Gettysburg reenactment is a campaign in itself:
"It's extremely accurate and feels real - the noise, conditions, and spectacle - but you're not confronting the likelihood of you or your friends being killed," said Jon Sirlin, a Philadelphia lawyer who portays a Union officer and chief of staff, one of an expected 15,000 reenactors"
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Obama’s Energy Plan: Impoverish America
Obama’s Energy Plan: Impoverish America | National Review Online:
This is harmful and absurd for many reasons.
First, by shutting down existing coal-fired power plants, it will effectively destroy trillions of dollars of private property.
Second, since those plants supply about 40 percent of America’s electric power, they will need to be replaced at great cost, which will be borne by ratepayers.
Third, all proposed replacements for coal are significantly more expensive, so using them will drive rates up further.
Fourth, increasing the cost of electric power is one of the most regressive forms of taxation possible, since, for example, stockbrokers making $30 million per year will pay nearly the same additional amount as families making $30,000 per year, despite a thousand fold difference in income.
Fifth, as a form of business taxation, increasing electric rates preferentially targets companies that produce real goods over those that profit through speculation or the collection of legal costs.
Sixth, by increasing the costs of American goods, the inflation of electricity prices will make U.S. industry less competitive, causing factories to shut down and throwing millions of Americans out of work.
And seventh, by depressing the American economy, the plan will cause the loss of massive amounts of federal and state income-tax revenues, thereby accelerating the nation’s descent into bankruptcy.
This is harmful and absurd for many reasons.
First, by shutting down existing coal-fired power plants, it will effectively destroy trillions of dollars of private property.
Second, since those plants supply about 40 percent of America’s electric power, they will need to be replaced at great cost, which will be borne by ratepayers.
Third, all proposed replacements for coal are significantly more expensive, so using them will drive rates up further.
Fourth, increasing the cost of electric power is one of the most regressive forms of taxation possible, since, for example, stockbrokers making $30 million per year will pay nearly the same additional amount as families making $30,000 per year, despite a thousand fold difference in income.
Fifth, as a form of business taxation, increasing electric rates preferentially targets companies that produce real goods over those that profit through speculation or the collection of legal costs.
Sixth, by increasing the costs of American goods, the inflation of electricity prices will make U.S. industry less competitive, causing factories to shut down and throwing millions of Americans out of work.
And seventh, by depressing the American economy, the plan will cause the loss of massive amounts of federal and state income-tax revenues, thereby accelerating the nation’s descent into bankruptcy.
My "friends" from Obama's organizing unit just sent me this eye opener.
My "friends" from Obama's organizing unit just sent me this eye opener.
It's titled "Is this a mistake?"
Nice to know the presidents political brown shirts are pin pointing those who don't "voluntarily" contribute to Dear Leader's bank account.
Doncha tink?
James --
I just got a list of everyone who's pitching in to build Organizing for Action -- and it looks like you're not part of it.
Here's the record we have for this exact email address:
-- Organizing for Action member: No
-- Suggested donation today: $5
So here I am, on the Sunday morning of the biggest deadline we've faced as a young organization, and I'm asking you, earnestly and directly:
Please chip in $5 or more to build OFA today:
We have so many big fights we want to take on, and what we do depends on the resources we have at midnight tonight.
I hope you'll help.
Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action -----
If you've made a donation in the last 24 hours that isn't reflected above, don't worry -- it may still be processing. Thanks for your support.
150 Years of Misunderstanding the Civil War
150 Years of Misunderstanding the Civil War - Tony Horwitz - The Atlantic:
"As the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg approaches, it's time for America to question the popular account of a war that tore apart the nation."
"As the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg approaches, it's time for America to question the popular account of a war that tore apart the nation."
Bloomberg: Statistically Speaking, NYPD Should Stop More Blacks
Bloomberg: Statistically Speaking, NYPD Should Stop More Blacks | National Review Online:
“I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little. It’s exactly the reverse of what they say,” he said. "
“I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little. It’s exactly the reverse of what they say,” he said. "
Hare-Brained: USDA Reportedly Orders Children’s Magician to Produce ‘Disaster Plan’ for His…Rabbit
Hare-Brained: USDA Reportedly Orders Children’s Magician to Produce ‘Disaster Plan’ for His…Rabbit | Video |
Now the Ozark, Mo.-based illusionist is saying the trick’s allegedly on him, as he notes in an email to blogger, Bob McCarty (emphasisadded):
My USDA rabbit license requirement has taken another ridiculous twist. I just received an 8 page letter from the USDA, telling me that by July 29 I need to have in place a written disaster plan, detailing all the steps I would take to help get my rabbit through a disaster, such as a tornado, fire, flood, etc. They not only want to know how I will protect my rabbit during a disaster, but alsowhat I will do after the disaster, to make sure my rabbit gets cared for properly. I am not kidding–before the end of July I need to have this written rabbit disaster plan in place, or I am breaking the law.
In his email message to McCarty, Hahne also detailed the timeline the USDA reportedly gave him to comply with its order:
- The new regulation became effective Jan. 30, 2012;
- The written plan must be completed by July 29, 2013;
- Hahne and his wife, Brenda, must be trained to implement the plan as written; and
- The written plan must be available for review by USDA inspectors by Sept. 28, 2013.
Michael Jackson 'spent $35 million to silence at least two dozen boys he abused'
Michael Jackson 'spent $35 million to silence at least two dozen boys he abused' | Mail Online:
"Michael Jackson paid $35 million in hush money to at least two dozen young boys he sexually abused over 15 years, it has been alleged.
Sunday People has published explosive ‘secret FBI files’ suggesting the King of Pop groomed and molested children from at least 1989, despite his insistence he was just spending time with them.
The damning files claim the deceased popstar was a 'pedophile' who watched porn while assaulting a boy, molested a famous child star, fondled a child’s genitals in his private cinema and groped another child whose mother wasn’t ‘bothered’ by it."
"Michael Jackson paid $35 million in hush money to at least two dozen young boys he sexually abused over 15 years, it has been alleged.
Sunday People has published explosive ‘secret FBI files’ suggesting the King of Pop groomed and molested children from at least 1989, despite his insistence he was just spending time with them.
The damning files claim the deceased popstar was a 'pedophile' who watched porn while assaulting a boy, molested a famous child star, fondled a child’s genitals in his private cinema and groped another child whose mother wasn’t ‘bothered’ by it."
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Letters: Sen. Goeff Hansen could be the deciding vote to expand Medicaid in Michigan
Letters: Sen. Goeff Hansen could be the deciding vote to expand Medicaid in Michigan |
"Gov. Rick Snyder supports Medicaid expansion and the House Republican majority already have worked in a bipartisan fashion to pass it.
Senate Democrats have made it clear that they're ready to vote on Medicaid expansion.
In fact, they will be in session on Wednesday, July 3, in order to do so."
"Gov. Rick Snyder supports Medicaid expansion and the House Republican majority already have worked in a bipartisan fashion to pass it.
Senate Democrats have made it clear that they're ready to vote on Medicaid expansion.
In fact, they will be in session on Wednesday, July 3, in order to do so."
Ratings Service Moody's Finds Pension Shortfall
Ratings Service Moody's Finds Pension Shortfall -
"Moody’s Investors Service, dissatisfied with the way states measure what they owe their retirees, released its own numbers on Thursday, showing that the 50 states have, in aggregate, just 48 cents for every dollar in pensions they have promised.
That is much less than the 74 cents on the dollar that the states now report, "
"Moody’s Investors Service, dissatisfied with the way states measure what they owe their retirees, released its own numbers on Thursday, showing that the 50 states have, in aggregate, just 48 cents for every dollar in pensions they have promised.
That is much less than the 74 cents on the dollar that the states now report, "
Why Healthy Eaters Fall for Fries
Why Healthy Eaters Fall for Fries -
"LAST Tuesday, Connor Moran, a limit-the-red-meat, increase-the-greens, eat-salad-for-lunch kind of guy, stopped into a Bronx Dunkin’ Donuts for his usual black coffee, no sugar, no cream.
He walked out with a sandwich of egg and bacon between two halves of a glazed doughnut."
"LAST Tuesday, Connor Moran, a limit-the-red-meat, increase-the-greens, eat-salad-for-lunch kind of guy, stopped into a Bronx Dunkin’ Donuts for his usual black coffee, no sugar, no cream.
He walked out with a sandwich of egg and bacon between two halves of a glazed doughnut."
The Weekend Interview With Jennifer Gratz: The Woman Who Fought Racial Preference
The Weekend Interview With Jennifer Gratz: The Woman Who Fought Racial Preference -
"Michigan also allows citizen initiatives, and Ms. Gratz saw an opportunity. I
n July 2003 she told her husband of six months, with whom she was living in San Diego: '' '
I'm quitting my job, and I'm moving back to Michigan.
And I know you can't move to Michigan, so we're going to have to figure out how we can make this work.' . . . He looks at me like:
'We're married.
You can't do this!'
He knows me well enough to know that I was doing this."
In January 2004 "he drove me across the country with a bunch of my belongings, and I moved back to Michigan.""
"Michigan also allows citizen initiatives, and Ms. Gratz saw an opportunity. I
n July 2003 she told her husband of six months, with whom she was living in San Diego: '' '
I'm quitting my job, and I'm moving back to Michigan.
And I know you can't move to Michigan, so we're going to have to figure out how we can make this work.' . . . He looks at me like:
'We're married.
You can't do this!'
He knows me well enough to know that I was doing this."
In January 2004 "he drove me across the country with a bunch of my belongings, and I moved back to Michigan.""
