Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Non-Existent Spending Cuts Wrought By The 'Devastating' Sequester

The Non-Existent Spending Cuts Wrought By The 'Devastating' Sequester - Forbes

Meanwhile the legacy press goes into overdrive exaggerating the impact of these “cuts” – demonizing any politician who dares to support them as the equivalent of a puppy murderer. At this point Republicans invariably cave under the pressure – and the burden of both parties’ bad decisions gets shifted even further onto future generations of taxpayers.
Sound familiar?
This basic storyline – played out time and time again – is directly responsible for our nation’s $16.5 trillion debt, its soaring deficits, its unfunded liabilities and its inability to sustain anything resembling a real economic recovery. 
In fact the $630 billion tax hike associated with the recent “fiscal cliff” deal is the latest example of our economy paying the price for politicians’ refusal to rein in spending.
“Members of Congress who would otherwise like to cut spending know they’re going to take a beating from the media and special interests,” concludesThe Cato Institute’s Tad DeHaven. 
“Few politicians are willing to take that heat. 
Fewer still can even articulate why spending cuts and smaller government are good.”

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