Saturday, December 29, 2012

Muskegon County Republican Party elects 'Tea Party, Ron Paul-types' as executive officers, goes more conservative

Muskegon County Republican Party elects 'Tea Party, Ron Paul-types' as executive officers, goes more conservative |
The election of officers marks a change for the Muskegon County Republican Party.
County Commissioner Bob Scolnik, the senior elected Republican in the county, called it a “direction I’m not 100 percent in favor with."
“It’s pretty much taken over by the Tea Party, Ron Paul-types and Libertarians,” Scolnik said. “I’m more of a moderate, Ronald Reagan-type Republican.
I do not believe they represent the mainstream Republican thought.”
Fink previously served as vice chairman of the party, but the others are new to formal leadership in the party.
Rothoff, who actively follows Muskegon County government activities, ran unsuccessfully for county treasurer, losing in the general election.

The Republicans fared poorly in the election, losing races for clerk, treasurer and several County Board of Commissioners seats.

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