Public pension costs swamp revenues of 10 U.S. states
Public pension costs swamp revenues of 10 U.S. states -Moody's | Reuters:
"Ten U.S. states have public pension liabilities that are at least as big as their annual revenues, according to a Moody's Investors Service report released on Thursday that found the Illinois pension bill was equal to 241 percent of its revenues"
"Ten U.S. states have public pension liabilities that are at least as big as their annual revenues, according to a Moody's Investors Service report released on Thursday that found the Illinois pension bill was equal to 241 percent of its revenues"
Republican U.S. Rep. Upton Joins Dems to Uphold Mandatory Union-Scale Wages
Republican U.S. Rep. Upton Joins Dems to Uphold Mandatory Union-Scale Wages [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Just one Michigan Congressional Republican — U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph — joined the Democrats in voting to uphold union prevailing wages on federal construction projects."
"Just one Michigan Congressional Republican — U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph — joined the Democrats in voting to uphold union prevailing wages on federal construction projects."
Thousands at Gettysburg for 150th anniversary
Thousands at Gettysburg for 150th anniversary -
""For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it's still not yet two o'clock on that July afternoon in 1863.""
""For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it's still not yet two o'clock on that July afternoon in 1863.""
Friday, June 28, 2013
Those wanting to opt out of Consumers Energy smart meter program can but it will be costly
Those wanting to opt out of Consumers Energy smart meter program can but it will be costly |
"For those requesting to opt out prior to installation, there will be a one-time charge of $69.39 and for those already with a new smart meter but want it removed the one-time cost will be $123.91.
For all of those in the opt-out program using traditional meters that need monthly reading by Consumers Energy employees, the additional charge will be $9.72 a month, according to the MPSC order."
"For those requesting to opt out prior to installation, there will be a one-time charge of $69.39 and for those already with a new smart meter but want it removed the one-time cost will be $123.91.
For all of those in the opt-out program using traditional meters that need monthly reading by Consumers Energy employees, the additional charge will be $9.72 a month, according to the MPSC order."
On the 'enemies list': My ordeal with the IRS
On the 'enemies list': My ordeal with the IRS | The Detroit News:
Union officials demonize corporations for not paying their “fair share,” yet they aren’t paying any share at all."
Union officials demonize corporations for not paying their “fair share,” yet they aren’t paying any share at all."
How the Mighty Fall
How the Mighty Fall
The Roman empire eventually lost its economic vitality thanks to price controls, heavy taxes and state-sponsored debt relief.
Book Review: Balance -
By Matthew Rees
One of the underappreciated realities of history is that most of it has been lived in relative misery. From the Paleolithic era 2.5 million years ago up to the early 19th century, average life expectancy topped out at about 35. And for much of this period, there was no such thing as economic growth—humans subsisted on what they could kill or scratch from the ground or on the proceeds of a minimal barter economy. While some civilizations outperformed others, sooner or later the standouts fell into decline. The reasons why, and the lessons for the United States, are the subject of "Balance: The Economics of Great Powers From Ancient Rome to Modern America," by Glenn Hubbard and Tim Kane.
The great powers in their story are a mix of empires (Roman, British, Spanish, Ottoman), dynasties (Ming China), countries (post-1868 Japan), regions (the European Union) and even a U.S. state (California). According to Messrs. Hubbard and Kane (dean of Columbia's business school and chief economist of the Hudson Institute, respectively), the decline of these polities has tended to follow a template or sequence of error: "denying the internal nature of stagnation, centralizing power, and shortchanging the future to overspend on the present." When the inability to corral fiscal profligacy coincides with a breakdown of political institutions, a toxic imbalance ensues and decline follows.
Before the great powers could decline, of course, they had to rise. How and why they did has been the source of a long and lively debate. An abundance of labor, land and capital was once thought to be fundamental, only to be upstaged more recently by a focus on an abundance of people, ideas and things. Messrs. Hubbard and Kane argue, as do others, that certain policies and core principles are the key: property rights, flexible work rules, open markets. For the authors, such matters explain economic growth entirely.
To those who would cite the primacy of technological breakthroughs, Messrs. Hubbard and Kane assert that inventions only spark growth if there are systems in place (such as intellectual-property rights) that enable inventions to flourish and their value to spread. "The wheel and the windmill were invented many times," they write, "then forgotten, until finally one society had the institutional framework to implement them widely and pass them on permanently." In short, "institutions explain innovation."
The flip side is true as well. The failure of institutions to adapt to evolving realities brings about decline. The prosperity of Rome, the authors say, was a byproduct of material innovation (they highlight the development of concrete) and also the political kind: a professional army, federalist governance, property rights and a hostility to hereditary rule. Over time, however, Rome's rulers imposed measures that sapped the empire's vitality: price controls, heavy taxes and a ban on the free movement of rural Romans. Of no great help was the first recorded example of state-sponsored debt relief: Hadrian, as emperor, canceled the outstanding liabilities that individuals owed to the central government, going back 15 years, and had the loan records burned in a public ceremony.
Another example of a great power that rose and fell—and is now rising again—is China. From the years 400 to 1000, the authors say, it had an estimated per capita GDP of $450, a third higher than Western Europe's. It rose to $600 by 1300, thanks in part to a number of inventions, from paper making to shipbuilding. The ships, in turn, enabled an exchange of goods with people throughout Asia.
But such dynamism proved unsustainable. A version of civil war led to an erosion of China's fleet and a decline in trade voyages. That some coastal areas continued to profit from barter prompted the regime's leaders to criminalize large-boat construction in 1500 and eventually destroy all oceangoing ships. Such moves, the authors claim, were emblematic of China's turn inward and its failure to capitalize on its inventions. The result was stagnant living standards until 1800. An even more profound source of China's trouble was institutional: The Chinese emperorship "morphed into a zero-sum struggle for influence among interest groups."
"Balance" closes with an examination of the woes afflicting California—which, if a stand-alone country, would have the world's 10th largest GDP (down from fifth not long ago)—and of the woes afflicting the U.S. as a whole. Messrs. Hubbard and Kane note that California's tax climate is among the most hostile to business formation of any state in the country. And the dysfunctional political system has contributed to both crushing debt levels and an inability to do anything about them.
For America, Messrs. Hubbard and Kane see "the storm clouds of history" gathering on the horizon. The culprits are again internal: political inertia and, because of wayward policies, the erosion of economic vigor. The authors are particularly critical of the government's overspending and recommend a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution. And yet they are optimistic. "American democracy," they write, "has proven itself more powerful than all of the skeptics' and cynics' concerns." Maybe so, but the history of economic folly that they skillfully recount in "Balance" is a timely reminder that societies that seem invincible are often anything but.
Mr. Rees, the head of the speechwriting firm Geonomica, is a senior fellow in the Center for Global Business and Government at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business.
The Roman empire eventually lost its economic vitality thanks to price controls, heavy taxes and state-sponsored debt relief.
Book Review: Balance -
By Matthew Rees
One of the underappreciated realities of history is that most of it has been lived in relative misery. From the Paleolithic era 2.5 million years ago up to the early 19th century, average life expectancy topped out at about 35. And for much of this period, there was no such thing as economic growth—humans subsisted on what they could kill or scratch from the ground or on the proceeds of a minimal barter economy. While some civilizations outperformed others, sooner or later the standouts fell into decline. The reasons why, and the lessons for the United States, are the subject of "Balance: The Economics of Great Powers From Ancient Rome to Modern America," by Glenn Hubbard and Tim Kane.
The great powers in their story are a mix of empires (Roman, British, Spanish, Ottoman), dynasties (Ming China), countries (post-1868 Japan), regions (the European Union) and even a U.S. state (California). According to Messrs. Hubbard and Kane (dean of Columbia's business school and chief economist of the Hudson Institute, respectively), the decline of these polities has tended to follow a template or sequence of error: "denying the internal nature of stagnation, centralizing power, and shortchanging the future to overspend on the present." When the inability to corral fiscal profligacy coincides with a breakdown of political institutions, a toxic imbalance ensues and decline follows.
Before the great powers could decline, of course, they had to rise. How and why they did has been the source of a long and lively debate. An abundance of labor, land and capital was once thought to be fundamental, only to be upstaged more recently by a focus on an abundance of people, ideas and things. Messrs. Hubbard and Kane argue, as do others, that certain policies and core principles are the key: property rights, flexible work rules, open markets. For the authors, such matters explain economic growth entirely.
To those who would cite the primacy of technological breakthroughs, Messrs. Hubbard and Kane assert that inventions only spark growth if there are systems in place (such as intellectual-property rights) that enable inventions to flourish and their value to spread. "The wheel and the windmill were invented many times," they write, "then forgotten, until finally one society had the institutional framework to implement them widely and pass them on permanently." In short, "institutions explain innovation."
The flip side is true as well. The failure of institutions to adapt to evolving realities brings about decline. The prosperity of Rome, the authors say, was a byproduct of material innovation (they highlight the development of concrete) and also the political kind: a professional army, federalist governance, property rights and a hostility to hereditary rule. Over time, however, Rome's rulers imposed measures that sapped the empire's vitality: price controls, heavy taxes and a ban on the free movement of rural Romans. Of no great help was the first recorded example of state-sponsored debt relief: Hadrian, as emperor, canceled the outstanding liabilities that individuals owed to the central government, going back 15 years, and had the loan records burned in a public ceremony.
Another example of a great power that rose and fell—and is now rising again—is China. From the years 400 to 1000, the authors say, it had an estimated per capita GDP of $450, a third higher than Western Europe's. It rose to $600 by 1300, thanks in part to a number of inventions, from paper making to shipbuilding. The ships, in turn, enabled an exchange of goods with people throughout Asia.
