CARPE DIEM: CEOs: Best and Worst States to Do Business
"Texas, North Carolina, Florida Top List as Best States;
California, New York, Michigan Are the Worst"
And our union-owned democrooks in Michigan are gonna keep it that way!
One CEO said, “Michigan and California literally need to do a 180 if they are ever to become competitive again. California has huge advantages with its size, quality of work force, particularly in high tech, as well as the quality of life and climate advantages of the state. However, it is an absolute regulatory and tax disaster, as is Michigan.”
MP: What do the top 9 states (TX, NC, FL, GA, TN, NV, VA, AZ and SC) have in common? What do the bottom 7 states (CA, NY, MI, NJ, MA, IL, and OH) have in common?
Check map here to find out."
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