Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bill to check city bankruptcies advances

Bill to check city bankruptcies advances - SignOnSanDiego.com

While San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders insists bankruptcy is not on the city’s agenda, his administration is nevertheless alarmed over a labor-mounted campaign to take away the right of municipalities to declare insolvency and cancel contracts with their public employee unions.

The Senate Local Government Committee on Monday approved legislation that would require cities to first secure permission from an obscure appointed state agency before they could file for bankruptcy.

This simply means that a democrat/union controlled "agency" would deny a city's obligation to declare bankruptcy when there was no other option..... unless there was the option of forcing taxpayers to pay more.

No need to change union pay/benefits/retirement just like any other bankruptcy,

This will doom any hope of our municipalities to survive the attack of the public service union onslaught.

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