But such dynamism proved unsustainable. A version of civil war led to an erosion of China's fleet and a decline in trade voyages. That some coastal areas continued to profit from barter prompted the regime's leaders to criminalize large-boat construction in 1500 and eventually destroy all oceangoing ships. Such moves, the authors claim, were emblematic of China's turn inward and its failure to capitalize on its inventions. The result was stagnant living standards until 1800. An even more profound source of China's trouble was institutional: The Chinese emperorship "morphed into a zero-sum struggle for influence among interest groups."
"Balance" closes with an examination of the woes afflicting California—which, if a stand-alone country, would have the world's 10th largest GDP (down from fifth not long ago)—and of the woes afflicting the U.S. as a whole. Messrs. Hubbard and Kane note that California's tax climate is among the most hostile to business formation of any state in the country. And the dysfunctional political system has contributed to both crushing debt levels and an inability to do anything about them.
For America, Messrs. Hubbard and Kane see "the storm clouds of history" gathering on the horizon. The culprits are again internal: political inertia and, because of wayward policies, the erosion of economic vigor. The authors are particularly critical of the government's overspending and recommend a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution. And yet they are optimistic. "American democracy," they write, "has proven itself more powerful than all of the skeptics' and cynics' concerns." Maybe so, but the history of economic folly that they skillfully recount in "Balance" is a timely reminder that societies that seem invincible are often anything but.
Mr. Rees, the head of the speechwriting firm Geonomica, is a senior fellow in the Center for Global Business and Government at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business.
Street performer assaulted outside Summerfest
Street performer assaulted outside Summerfest |
"MILWAUKEE (WITI) — A saxophone player was assaulted outside the Summerfest grounds near Chicago St. on Wednesday, June 26th around 11 p.m.
26-year-old street performer Cassandra Struve became a target on opening night while she was playing an old jazz song.
“I was playing Minnie the Moocher, classic Blues Brothers song,” said Struve.
”A lady with a child in her hand came up to me, smacked me in my face and said ‘don’t play that.’”
Struve says three African American women confronted her and shouted that a white girl could not play the song.
After being hit, Struve says she was shocked and pushed the woman away, but was hit again.
“Her daughter came out of nowhere and punched me twice in the side of the face,” said Struve.
“After she did that I was instantly upset.
You know, I mean, I cried.”"
"MILWAUKEE (WITI) — A saxophone player was assaulted outside the Summerfest grounds near Chicago St. on Wednesday, June 26th around 11 p.m.
26-year-old street performer Cassandra Struve became a target on opening night while she was playing an old jazz song.
“I was playing Minnie the Moocher, classic Blues Brothers song,” said Struve.
”A lady with a child in her hand came up to me, smacked me in my face and said ‘don’t play that.’”
Struve says three African American women confronted her and shouted that a white girl could not play the song.
After being hit, Struve says she was shocked and pushed the woman away, but was hit again.
“Her daughter came out of nowhere and punched me twice in the side of the face,” said Struve.
“After she did that I was instantly upset.
You know, I mean, I cried.”"
Michigan sets dynamic ticket prices based on supply
Michigan sets dynamic ticket prices based on supply - ESPN:
"Michigan set its expected end zone initial dynamic prices to range anywhere from $65 (Akron) to $195 (Notre Dame) per seat. Michigan-Ohio State is estimated at $175 per seat at this point."
"Michigan set its expected end zone initial dynamic prices to range anywhere from $65 (Akron) to $195 (Notre Dame) per seat. Michigan-Ohio State is estimated at $175 per seat at this point."
Bumblebee memorial scheduled for Sunday at Wilsonville Target
Bumblebee memorial scheduled for Sunday at Wilsonville Target |
"Fifty thousand bumblebees will be honored in a memorial this weekend at the Wilsonville Target where a majority of the insects died.
State officials directly linked the die-off to trees that had been sprayed with the insecticide Safari. "
"Fifty thousand bumblebees will be honored in a memorial this weekend at the Wilsonville Target where a majority of the insects died.
State officials directly linked the die-off to trees that had been sprayed with the insecticide Safari. "
HowStuffWorks "How to Unlock a Cell Phone or Smartphone"
HowStuffWorks "How to Unlock a Cell Phone or Smartphone":
"If you've ever wondered what the difference between a locked and an unlocked cell phone is, or if you've ever wondered if your phone can be unlocked, or how you can do it, we'll explain it to you in this article.
Plus, we'll tell you why having an unlocked phone can be a good thing, and whether or not it's legal."
"If you've ever wondered what the difference between a locked and an unlocked cell phone is, or if you've ever wondered if your phone can be unlocked, or how you can do it, we'll explain it to you in this article.
Plus, we'll tell you why having an unlocked phone can be a good thing, and whether or not it's legal."
Still catering to the 2%, Toledo opens city pools today
Still catering to the 2%, Toledo opens city pools today - WatchdogWire - Ohio:
"I did an analysis of pool usage in 2008 and found that Toledo pools really don’t have that high of attendance with maybe about 2% of the city’s population actually utilizing this ‘service.’
Based upon census data and cost at the time, I found it was costing the city about $120 per person served.
As I wrote at the time:
It would be cheaper to buy every kid in the city a membership to the Boys and Girls Club ($5 per year for 16-18 year olds, but only $3 for 7-15 year olds) which would give them access to ALL activities, not just the pools."
"I did an analysis of pool usage in 2008 and found that Toledo pools really don’t have that high of attendance with maybe about 2% of the city’s population actually utilizing this ‘service.’
Based upon census data and cost at the time, I found it was costing the city about $120 per person served.
As I wrote at the time:
It would be cheaper to buy every kid in the city a membership to the Boys and Girls Club ($5 per year for 16-18 year olds, but only $3 for 7-15 year olds) which would give them access to ALL activities, not just the pools."
Walker’s reforms allowed Wisconsin district to make bold changes to an unsustainable retirement program
Walker’s reforms allowed Wisconsin district to make bold changes to an unsustainable retirement program - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.:
"Relief finally came in the form of Act 10, Gov. Scott Walker’s landmark legislation, which allowed school districts to manage their labor budgets without union consent."
"Relief finally came in the form of Act 10, Gov. Scott Walker’s landmark legislation, which allowed school districts to manage their labor budgets without union consent."
Climate Alarmism’s 10,000 Commandments
Climate Alarmism’s 10,000 Commandments | Somewhat Reasonable:
"However, the manmade global warming “disasters” exist only in computer models and assertions by scientists who are addicted to billions in government Climate Armageddon grants. Moreover, the “preventative measures” are far worse than the disasters EPA claims to be preventing."
"However, the manmade global warming “disasters” exist only in computer models and assertions by scientists who are addicted to billions in government Climate Armageddon grants. Moreover, the “preventative measures” are far worse than the disasters EPA claims to be preventing."
"Not only do our post-1965 immigration policies create an unemployment problem, not only have they massively increased the crime rate, but now all Americans are being asked to give up their civil liberties to fulfill Teddy Kennedy's dream of bringing the entire Third World to live right here in America. (And vote Democrat!)
When we're referring to "American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki" -- provoking Rand Paul to carry on for 13 hours about Obama killing an "American citizen" with a drone -- the phrase "American citizen" has lost its essential meaning.
We don't have a drone problem.
We don't have a spying problem.
We have an immigration problem. "
"Not only do our post-1965 immigration policies create an unemployment problem, not only have they massively increased the crime rate, but now all Americans are being asked to give up their civil liberties to fulfill Teddy Kennedy's dream of bringing the entire Third World to live right here in America. (And vote Democrat!)
When we're referring to "American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki" -- provoking Rand Paul to carry on for 13 hours about Obama killing an "American citizen" with a drone -- the phrase "American citizen" has lost its essential meaning.
We don't have a drone problem.
We don't have a spying problem.
We have an immigration problem. "
Why both employment and unemployment rate for Muskegon County grew in May
Why both employment and unemployment rate for Muskegon County grew in May |
"The unemployment rate in May edged up from 8.1 percent to 8.7 percent for the Muskegon-Norton Shores metro area, which encompasses the county.
At the same time, the total number of non-farm jobs jumped to 63,400, up from 62,000 in April, according to statistics released Thursday, June 27 by the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget."
"The unemployment rate in May edged up from 8.1 percent to 8.7 percent for the Muskegon-Norton Shores metro area, which encompasses the county.
At the same time, the total number of non-farm jobs jumped to 63,400, up from 62,000 in April, according to statistics released Thursday, June 27 by the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget."
Inspector General Finds Park Police Lost Track of Weapons
Inspector General Finds Park Police Lost Track of Weapons | NBC4 Washington:
"The U.S. Park Police, the law enforcement agency responsible for safeguarding the National Mall and critical American landmarks, has lost track of a large supply of handguns, rifles and shotguns, according to a harshly critical report issued Thursday."
"The U.S. Park Police, the law enforcement agency responsible for safeguarding the National Mall and critical American landmarks, has lost track of a large supply of handguns, rifles and shotguns, according to a harshly critical report issued Thursday."
Washington Post defends study that bashes U.S. teacher training colleges
Washington Post defends study that bashes U.S. teacher training colleges - powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.:
"The National Council on Teacher Quality’s report concludes that the “mediocrity” of teacher training programs in U.S. colleges and universities – perpetuated by low admissions standards and inadequate student teaching experiences – is resulting in poorly prepared and ineffective educators in the classroom."
"The National Council on Teacher Quality’s report concludes that the “mediocrity” of teacher training programs in U.S. colleges and universities – perpetuated by low admissions standards and inadequate student teaching experiences – is resulting in poorly prepared and ineffective educators in the classroom."
