant money earmarked for the fixes hasn't been used, or was spent elsewhere, in recent years"
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Obama's promise of a new majority, and the question it prompts
Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Why Our Children Isn't Learning
Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Why Our Children Isn't Learning: "To soothe the bruised egos of educators and children in lackluster schools, Massachusetts officials are now pushing for kinder, gentler euphemisms for failure.
Instead of calling these schools 'underperforming,' the Board of Education is considering labeling them as 'Commonwealth priority,' to avoid poisoning teacher and student morale."
Instead of calling these schools 'underperforming,' the Board of Education is considering labeling them as 'Commonwealth priority,' to avoid poisoning teacher and student morale."
Granholm's budget based on bogus studies!
GOP against some of Granholm's budget
"Granholm wants to borrow money to create up to 100 smaller, more intimate high schools that would have no more than 400 students each. A quarter of Michigan's high schools have failed to meet goals mandated by the federal No Child Left Behind Act for at least two years, and Granholm said studies show smaller schools have better results."
"Granholm wants to borrow money to create up to 100 smaller, more intimate high schools that would have no more than 400 students each. A quarter of Michigan's high schools have failed to meet goals mandated by the federal No Child Left Behind Act for at least two years, and Granholm said studies show smaller schools have better results."
Curbing soot 'may blunt global warming' | The Daily Telegraph
Maybe cooking inside the house with poop ought to be "dis-incentivised"?
Maybe they need a McDonalds?
Curbing soot 'may blunt global warming' The Daily Telegraph: "Each year, more than 400,000 deaths among women and children in India alone, and 1.6 million worldwide, are attributed to smoke inhalation during indoor cooking using biofuels such as wood or dung,"
Maybe they need a McDonalds?
Curbing soot 'may blunt global warming' The Daily Telegraph: "Each year, more than 400,000 deaths among women and children in India alone, and 1.6 million worldwide, are attributed to smoke inhalation during indoor cooking using biofuels such as wood or dung,"
EU parliament Pres. says Olympics boycott should be considered

What brave folks, those EU leaders!
Not many other choices when you have no military.
EU parliament Pres. says Olympics boycott should be considered
"A boycott of this summer's Beijing Olympic Games should be considered if China does not re-evaluate its actions in Tibet, the president of the European Parliament said in an interview to be published in a German newspaper on Sunday."
EU parliament Pres. says Olympics boycott should be considered
"A boycott of this summer's Beijing Olympic Games should be considered if China does not re-evaluate its actions in Tibet, the president of the European Parliament said in an interview to be published in a German newspaper on Sunday."
Darfur peacekeeping force at risk of failing, already - International Herald Tribune
This is what the UN brings to the needy today......NOTHING!
Darfur peacekeeping force at risk of failing, already
"As Darfur smolders in the aftermath of a new government offensive, a long-sought peacekeeping force, expected to be the world's largest, is in danger of failing even before it begins its mission because of bureaucratic delays, stonewalling by the Sudanese government and reluctance from troop-contributing countries to send peacekeeping forces into an active conflict."
Darfur peacekeeping force at risk of failing, already
"As Darfur smolders in the aftermath of a new government offensive, a long-sought peacekeeping force, expected to be the world's largest, is in danger of failing even before it begins its mission because of bureaucratic delays, stonewalling by the Sudanese government and reluctance from troop-contributing countries to send peacekeeping forces into an active conflict."
Happy Easter! Chocolate bunnies, eggs and all...
Junkfood Science: Happy Easter! Chocolate bunnies, eggs and all...: "Hope today is a joyous one for all.
Just why do bunnies lay eggs on Easter. :)"
Just why do bunnies lay eggs on Easter. :)"
Teachers at war with parents and children

Given the proven failure of public schools, this is pretty disgusting.
"A California court ruled this month that parents cannot 'home school' their children without government certification. No teaching credential, no teaching. Parents 'do not have a constitutional right to home school their children,' wrote California appellate Justice Walter Croskey."
The case was initiated by the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services after a home-schooled child reportedly complained of physical abuse by his father. A lawyer assigned to two of the family's eight children invoked the truancy law to get the children enrolled in a public school and away from their parents. So a single case of parental abuse is being used to promote the registration of all parents who crack a book for their kids. If this strikes some readers as a tad East German, we know how you feel."
Immigrants over citizens in Canada?

The Calgary Sun - Deal-breaker: "AIDS Calgary told Kaufmann about 22% of their clients are immigrants, and a spokeswoman there acknowledged there might be a backlash from Canadians worried about this added burden on an already beleaguered public health-care system.
Well, no kidding.
Let the backlash begin and let it not be sidetracked by the inevitable, mindless, sentimental blathering about compassion and moral responsibility to others that this debate will engender.
I've got loads of compassion.
You know who I feel sorry for?
I feel sorry for the senior whose declining years are reduced to a pain-filled prison because she can't get a hip replacement in timely fashion because there's not enough money or efficiency in the health-care system."
Well, no kidding.
Let the backlash begin and let it not be sidetracked by the inevitable, mindless, sentimental blathering about compassion and moral responsibility to others that this debate will engender.
I've got loads of compassion.
You know who I feel sorry for?
I feel sorry for the senior whose declining years are reduced to a pain-filled prison because she can't get a hip replacement in timely fashion because there's not enough money or efficiency in the health-care system."
I-35W bridge-stlye healthcare for America?

