Monday, July 26, 2010

National Data: If Obama Has Stepped Up Enforcement, Why Suppress The Numbers? 07/21/10 - National Data: If Obama Has Stepped Up Enforcement, Why Suppress The Numbers?
"No photo ops. No press coverage.
But more illegals displaced from jobs Americans need?
That is the implication.

Well, there really isn’t any.
We don’t know how many illegals were arrested in the workplace last year or how many were fired by employers seeking to avoid criminal prosecutions.
For some strange reason, Immigration And Customs Enforcement’s latest “Workplace Enforcement Overview” does not present enforcement activity for FY2009, the first year President Obama could sway the agency’s agenda.

So the NYT’s Preston merely recycles ICE boilerplate:
'Over the past year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has conducted audits of employee files at more than 2,900 companies.
The agency has levied a record $3 million in civil fines so far this year on businesses that hired unauthorized immigrants, according to official figures.'

Let’s see.
About 7 million illegal aliens are estimated to be working in the United States—so the Administration is fining employers an average 43 cents per illegal alien worker.
Not exactly a fearsome prospect."

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