Global Warming And Climate Change: There's Nothing To Fight Against
Global Warming And Climate Change: There's Nothing To Fight Against -
"The feared warming predicted by models simply hasn't materialized. The flaw is so obvious that even the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is having to acknowledge that maybe there's nothing to this global warming after all.
"If things continue as they have been, in five years, at the latest, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models," Hans Van Storch, the IPCC report's lead author has admitted to Spiegel, the German magazine.
"But even today, we are finding it very difficult to reconcile actual temperature trends with our expectations."
"The feared warming predicted by models simply hasn't materialized. The flaw is so obvious that even the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is having to acknowledge that maybe there's nothing to this global warming after all.
"If things continue as they have been, in five years, at the latest, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models," Hans Van Storch, the IPCC report's lead author has admitted to Spiegel, the German magazine.
"But even today, we are finding it very difficult to reconcile actual temperature trends with our expectations."
Buena Vista clerk who made racial slur hears more calls for resignation, says 'we need to heal'
Buena Vista clerk who made racial slur hears more calls for resignation, says 'we need to heal' |
Paula Dean gone but democrat clerk still on the public dole.
Paula Dean gone but democrat clerk still on the public dole.
How to curb obesity: Tax calories, study says
How to curb obesity: Tax calories, study says - The Washington Post:
"There may be an economic cure for the nation’s obesity: Hike the price of food.
Raising the price of a calorie for home consumption by 10 percent might lower the percentage of body fat in youths about 8 or 9 percent, according to new research from the National Bureau of Economic Research."
"There may be an economic cure for the nation’s obesity: Hike the price of food.
Raising the price of a calorie for home consumption by 10 percent might lower the percentage of body fat in youths about 8 or 9 percent, according to new research from the National Bureau of Economic Research."
Grand Rapids man arrested for selling catfish caught in Kalamazoo River
Grand Rapids man arrested for selling catfish caught in Kalamazoo River |
"A Grand Rapids man has been arrested after allegedly selling sport-caught catfish to undercover wildlife officers who arranged the purchase on a social media website.
The man is accused of selling 14 catfish taken from the Kalamazoo River in Allegan County by placing an advertisement on a social media website, according to the Department of Natural Resources. Buying and selling game fish or their parts is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days imprisonment and a fine between $250 and $1,000."
"A Grand Rapids man has been arrested after allegedly selling sport-caught catfish to undercover wildlife officers who arranged the purchase on a social media website.
The man is accused of selling 14 catfish taken from the Kalamazoo River in Allegan County by placing an advertisement on a social media website, according to the Department of Natural Resources. Buying and selling game fish or their parts is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days imprisonment and a fine between $250 and $1,000."
Kent County rejects $2.5 million offer for downtown property from Secchia-controlled real estate firm
Kent County rejects $2.5 million offer for downtown property from Secchia-controlled real estate firm |
"GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Kent County has rejected an offer to buy property along the east side of the Grand River in downtown Grand Rapids from a company partly owned and managed by former Ambassador to Italy Peter Secchia.
Secchia’s SIBSCO LLC's proposal to buy property at 511, 519 and 525 Monroe Ave. NW for $2.5 million and build a mixed-use development was the sole offer for land, which was being offered for sale by the county.
The bid on the property, behind the downtown U.S. Postal Service facility and the DeVos family's RDV Corp.-owned Olds Manor, also included the county's parcel across the street at 520 Monroe Ave. NW.
The county paid $2.8 million for the land in 2004 as a possible new location for its offices amid discussions for a hotel on Calder Plaza - where the county building and Grand Rapids City Hall are located - that never materialized."
"GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Kent County has rejected an offer to buy property along the east side of the Grand River in downtown Grand Rapids from a company partly owned and managed by former Ambassador to Italy Peter Secchia.
Secchia’s SIBSCO LLC's proposal to buy property at 511, 519 and 525 Monroe Ave. NW for $2.5 million and build a mixed-use development was the sole offer for land, which was being offered for sale by the county.
The bid on the property, behind the downtown U.S. Postal Service facility and the DeVos family's RDV Corp.-owned Olds Manor, also included the county's parcel across the street at 520 Monroe Ave. NW.
The county paid $2.8 million for the land in 2004 as a possible new location for its offices amid discussions for a hotel on Calder Plaza - where the county building and Grand Rapids City Hall are located - that never materialized."
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Police Departments Caught Selling Guns They Get Through Gun Guybacks
Police Departments Caught Selling Guns They Get Through Gun Guybacks // Mr. Conservative:
"What do police do with all those guns they take in at those so-called gun buy-back programs?
Apparently they sell them for a profit!
This is what UPI news found from a police department outside Chicago.
The St. Charles Police hosted one of these gun buy-back things to “get guns off the streets.”
But what did the police do?
They turned around and sold many of the guns to make a profit and put those guns right back “on the streets.”
How did the police justify this?
Why, it’s a “budget friendly” move, chief James Lamkin said"
"What do police do with all those guns they take in at those so-called gun buy-back programs?
Apparently they sell them for a profit!
This is what UPI news found from a police department outside Chicago.
The St. Charles Police hosted one of these gun buy-back things to “get guns off the streets.”
But what did the police do?
They turned around and sold many of the guns to make a profit and put those guns right back “on the streets.”
How did the police justify this?
Why, it’s a “budget friendly” move, chief James Lamkin said"
Despite Media Claims, Michigan Among Highest Job Growth States
Despite Media Claims, Michigan Among Highest Job Growth States [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Michigan Radio, a division of NPR, recently highlighted Gov. Rick Snyder’s policies such as right-to-work and cutting business taxes and then described the state’s job growth as "anemic."
"There has been some growth in jobs, but it's been kind of anemic," said Michigan Radio Host Lester Graham in audio posted on the station's website.
However, since the recession ended in June 2009, Michigan has had the sixth-highest job growth in the nation at 6.4 percent,"
"Michigan Radio, a division of NPR, recently highlighted Gov. Rick Snyder’s policies such as right-to-work and cutting business taxes and then described the state’s job growth as "anemic."
"There has been some growth in jobs, but it's been kind of anemic," said Michigan Radio Host Lester Graham in audio posted on the station's website.
However, since the recession ended in June 2009, Michigan has had the sixth-highest job growth in the nation at 6.4 percent,"
Michigan Senate workgroup to study Medicaid proposal: 'Debate and discussion … is not over'
Michigan Senate workgroup to study Medicaid proposal: 'Debate and discussion … is not over' |
"Richardville said last week that his caucus needed more time to consider the measure, which the House spent weeks developing and debating in committee.
He did not expect to reconvene until late August.
A Senate session is technically scheduled for July 3, and Democrats have said they will be there and will be ready to vote."
"Richardville said last week that his caucus needed more time to consider the measure, which the House spent weeks developing and debating in committee.
He did not expect to reconvene until late August.
A Senate session is technically scheduled for July 3, and Democrats have said they will be there and will be ready to vote."
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Collapse Is Happening, Cities Can't Sell Their Muni Bonds.
Collapse Is Happening, Cities Can't Sell Their Muni Bonds. | Economy:
"With yields on the U.S. municipal bond market rising, local issuers on Monday postponed another six bond sales, totaling $331 million, that were originally scheduled to price later this week.
Since mid-June, on the prospect that the Federal Reserve could change course on its easy monetary policy as the economy improves, the municipal bond market has seen a total of $2.6 billion in sales either canceled or delayed.
Last week a total of nine deals for $2.3 billion were postponed."
"With yields on the U.S. municipal bond market rising, local issuers on Monday postponed another six bond sales, totaling $331 million, that were originally scheduled to price later this week.
Since mid-June, on the prospect that the Federal Reserve could change course on its easy monetary policy as the economy improves, the municipal bond market has seen a total of $2.6 billion in sales either canceled or delayed.
Last week a total of nine deals for $2.3 billion were postponed."
Prosecution Attempts Gag Order in Jared Marcum NRA T-Shirt Case
Prosecution Attempts Gag Order in Jared Marcum NRA T-Shirt Case - WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports:
"Prosecutors were hoping to bar Jared, his father and his lawyer from sharing their story with the press, under the guise that their request would serve Jared's better interest, something Jared's father Allen Lardieri sees as ironic."
"Prosecutors were hoping to bar Jared, his father and his lawyer from sharing their story with the press, under the guise that their request would serve Jared's better interest, something Jared's father Allen Lardieri sees as ironic."
US First-Quarter GDP Gets a Haircut, Rises 1.8%
US First-Quarter GDP Gets a Haircut, Rises 1.8%:
"Gross domestic product expanded at a 1.8 percent annual rate, the Commerce Department said in its final estimate on Wednesday.
Output was previously reported to have risen at a 2.4 percent pace after a 0.4 percent stall speed in the fourth quarter."
"Gross domestic product expanded at a 1.8 percent annual rate, the Commerce Department said in its final estimate on Wednesday.
Output was previously reported to have risen at a 2.4 percent pace after a 0.4 percent stall speed in the fourth quarter."
Amtrak Food Costs are Off the Rails, Congressman Says
Amtrak Food Costs are Off the Rails, Congressman Says | Heartlander Magazine:
"Amtrak trains featuring gourmet menus in their café cars are losing more than $400 per passenger ticket, and a leading House Republican wants an investigation."
"Amtrak trains featuring gourmet menus in their café cars are losing more than $400 per passenger ticket, and a leading House Republican wants an investigation."
Can We Actually Even Tell if Humans Are Affecting the Climate?
PJ Lifestyle » Can We Actually Even Tell if Humans Are Affecting the Climate?:
"We know, with great certainty, that the overall average temperature of the Earth has warmed by several degreees in the last 400 years, since the end of the Little Ice Age.