These same folks want to take over our healthcare system?
Old photos show flaws in steel of I-35W bridge: "Two crucial gusset plate connections on the Interstate 35W bridge were visibly deformed at least four years before the structure collapsed, according to photographs newly released by the National Transportation Safety Board."
Purim Headlines
from volokh:
Purim Headlines: "we at Jewlarious began to wonder what the Jewish world would look like if it was indeed upside down. If you picked up the newspaper, you might find something like this."
It's a record year for snowfall -but.....

Wouldn't it be interesting to see just how "they" (who are "they") determined it was a record snowfall for the entire state?
Typical MSM "news" article.
It's a record year for snowfall -
"It's just as you suspected - this has been the snowiest winter ever in the Ann Arbor area, or at least since 1880 when record-keeping started."
"It's just as you suspected - this has been the snowiest winter ever in the Ann Arbor area, or at least since 1880 when record-keeping started."
Vermont court to decide if unpopular prison food is punishment

Vermont court to decide if unpopular prison food is punishment: "A federal judge in Michigan ruled 20 years ago that feeding the stuff to prison inmates amounted to punishment."
In Easter Sermon, New Obama Pastor Charges Rev. Wright Victim of ‘Lynching’

How dare that traitorous replacement for B Hussein's "spiritual leader" compare the evil of lynching to criticism of his evil words!
In Easter Sermon, New Obama Pastor Charges Rev. Wright Victim of ‘Lynching’ - America’s Election HQ: "Moss did not directly mention his spiritual mentor by name, but implied to the congregation at Trinity United Church of Christ that Wright, who has delivered sermons in which he likened the U.S. to the Ku Klux Klan and said it is damned for its state-sponsored terrorism, is facing the same challenges Jesus did."
Report: Border gridlock hurts economy
Report: Border gridlock hurts economy: "'There's an obsession with China around the globe,' Austin said. 'We do more trade with Canada in one day than we do over weeks and months with China.'"
One last concert for brave Muskegon woman
One last concert for brave Muskegon woman: "So why is this concert so special for Jessica? It's the first time she's seen Matt Nathanson face to face.
And it will be one of the last times she hears him."
And it will be one of the last times she hears him."
Watch out, nation! Neitzel, Spartans playing best basketball of the season
Saturday, March 22, 2008 || Keeping Michigan in the Dark: What do the House Democrats have to hide? Keeping Michigan in the Dark: What do the House Democrats have to hide?: "Yesterday Attorney General Mike Cox joined House Republicans in calling on Andy Dillon and his tax-hike caucus to give Republican 'sunshine' legislation an up or down vote on the floor of the House. Bills were drafted last year and have been languishing in committee ever since without so much as a hearing.
Simply put, the legislation would put all state government spending on a publicly accessible web site. When the Dems tell us they need more of our cash it only stands to reason that they explain precisely where it's going and why."
Simply put, the legislation would put all state government spending on a publicly accessible web site. When the Dems tell us they need more of our cash it only stands to reason that they explain precisely where it's going and why."
Edwards unlikely to endorse - David Paul Kuhn -

The Breck guy is runnin' for the 2012 nomination!
Edwards unlikely to endorse
"John Edwards is unlikely to endorse either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton before the nomination is decided, according to interviews with several members of the former candidate's inner circle."
"John Edwards is unlikely to endorse either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton before the nomination is decided, according to interviews with several members of the former candidate's inner circle."
Clinton ally calls Richardson "Judas"

So nice to see Mrs Bill is surrounded by such sensitive folks.
Richardson Backs Obama
“An act of betrayal,” said James Carville, an adviser to Mrs. Clinton and a friend of Mr. Clinton.
“Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic,” Mr. Carville said, referring to Holy Week."
“An act of betrayal,” said James Carville, an adviser to Mrs. Clinton and a friend of Mr. Clinton.
“Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic,” Mr. Carville said, referring to Holy Week."
Taking Christ out of Christianity

Why go to a "Christian" church if you don't want Christ?
No wonder "churches" are in trouble.
"That triumphal barnburner of an Easter hymn, Jesus Christ Has Risen Today - Hallelujah, this morning will rock the walls of Toronto's West Hill United Church as it will in most Christian churches across the country.
But at West Hill on the faith's holiest day, it will be done with a huge difference. The words 'Jesus Christ' will be excised from what the congregation sings and replaced with 'Glorious hope.'"
But at West Hill on the faith's holiest day, it will be done with a huge difference. The words 'Jesus Christ' will be excised from what the congregation sings and replaced with 'Glorious hope.'"
S.F. deficit grows to projected $338 million

We're not San Francisco .... yet.
But cities and states have yet to face up to the fact that too many are essentially insolvent.
Say "bye bye" to your jobs, city and state workers.
S.F. deficit grows to projected $338 million: "City officials will likely order significant layoffs, cut programs and increase various fees to close the gap."
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