theblogprof: TEA PARTY Protest Breaks Out As Barney Frank (D-Fannie Mae) Comes To Talk To Michigan Democrats (with video)
"TEA PARTY Protest Breaks Out As Barney Frank (D-Fannie Mae) Comes To Talk To Michigan Democrats (with video)
With Michigan being in the state that it is in - highest unemployment in the nation for 40 straight months, in a perpetual budget hole due to Democrat tax and spend policies that necessitated a short state shutdown (again), it was only appropriate that Democrats brought in Barney Frank to speak at their dinner yesterday in Troy, MI.
Especially since Democrats in the state have proposed this 5-point program to lift Michigan back into prosperity:
Hiking the minimum wage to $10 an hour for all workers.
Imposing a blanket moratorium on home foreclosures for 12 months.
Cutting utility rates 20% across the board.
Requiring all employers to provide health care to their employees.
Hiking, by $100 a week, and extending, for six months, unemployment benefits.
And no, that's not a joke. About 600 Democrats came to the dinner."
1 comment:
We need to generate more jobs and dont do the things more difficult for who gives the jobs.
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