Before that was a period called the Medieval Warm Period; before that was another cold period; and back at the time of the Romans there was a long period that was significantly warmer — Southern Britain was a wine-growing region.
What we’re a lot less certain about is “why?”
"We know, with great certainty, that the overall average temperature of the Earth has warmed by several degreees in the last 400 years, since the end of the Little Ice Age.
Before that was a period called the Medieval Warm Period; before that was another cold period; and back at the time of the Romans there was a long period that was significantly warmer — Southern Britain was a wine-growing region.
What we’re a lot less certain about is “why?”
Barack Obama to cut emissions in vow to save planet
Barack Obama to cut emissions in vow to save planet - Telegraph:
"The president also surprised environmentalists by signalling he would reject a controversial oil pipeline if it was found to “significantly exacerbate” the problem of carbon pollution."
"The president also surprised environmentalists by signalling he would reject a controversial oil pipeline if it was found to “significantly exacerbate” the problem of carbon pollution."
Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’
Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’ - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room:
"President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."
"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said.
"Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."
Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.
"The planet is warming. Human activity is contributing to it," Obama said."
"President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."
"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said.
"Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."
Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.
"The planet is warming. Human activity is contributing to it," Obama said."
My Way News - 10 Things to Know for Today
My Way News - 10 Things to Know for Today:
The nation's busiest death penalty state plans to execute its 500th inmate tonight - a woman convicted of killing her neighbor with a candelabra in the 1990s."
The nation's busiest death penalty state plans to execute its 500th inmate tonight - a woman convicted of killing her neighbor with a candelabra in the 1990s."
WH Climate Adviser: ‘A War on Coal Is Exactly What’s Needed.’
UPDATE: A snarky reader emails: “Given the success of the War on Poverty and the War on Drugs, if I’m Big Coal, I’m praying for a War on Coal.”
WH Climate Adviser: ‘A War on Coal Is Exactly What’s Needed.’
UPDATE: A snarky reader emails: “Given the success of the War on Poverty and the War on Drugs, if I’m Big Coal, I’m praying for a War on Coal.”
Proposed facility-share arrangement involving Muskegon Farmers Market and Bike Time stalls
Proposed facility-share arrangement involving Muskegon Farmers Market and Bike Time stalls |
"Vice Mayor Larry Spataro moved to postpone the vote and Mayor Gawron was the only commission member to vote no.
"I just want to make sure we don't create any hardships for the farmers," Spataro said.
"Every single person that has approached me on this issue who lives in the city of Muskegon has indicated that their preference is to support the market.
It's the commitment that we made and I want to make sure that this agreement is in that spirit."
"Vice Mayor Larry Spataro moved to postpone the vote and Mayor Gawron was the only commission member to vote no.
"I just want to make sure we don't create any hardships for the farmers," Spataro said.
"Every single person that has approached me on this issue who lives in the city of Muskegon has indicated that their preference is to support the market.
It's the commitment that we made and I want to make sure that this agreement is in that spirit."
Wayne State board to vote Wednesday on tuition hike; reports put increase at about 9%
Wayne State board to vote Wednesday on tuition hike; reports put increase at about 9% | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Wayne State University President Allan Gilmour will ask for a tuition increase well above last year's 3.88 percent hike – and by some estimates about 9 percent -- when he proposes his budget and tuition rates to the Board of Governors on Wednesday."
"Wayne State University President Allan Gilmour will ask for a tuition increase well above last year's 3.88 percent hike – and by some estimates about 9 percent -- when he proposes his budget and tuition rates to the Board of Governors on Wednesday."
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Ready for Hillary PAC opens online shop

"Ready for Hillary, the unofficial super-PAC working to draft Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016, has launched an online store offering shirts and buttons for supporters."
Be afwade,vewy afwade.....
New Immigration Bill Has Taxpayer Subsidized ObamaCars for Youths
New Immigration Bill Has Taxpayer Subsidized ObamaCars for Youths - ALIPAC:
"Breitbart News has learned there is a provision included in the immigration bill that could be used to give free cars, motorcycles, scooters or other vehicles to young people around the country over a period of 15 months after the bill passes.
The new provision is a result of the latest addition to the Corker-Hoeven amendment, which is essentially an entirely new version of the bill."
"Breitbart News has learned there is a provision included in the immigration bill that could be used to give free cars, motorcycles, scooters or other vehicles to young people around the country over a period of 15 months after the bill passes.
The new provision is a result of the latest addition to the Corker-Hoeven amendment, which is essentially an entirely new version of the bill."
Flying history: B-17 bomber lands in Muskegon for tours, flights (video)
Flying history: B-17 bomber lands in Muskegon for tours, flights (video) |
"The crew operating the plane will offer $5 ground tours and flights starting at $425 apiece 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. through Thursday, June 27, at the Muskegon County Airport, 99 Sinclair Drive.
The group operating the plane, the Mesa, Ariz.-base of the non-profit Commemorative Air Force, plans to fly it from Muskegon for Toronto first thing Friday morning."
"The crew operating the plane will offer $5 ground tours and flights starting at $425 apiece 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. through Thursday, June 27, at the Muskegon County Airport, 99 Sinclair Drive.
The group operating the plane, the Mesa, Ariz.-base of the non-profit Commemorative Air Force, plans to fly it from Muskegon for Toronto first thing Friday morning."
Monday, June 24, 2013
B-17 Bomber from WWII now at Muskegon Airport thru Thursday!
B-17 Bomber from WWII coming to Muskegon Airport |
"The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress was the primary bomber used by the U.S. Air Force against Nazi Germany. Of the 12,731 B-17s originally built, less than ten remain in flying condition and only a very few fly regularly.
Nose art of the Sentimental Journey features Betty Grable, the number-one pin-up girl of the World War II era.
The aircraft is named after a song made popular by Doris Day in 1945."
To Book a B-17 Flight
Call our Ride Coordinator
(602) 448-9415
or email
$5 tours of the Legend.
Or take the flight of your lifetime!
"The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress was the primary bomber used by the U.S. Air Force against Nazi Germany. Of the 12,731 B-17s originally built, less than ten remain in flying condition and only a very few fly regularly.
Nose art of the Sentimental Journey features Betty Grable, the number-one pin-up girl of the World War II era.
The aircraft is named after a song made popular by Doris Day in 1945."
To Book a B-17 Flight
Call our Ride Coordinator
(602) 448-9415
or email
$5 tours of the Legend.
Or take the flight of your lifetime!
Where Are We Now? - A World View
Where Are We Now? - A World View | Zero Hedge:
"Wondering why the money world got its knickers in a twist last week?
The answer is simple: the global economy is breaking apart and its constituent major players are doing face-plants on the downhill slope of a no-longer-cheap-oil way of life.
Let’s look at them case by case."
"Wondering why the money world got its knickers in a twist last week?
The answer is simple: the global economy is breaking apart and its constituent major players are doing face-plants on the downhill slope of a no-longer-cheap-oil way of life.
Let’s look at them case by case."
Bolton Plans a Tour of Early-Primary States
Bolton Plans a Tour of Early-Primary States | National Review Online:
"Enter John Bolton. Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is being encouraged by several leading conservative power brokers to consider a presidential bid."
"Enter John Bolton. Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is being encouraged by several leading conservative power brokers to consider a presidential bid."
Shirt Focus of Free-Speech Fight
Shirt Focus of Free-Speech Fight | RealClearPolitics:
"Today, if a West Virginia schoolboy were to wear a T-shirt sporting that slogan and accompanied by those rifles, he'd risk suspension, arrest and prosecution.
That's happening currently to 14-year-old Jared Marcum in Logan County, W.Va."
"Today, if a West Virginia schoolboy were to wear a T-shirt sporting that slogan and accompanied by those rifles, he'd risk suspension, arrest and prosecution.
That's happening currently to 14-year-old Jared Marcum in Logan County, W.Va."
Why Is Congress Rushing To Pass A Bad Immigration Bill?
Why Is Congress Rushing To Pass A Bad Immigration Bill? -
Among other things, the bill:
• Adds $1.5 billion to President Obama's failed jobs stimulus, a gift to socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
• Turns the Travel Promotion Act, which was supposed to end in 2015, into a permanent program at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. Prime beneficiaries? Las Vegas casino interests, a gift to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
• Makes a range of serious crimes for which U.S. citizens can be arrested and imprisoned — including assault and battery, drunk driving and tax fraud — "waivable" for illegal immigrants when it comes to their amnesty status.
• Gives Alaskan "Seafood processing" jobs special status as "shortage occupations," letting those industries hire low-skilled illegal immigrants to fill "temporary" jobs, a bipartisan favor to Alaska Sens. Mark Begich (Democrat) and Lisa Murkowski (Republican).
That, no doubt, isn't a comprehensive list. But since no one has read the bill — the latest version of immigration reform was issued less than 75 hours before Monday's vote — it's impossible even to say how much pork is in the bill the Senate is voting on.
Dearborn McDonald's drop halal food after lawsuit
Dearborn McDonald's drop halal food after lawsuit | Crain's Detroit Business:
"The only two McDonald's restaurants in the United States that serve food prepared according to Islamic law have stopped doing so.
The fast food giant and a Michigan franchise owner agreed to a $700,000 legal settlement in April after a customer sued.
The fast-food giant said in a statement Monday that the locations in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, which has a large Muslim population, no longer offer a halal McChicken sandwich or Chicken McNuggets "to focus on our national core menu."
"The only two McDonald's restaurants in the United States that serve food prepared according to Islamic law have stopped doing so.
