Saturday, December 05, 2009

Reason to be grateful Obama appointed gay porn-purveyor Jennings as Safe Schools Czar

Reason to be grateful Obama appointed gay porn-purveyor Jennings as Safe Schools Czar
"the “Safe School Czar” is........ a career gay man who is devoted to ensuring that children as young as five or six are exposed to a steady stream of sexual information that may help them get in contact with their homosexual side.
.....Jennings has very close ties to NAMBLA, an organization that actively works to legalize pedophilia.

The latest hit against Jennings is a report at Gateway Pundit.
This report details the way in which Jennings’ gay/education/political activism group, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network), actively pushes schools to include in their reading lists extremely sexually explicit books aimed at kids in the 7th through 12th grades.
And when I say sexually explicit, I’m not talking about coy allusions to hand-holding, kissing and warm fuzzy feelings.
Gateway Pundit carefully documents precisely the kind of material Jennings’ organization wants your children to read.
It is graphic.
No child — gay, straight, confused, whatever — should be reading this kind of material.
The listed books include pornographic pictures, descriptions of sado-masochistic acts, graphic descriptions of sexual acts, etc."

This is the man Obama has appointed as our children's "Safe-Schools" czar.
Is anyone listening?

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