Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ripping YOU off!

Champion News - Setting the Standard
"One More Reason Why Illinois Needs A 'Fairness In Compensation Act.'

I recently received, via a Freedom of Information Act request, a copy of the most recent teachers' contract with High School District 214 in Arlington Heights, Illinois (see contract here).
What I found was 67 pages of gifts for the teachers at the direct expense of the taxpayers.
This document represents the definition of 'special interests'."

Just some examples.
Read them all and pay up... or do something about now!

Contract Salaries: For 2009, $48,062 (no experience) to $113,907 (18 years or more).

Fringe benefits: Automatic salary increases of 6%/yr each of last 4 years before retirement.

Average compensation: $113,612 or $12,600/mo ($90,112+$15,000+$8500).

Probable Compensation at age 40 (18 years after college graduation): $129,977 or $14,441/mo.

Teachers Work Schedule (see contract pages 17-19):
Contract year: 185 days.
Less 4 personal days and 14 sick days = 167 work days.
Work day: 8 hrs including lunch (7 hrs and 10 minutes if you subtract lunch period)
Work day = 480 minutes broken down as follows:
Five classes/student support = 300 minutes
Fifty (50) minute lunch or free period
Fifty (50) minutes "unassigned"
Eighty (80) minutes "other"

5. Total hours worked per year = 1,197 (167 days times 7hrs and 10 minutes per day).

Read the rest of the article.
It gets worse!

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