The fast food giant and a Michigan franchise owner agreed to a $700,000 legal settlement in April after a customer sued.
The fast-food giant said in a statement Monday that the locations in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, which has a large Muslim population, no longer offer a halal McChicken sandwich or Chicken McNuggets "to focus on our national core menu."
Man Has 140 lb Testicles Removed...Considered Selling on Ebay
Man Has 140 lb Testicles Removed...Considered Selling on Ebay:
"A Las Vegas man, Wesley Warren, 49, has undergone a 13-hour procedure to remove his 114 lb testicles after they became swollen after a bizarre incident by which he squashed them while sleeping. "
"A Las Vegas man, Wesley Warren, 49, has undergone a 13-hour procedure to remove his 114 lb testicles after they became swollen after a bizarre incident by which he squashed them while sleeping. "
Dissension and fiscal woes beset the Girl Scouts
Dissension and fiscal woes beset the Girl Scouts - New York News | NYC Breaking News:
"I am worried that America's Girl Scouts are now selling cookies to fund pension plans instead of camping," wrote Rep. Bruce Braley, D-Iowa"
"I am worried that America's Girl Scouts are now selling cookies to fund pension plans instead of camping," wrote Rep. Bruce Braley, D-Iowa"
See how Muskegon-area high school students performed on statewide tests (Chart)
See how Muskegon-area high school students performed on statewide tests (Chart) |
High school | ACT | Math | Reading |
Coopersville | 20.6 | 30% | 62% |
Fruitport | 18.6 | 21% | 44% |
Grand Haven | 21.6 | 43% | 72% |
Holton | 18 | 19% | 37% |
Mona Shores | 20.7 | 29% | 56% |
Montague | 18.2 | 26% | 52% |
Muskegon | 16.9 | 9% | 31% |
Muskegon Heights | 13.5 | 0% | 8% |
North Muskegon | 21.7 | 35% | 71% |
Oakridge | 18.5 | 18% | 47% |
Orchard View | 18.4 | 12% | 48% |
Ravenna | 19.4 | 24% | 51% |
Reeths-Puffer | 18.8 | 19% | 56% |
Spring Lake | 22.3 | 43% | 75% |
WayPoint | 15.3 | 3% | 20% |
Whitehall | 19.5 | 20% | 52% |
Musk. Catholic Central | 22.7 | 50% | 64% |
West. Mich. Christian | 20.8 | 59% | 60% |
B-17 in Muskegon! June 24
Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force:
B17 CALENDAR (602) 448-9415
(602) 448-9415
or email
B17 CALENDAR (602) 448-9415
To Book a B-17 Flight
Call our Ride Coordinator(602) 448-9415
or email
Best And Worst Majors For Earning Money
Best And Worst Majors For Earning Money - Business Insider:
"Engineering majors in particular have the highest median earnings out of college, while arts, humanities and liberal arts, psychology and social work, and life/physical science majors tie for the lowest earnings."
"Engineering majors in particular have the highest median earnings out of college, while arts, humanities and liberal arts, psychology and social work, and life/physical science majors tie for the lowest earnings."
Community Classes | The Culinary Institute of Michigan
Community Classes | The Culinary Institute of Michigan:
"Join us this summer as we explore a variety of culinary trends. Classes begin in July and continue through the month of August. Pick the perfect class that you’ve been waiting to learn more about, or attend all five classes and end your summer a culinary somebody!"
"Join us this summer as we explore a variety of culinary trends. Classes begin in July and continue through the month of August. Pick the perfect class that you’ve been waiting to learn more about, or attend all five classes and end your summer a culinary somebody!"
Get Shafted America!
The American Spectator : Get Shafted America!
New propaganda campaign exposes a central lie behind the push for Obamacare.
Late last week, while perusing the press releases that flooded my inbox announcing a nationwide public relations effort called “Get Covered America,” I was reminded of a Woody Allen gag: “There are worse things than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?” With gleeful subject lines like, “New Video Introduces ‘Get Covered America’ Campaign,” the emails suggestthat many Americans are about to experience the grim fate that Allen described. They will be relentlessly hectored until they contact an Obamacare exchange to learn about insurance — and other opportunities.
Get Covered America is the long-anticipated propaganda campaign launched by Enroll America, a “nonpartisan” organization whose ostensible mission is to help the uninsured navigate the exchanges. In reality, Enroll America is an Obama administration front group funded with money extorted from the insurance industry. The story is by now familiar. Congress declined to fund an advertising campaign for Obamacare, so HHS Commissar Sebelius initiated“stakeholder conversations about the… health care law.” In other words, she contacted the insurers she regulates and suggested that the exchanges would be pay-to-play operations.
Thus, Enroll America is typical of the day-to-day skullduggery that defines the Obama regime. It’s not exactly shocking to find that Sebelius or any of her accomplices in this most corrupt of presidential administrations has behaved unethically.
Democrats to Shut Off Debate On a Bill No One Has Read
Democrats to Shut Off Debate On a Bill No One Has Read | Power Line:
"Tomorrow, Harry Reid will call for cloture on the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill as amended by Corker-Hoeven, a 1,200-page bill that no one–literally no one, given the fact that it was drafted by committee–has read. It is a remarkable moment in American history. "
"Tomorrow, Harry Reid will call for cloture on the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill as amended by Corker-Hoeven, a 1,200-page bill that no one–literally no one, given the fact that it was drafted by committee–has read. It is a remarkable moment in American history. "
'Welfare State' Doesn't Adequately Describe How Much America's Poor Control Your Wallet
'Welfare State' Doesn't Adequately Describe How Much America's Poor Control Your Wallet - Forbes:
"....“no matter how large the welfare state, liberal politicians and writers have accused it of being shamefully small” and “contemptibly austere.”
Barbara Ehrenreich expressed the same attitude in her book, Nickled and Dimed: “guilt doesn’t go anywhere near far enough; the appropriate emotion is shame” regarding the stingy miserliness of America’s welfare state.
Once such a decision is made, habits are formed, and many continue to vote reflexively Democrat, regardless of facts on the ground. "
"....“no matter how large the welfare state, liberal politicians and writers have accused it of being shamefully small” and “contemptibly austere.”
Barbara Ehrenreich expressed the same attitude in her book, Nickled and Dimed: “guilt doesn’t go anywhere near far enough; the appropriate emotion is shame” regarding the stingy miserliness of America’s welfare state.
Once such a decision is made, habits are formed, and many continue to vote reflexively Democrat, regardless of facts on the ground. "
Milton Friedman on the difference between being: a) pro-free enterprise and b) being pro-business
Milton Friedman on the difference between being: a) pro-free enterprise and b) being pro-business | AEIdeas:
"You must separate out being “pro free-enterprise” from being “pro-business.”
The two greatest enemies of the free enterprise system in my opinion have been on one hand my fellow intellectuals, and on the other hand, the big businessmen – for opposite reasons.
Almost every businessman is in favor of free enterprise for everybody else, but special privilege and special government protection for himself.
As a result, they have been a major force in undermining the free enterprise system.
Stop kidding yourself into thinking you can use the business community as a way to promote free enterprise.
Unfortunately, most of them are not our friends in that respect."
"You must separate out being “pro free-enterprise” from being “pro-business.”
The two greatest enemies of the free enterprise system in my opinion have been on one hand my fellow intellectuals, and on the other hand, the big businessmen – for opposite reasons.
Almost every businessman is in favor of free enterprise for everybody else, but special privilege and special government protection for himself.
As a result, they have been a major force in undermining the free enterprise system.
Stop kidding yourself into thinking you can use the business community as a way to promote free enterprise.
Unfortunately, most of them are not our friends in that respect."
Transgender 6-year-old wins civil rights case to use girls' bathroom at Colorado school
Transgender 6-year-old wins civil rights case to use girls' bathroom at Colorado school | Fox News:
"The Colorado Civil Rights Division has ruled an elementary school discriminated against a transgender 6-year-old child by barring her from using the girls' bathroom.
KDVR reports the New York-based Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund announced the ruling Sunday, and said they would hold a news conference Monday to explain the decision in the case of Coy Mathis, who was born a boy but identifies as a girl."
"The Colorado Civil Rights Division has ruled an elementary school discriminated against a transgender 6-year-old child by barring her from using the girls' bathroom.
KDVR reports the New York-based Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund announced the ruling Sunday, and said they would hold a news conference Monday to explain the decision in the case of Coy Mathis, who was born a boy but identifies as a girl."
Woman found lying in Flint street after beaten, dragged; 15-year-old girl among suspects
Woman found lying in Flint street after beaten, dragged; 15-year-old girl among suspects |
"FLINT, MI -- Police are searching for three suspects, including a teenage girl and two males, after they allegedly beat and dragged a 58-year-old woman down Iowa Avenue.
..Several witnesses in the area said a 15-year-old girl and two men were seen assaulting the woman, dragging and striking her several times, before they fled from the scene in an unknown direction."
"FLINT, MI -- Police are searching for three suspects, including a teenage girl and two males, after they allegedly beat and dragged a 58-year-old woman down Iowa Avenue.
..Several witnesses in the area said a 15-year-old girl and two men were seen assaulting the woman, dragging and striking her several times, before they fled from the scene in an unknown direction."
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Public cost of arena tied to biz taxpayers
Public cost of arena tied to biz taxpayers | Crain's Detroit Business: "
"General Motors Co. and other downtown corporations will be the chief funders via their property taxes of the public portion of the $650 million Detroit Red Wings arena and entertainment district under a plan announced last week.
Detroit's Downtown Development Authority intends to use $284.5 million in property taxes captured within its 615-acre downtown district to pay off bonds issued by the state to build the 18,000-seat arena at Woodward Avenue and I-75.
