Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Instapundit » Blog Archive » I MENTIONED MARKDOWNS ON WATCHES THE OTHER DAY, and I now wonder if they’re desperate. Reader Duke …
"March 21, 2011
I MENTIONED MARKDOWNS ON WATCHES THE OTHER DAY, and I now wonder if they’re desperate.
Reader Duke DeLand emails:
“April 20th 2009 I removed my wrist watch and it still rests on my bedside table.
With my phone always there I found it less-than necessary.
Many with whom i talk say the same.
Have most of us abandoned watches?”

I still wear a watch.
I have a couple of fancy ones I wear for dress occasions (one was my grandfather’s, the other was an anniversary present).
But I usually wear a Timex Ironman and I still use it pretty regularly — though the thing I really like about it is the night light, which is bright enough to let me navigate in the dark.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 6:37 pm"

I am a watch nerd..but they are increasingly becoming an affectation.... bummer...

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