Editorial: Share the pain
"Isn’t there any other way?
The best way to save jobs is not the tax hike ideas floated by Mayor George Heartwell and a local police union leader.
At least not yet.
Before putting that option to a skeptical public, city employees should look at sharing the pain.
Everyone, from the rank and file to those at the top, should consider modest, reasonable pay cuts to save many jobs, especially police and firefighters.
This suggestion is not made lightly or without regard to personal sacrifice.
If the state’s economy were roaring and pay rising, this wouldn’t be on the table.
But a much different — and more difficult — reality of life in Michigan now is that private-sector salaries are trending down.
Many residents have had significant pay cuts.
Many others are out of work.
In dire times, it is reasonable that these same taxpayers seek pay adjustments among government workers in the name of saving jobs. Before deep layoffs occur. And before a tax hike is pursued.
Salary cuts can bring the savings needed to save jobs."
Amazing that this is from Paul Keep's GR Press.
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