GM has the largest taxable value within that district, and it and other corporations, along with small- and medium-sized property owners, will foot some of the arena's bill through property taxes.
.....What's different here is that Detroit doesn't have the ability to issue bonds, and the state is doing that," he said.
Zimbalist also said he's surprised at the public-private ratio of the project costs.
"It seems like they could have leaned on Ilitch a little bit more here. He's done pretty well with that franchise and he's got deep pockets," he said. "
"General Motors Co. and other downtown corporations will be the chief funders via their property taxes of the public portion of the $650 million Detroit Red Wings arena and entertainment district under a plan announced last week.
Detroit's Downtown Development Authority intends to use $284.5 million in property taxes captured within its 615-acre downtown district to pay off bonds issued by the state to build the 18,000-seat arena at Woodward Avenue and I-75.
GM has the largest taxable value within that district, and it and other corporations, along with small- and medium-sized property owners, will foot some of the arena's bill through property taxes.
.....What's different here is that Detroit doesn't have the ability to issue bonds, and the state is doing that," he said.
Zimbalist also said he's surprised at the public-private ratio of the project costs.
"It seems like they could have leaned on Ilitch a little bit more here. He's done pretty well with that franchise and he's got deep pockets," he said. "
Increasing Bond Yields Risk Debt Spiral in U.S., Japan, BIS Says
Increasing Bond Yields Risk Debt Spiral in U.S., Japan, BIS Says - Bloomberg:
"Japan’s public debt would swell to 600 percent of gross domestic product by 2050 on a 2 percentage-point increase in funding costs, should its age-related government spending continue unchecked, the Basel-based BIS said in its 83rd annual report.
In the U.S., the debt-to-GDP ratio would almost double to 200 percent under the same circumstances, it said."
"Japan’s public debt would swell to 600 percent of gross domestic product by 2050 on a 2 percentage-point increase in funding costs, should its age-related government spending continue unchecked, the Basel-based BIS said in its 83rd annual report.
In the U.S., the debt-to-GDP ratio would almost double to 200 percent under the same circumstances, it said."
Two Large Meals a Day Tops Six Mini-Meals for Weight Loss
Two Large Meals a Day Tops Six Mini-Meals for Weight Loss - Bloomberg:
"Eating two large meals a day yielded more weight loss than consuming six mini-meals with the same number of calories, according to a study that challenges the common wisdom on appetite control."
"Eating two large meals a day yielded more weight loss than consuming six mini-meals with the same number of calories, according to a study that challenges the common wisdom on appetite control."
Senators Reid, Heller Slip Las Vegas Tourism Handout Into Immigration Bill
Senators Reid, Heller Slip Las Vegas Tourism Handout Into Immigration Bill |:
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) have inserted a provision that amounts to little more than a handout to Las Vegas casinos into the repackaged immigration reform bill, Breitbart News has learned.
his provision, a brazen example of crony capitalism, was inserted into the immigration law enforcement section of the bill despite the fact that it has nothing whatsoever to do with “immigration” or “law enforcement.”
On page 66 of the repackaged bill, the following provision appears:
“CORPORATION FOR TRAVEL PROMOTION.—Sec- 9(d)(2)(B) of the Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (22 U.S.C. 2131(d)(2)(B)) is amended by striking ‘‘For each of fiscal years 2012 through 2015,’’ and inserting ‘‘For each fiscal year after 2012.”
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) have inserted a provision that amounts to little more than a handout to Las Vegas casinos into the repackaged immigration reform bill, Breitbart News has learned.
his provision, a brazen example of crony capitalism, was inserted into the immigration law enforcement section of the bill despite the fact that it has nothing whatsoever to do with “immigration” or “law enforcement.”
On page 66 of the repackaged bill, the following provision appears:
“CORPORATION FOR TRAVEL PROMOTION.—Sec- 9(d)(2)(B) of the Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (22 U.S.C. 2131(d)(2)(B)) is amended by striking ‘‘For each of fiscal years 2012 through 2015,’’ and inserting ‘‘For each fiscal year after 2012.”
Every Year The Earth Grows 40,000 Tons Heavier Thanks To What?
Every Year The Earth Grows 40,000 Tons Heavier Thanks To What?:
My thought was "fat democrat voters".
My thought was "fat democrat voters".
Developer will kill Innovation Campus hotel if county wage mandate sticks
Developer will kill Innovation Campus hotel if county wage mandate sticks - Milwaukee - The Business Journal:
"Illinois-based hotel developer Jim Mann, who was planning to build the extended-stay hotel at Innovation Campus in Wauwatosa, said late Thursday he’s dropping the project if the Milwaukee County Board keeps the wage requirements it approved just hours earlier."
"Illinois-based hotel developer Jim Mann, who was planning to build the extended-stay hotel at Innovation Campus in Wauwatosa, said late Thursday he’s dropping the project if the Milwaukee County Board keeps the wage requirements it approved just hours earlier."
IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address
IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address | CNS News:
"The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration "
"The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration "
Oh, Yeah, the Economy
Oh, Yeah, the Economy | RealClearPolitics:
"How does this recovery compared to other post-World War II recoveries? "
"How does this recovery compared to other post-World War II recoveries? "
Detroit, Chicago To Dump Retiree Health On ObamaCare, Taxpayers
Detroit, Chicago To Dump Retiree Health On ObamaCare, Taxpayers -
"High on emergency manager Kevyn Orr's to-do list: slash health care outlays for thousands of early retirees by shifting them to ObamaCare.
Detroit spent $177 million on health benefits for 19,000 retirees last year but figures it can cut that to $28 million-$40 million a year.
Part of the savings would come from paring supplemental coverage for retirees age 65 and older, most of whom already get Medicare."
"High on emergency manager Kevyn Orr's to-do list: slash health care outlays for thousands of early retirees by shifting them to ObamaCare.
Detroit spent $177 million on health benefits for 19,000 retirees last year but figures it can cut that to $28 million-$40 million a year.
Part of the savings would come from paring supplemental coverage for retirees age 65 and older, most of whom already get Medicare."
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Do 'megadeal' business incentives grow jobs? Michigan is tops in offering them, report says
Do 'megadeal' business incentives grow jobs? Michigan is tops in offering them, report says | "Michigan has offered more large government-funded subsidies and tax incentive packages to corporations than any other state, according to a new report."
Detroit Recovery Plan Threatens Muni-Market Underpinnings
Detroit Recovery Plan Threatens Muni-Market Underpinnings - Bloomberg:
"Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s plan to suspend payments on $2 billion of Detroit’s debt threatens a basic tenet of the $3.7 trillion municipal market: that states and cities will raise taxes as high as needed to avoid default."
"Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s plan to suspend payments on $2 billion of Detroit’s debt threatens a basic tenet of the $3.7 trillion municipal market: that states and cities will raise taxes as high as needed to avoid default."
IRS Sent $46 Million in Tax Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens — All at the SAME Address in Atlanta
IRS Sent $46 Million in Tax Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens — All at the SAME Address in Atlanta |
"The TIGTA audit report, published last year at the request of members of Congress, revealed 10 addresses in the U.S. that were issued anywhere from 1,846 to 23,994 tax refunds each. Four of those 10 addresses were located in Atlanta."
"The TIGTA audit report, published last year at the request of members of Congress, revealed 10 addresses in the U.S. that were issued anywhere from 1,846 to 23,994 tax refunds each. Four of those 10 addresses were located in Atlanta."
Friday, June 21, 2013
Report: FAA Moving Closer to Relaxing In-Flight Gadget Rules
Report: FAA Moving Closer to Relaxing In-Flight Gadget Rules | News & Opinion |
"A formal decision likely won't come until after the FAA receives the final version of the advisory panel's study, expected at the end of September."
"A formal decision likely won't come until after the FAA receives the final version of the advisory panel's study, expected at the end of September."
Showing photos of terrorists is racism, says Jim McDermott
Showing photos of terrorists is racism, says Jim McDermott | The Daily Caller:
"McDermott, a Democrat from Washington state, voiced his “deep concern” about the ad, which shows mug shots of international terrorists, and asked the FBI chief to “reconsider publicizing” it.
According to McDermott, the “ad featuring sixteen photos of wanted terrorists is not only offensive to Muslims and ethnic minorities, but it encourages racial and religious profiling.”
"McDermott, a Democrat from Washington state, voiced his “deep concern” about the ad, which shows mug shots of international terrorists, and asked the FBI chief to “reconsider publicizing” it.
According to McDermott, the “ad featuring sixteen photos of wanted terrorists is not only offensive to Muslims and ethnic minorities, but it encourages racial and religious profiling.”
Number Seven: NBC News Caught Again Selectively Editing Video
Number Seven: NBC News Caught Again Selectively Editing Video:
"Deceptive journalistic practices at NBC News show no sign of slowing down.
This latest attempt to selectively edit audio/video in order to benefit Barack Obama represents the seventh such act of willful, intentional journalistic malpractice.
NBC News is already being sued over one instance involving George Zimmerman.
Via Newsbusters, here is the latest, which occurred Thursday at MSNBC:
"Deceptive journalistic practices at NBC News show no sign of slowing down.
This latest attempt to selectively edit audio/video in order to benefit Barack Obama represents the seventh such act of willful, intentional journalistic malpractice.
NBC News is already being sued over one instance involving George Zimmerman.
Via Newsbusters, here is the latest, which occurred Thursday at MSNBC:
Shoe Battles - Going Toe-to-Toe in Stilettos
Shoe Battles - Going Toe-to-Toe in Stilettos -
"The designer shoe industry, to some extent, relies on the willful suspension of rational thinking, the giving over to a more primal urge (to shop, that is) in order to move merchandise that common sense would suggest is patently, obscenely, even self-destructively overpriced."
