Wednesday, May 11, 2011

From the comments: Fighting for education funding |

From the comments: Fighting for education funding
"Commenter equality believes no cuts are acceptable.

If we value education, no cuts are acceptable.
Schools have already been cutting for ten years -- many critical programs have been eliminated.
When asked recently at a public forum if he would vote for cuts, the only thing Senator Hansen would say is 'There will be cuts.'
He repeated it several times without indicating how he would vote.
We also cannot further cut funding to our public colleges and universities -- our students are already buried in debt at graduation.
Close tax loopholes to oil and gas companies.
Straighten out our regressive tax code.
But don't cut education.
The Chronicle should be demanding this."

The liberal mind is almost childlike when it comes to money.
When they take the last drop and there is no more they have a temper tantrum.
The tea partiers seem to be the only adults in the room.

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