Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm getting tired of e-mail petitions

I'm not against online petitions but I doubt they EVER have had any success in changing public policy.

A far more successful result would be achieved by calling and writing letters (not e-mail) to our state and federal reps. and senators. Both democrat and republican.

Do you really care?
An in-person visit to their Lansing or local offices can produce enormous results.

Our electeds have influence on Obama right NOW.

The democrats especially.

If you really want to supercharge your efforts, contact (by phone, letter and in person) those candidates who will be running in 2010 for election.

Especially those running in primary elections.

In Michigan, we have many candidates, democrook and GOPer-cowards, running for almost every office in the Aug. primary.
If you contact them, they will respond.

Ill. has a primary on Feb. 2 to replace the ignoramus Roland Burris who was appointed to replace Obama as US senator when Obama decided to represent big unions, socialism, general maliase and America's enemies as US president.

Republicans Mark (RINO) Kirk and Patrick (Tea Party dude) Hughes are the GOPer leaders.

Ill. state treasurer (crook) Giannoulias and a passel of other crooks are running on the democrat side.

Do your own homework if you want to call the candidates.,_2010

If you REALLY care, pick up a phone, a pen or fill up your gas tank, grab some friends and visit your local representative's office and get ready to rumble!

Otherwise, forward the petition and let your elected reps. snooze through this whole annoying distraction from pork and junkets.

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