"The designer shoe industry, to some extent, relies on the willful suspension of rational thinking, the giving over to a more primal urge (to shop, that is) in order to move merchandise that common sense would suggest is patently, obscenely, even self-destructively overpriced."
Amendment Would Give Legal Status To People Displaced By Climate Change
Amendment Would Give Legal Status To People Displaced By Climate Change | ThinkProgress:
"Senator Brian Schatz’s (D-HI) filed an amendment for the immigration bill Wednesday that would allow stateless people in the U.S. to seek conditional lawful status if their nations have been made uninhabitable by climate change."
"Senator Brian Schatz’s (D-HI) filed an amendment for the immigration bill Wednesday that would allow stateless people in the U.S. to seek conditional lawful status if their nations have been made uninhabitable by climate change."
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Detroit's Debt Crisis: Everything Must Go
Detroit's Debt Crisis: Everything Must Go | Politics News | Rolling Stone:
"Detroit's Debt Crisis: Everything Must GoThe city just suspended its payments to Wall Street.
But is this the beginning of a resurrection for the city – or an organ sale?"
"Detroit's Debt Crisis: Everything Must GoThe city just suspended its payments to Wall Street.
But is this the beginning of a resurrection for the city – or an organ sale?"
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The F.B.I. Deemed Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings
The F.B.I. Deemed Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings -
WASHINGTON — After contradictory stories emerged about anF.B.I. agent’s killing last month of a Chechen man in Orlando, Fla., who was being questioned over ties to the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, the bureau reassured the public that it would clear up the murky episode.
“The F.B.I. takes very seriously any shooting incidents involving our agents, and as such we have an effective, time-tested process for addressing them internally,” a bureau spokesman said.
But if such internal investigations are time-tested, their outcomes are also predictable: from 1993 to early 2011, F.B.I. agents fatally shot about 70 “subjects” and wounded about 80 others — and every one of those episodes was deemed justified, according to interviews and internal F.B.I. records obtained by The New York Times through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
The last two years have followed the same pattern: an F.B.I. spokesman said that since 2011, there had been no findings of improper intentional shootings.
In most of the shootings, the F.B.I.’s internal investigation was the only official inquiry.
Minnesota Author Vince Flynn Dies At 47
Minnesota Author Vince Flynn Dies At 47 « CBS Minnesota:
"Minnesota author Vince Flynn has died after a long battle with prostate cancer."
RIP Vince.
"Minnesota author Vince Flynn has died after a long battle with prostate cancer."
RIP Vince.
Living in Fear: Welcome to Fascist America
Roger L. Simon » Living in Fear: Welcome to Fascist America:
"Back in the ’80s when, on a couple of occasions, I visited the Soviet Union, I always wondered what was it really like to live in that godforsaken place.
But it didn’t much matter.
For all the creepy spying that was going on, I realized I’d be out of there in a week or two.
Now I know what it was like. It’s come home.
I live in fear.
I don’t want to admit it, but it’s true.
Every phone call I make, every email I send, every text I message, every article I write including this one, I imagine being bugged or recorded.
1984 is here and it’s not pretty.
It infects everything we do."
"Back in the ’80s when, on a couple of occasions, I visited the Soviet Union, I always wondered what was it really like to live in that godforsaken place.
But it didn’t much matter.
For all the creepy spying that was going on, I realized I’d be out of there in a week or two.
Now I know what it was like. It’s come home.
I live in fear.
I don’t want to admit it, but it’s true.
Every phone call I make, every email I send, every text I message, every article I write including this one, I imagine being bugged or recorded.
1984 is here and it’s not pretty.
It infects everything we do."
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Muskegon County not included in distribution of $100 million in blight-reduction funds
Muskegon County not included in distribution of $100 million in blight-reduction funds |
"As a whole, 10.8 percent of Muskegon County homes were vacant in the 2010 Census.
That compares to 12 percent in Genesee County (Flint) and 14.5 percent in Wayne County (Detroit), and just 8 percent in Kent County (Grand Rapids),"
"As a whole, 10.8 percent of Muskegon County homes were vacant in the 2010 Census.
That compares to 12 percent in Genesee County (Flint) and 14.5 percent in Wayne County (Detroit), and just 8 percent in Kent County (Grand Rapids),"
Court Decision Could Unplug Green Energy Mandate in Michigan
Commentary: Court Decision Could Unplug Green Energy Mandate in Michigan [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Writing for the majority, Judge Richard Posner wrote: "Michigan cannot, without violating the commerce clause of Article I of the Constitution, discriminate against out-of-state renewable energy."
That single sentence may throw into jeopardy Michigan's entire renewable energy mandate, Public Act 295, which requires Michigan utilities to generate 10 percent of their electricity from in-state renewable sources by 2015."
"Writing for the majority, Judge Richard Posner wrote: "Michigan cannot, without violating the commerce clause of Article I of the Constitution, discriminate against out-of-state renewable energy."
That single sentence may throw into jeopardy Michigan's entire renewable energy mandate, Public Act 295, which requires Michigan utilities to generate 10 percent of their electricity from in-state renewable sources by 2015."
The Magic, Fairy Dust Naivete That Is Progressive Economics
The Magic, Fairy Dust Naivete That Is Progressive Economics | Somewhat Reasonable:
"Let’s proclaim the Good News: Government money is free.
No, not just to the beneficiaries of government programs.
To society as a whole.
Meaning there is no economic cost to government spending whatsoever.
The more the government spends, the richer we will all be.
Let the Good Times roll."
"Let’s proclaim the Good News: Government money is free.
No, not just to the beneficiaries of government programs.
To society as a whole.
Meaning there is no economic cost to government spending whatsoever.
The more the government spends, the richer we will all be.
Let the Good Times roll."
Russ Feingold Gets Government Placeholder Job Before 2016 Senate Rematch with Ron Johnson
Russ Feingold Gets Government Placeholder Job Before 2016 Senate Rematch with Ron Johnson - Right Wisconsin - Conservative politics and perspective powered by Charlie Sykes:
"John Kerry calls it a high level priority.
It's official. Russ Feingold's long 29-and-a-half month exile to the private sector is over.
He has just been named as the U.S. special envoy for Africa Great Lakes region and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
"John Kerry calls it a high level priority.
It's official. Russ Feingold's long 29-and-a-half month exile to the private sector is over.
He has just been named as the U.S. special envoy for Africa Great Lakes region and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Rationale for Wind Power Won't Fly
Jay Lehr: The Rationale for Wind Power Won't Fly -
To understand the folly that drives too much of the nation's energy policies, consider these basic facts about wind energy.
After decades of federal subsidies—almost $24 billion according to a recent estimate by former U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm—nowhere in the United States, or anywhere else, has an array of wind turbines replaced a single conventional power plant.
To understand the folly that drives too much of the nation's energy policies, consider these basic facts about wind energy.
After decades of federal subsidies—almost $24 billion according to a recent estimate by former U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm—nowhere in the United States, or anywhere else, has an array of wind turbines replaced a single conventional power plant.
But wind farms do take up space.
But wind farms do take up space.
The available data from wind-power companies, with which the Environmental Protection Agency agrees, show that the most effective of them can generate about five kilowatts per acre.
This means 300 square miles of land—192,000 acres—are necessary to generate the 1,000 megawatts (a billion watts) of electricity that a conventional power plant using coal, nuclear energy or natural gas can generate on a few hundred acres.
A billion watts fulfills the average annual power demand of a city of 700,000.
Amnesty bill will give every illegal alien a taxpayer-funded lawyer |
Amnesty bill will give every illegal alien a taxpayer-funded lawyer |:
"The attorney general could provide a taxpayer-funded defense attorney to any illegal alien or group of illegal aliens to help them fight deportation in court, a costly benefit to which they are not now entitled, and to which U.S. citizens are not entitled in administrative proceedings (deportation is an administrative, not a criminal, matter)"
"The attorney general could provide a taxpayer-funded defense attorney to any illegal alien or group of illegal aliens to help them fight deportation in court, a costly benefit to which they are not now entitled, and to which U.S. citizens are not entitled in administrative proceedings (deportation is an administrative, not a criminal, matter)"
Detroit's recovery plan dips into pensions to keep city afloat
Detroit's recovery plan dips into pensions to keep city afloat | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Orr's plan will test retirees' contention that Michigan's constitution protects vested pension benefits.
No such shield exists, the state-appointed manager's advisers said Friday when they unveiled his plan to restructure Michigan's largest city, a former auto-manufacturing powerhouse that lost one-quarter of its population since 2000.
Orr has said that if he doesn't get what he wants, Chapter 9 bankruptcy would be a last resort.
Detroit missed a $39.7 million payment on debt issued to bolster its pensions that was due Friday, its first failure to repay bondholders.
The city has about $1.5 billion of such obligations, which Fitch Ratings cut yesterday to D, its lowest credit grade."
"Orr's plan will test retirees' contention that Michigan's constitution protects vested pension benefits.
No such shield exists, the state-appointed manager's advisers said Friday when they unveiled his plan to restructure Michigan's largest city, a former auto-manufacturing powerhouse that lost one-quarter of its population since 2000.
Orr has said that if he doesn't get what he wants, Chapter 9 bankruptcy would be a last resort.
Detroit missed a $39.7 million payment on debt issued to bolster its pensions that was due Friday, its first failure to repay bondholders.
The city has about $1.5 billion of such obligations, which Fitch Ratings cut yesterday to D, its lowest credit grade."
Union Contract: Teachers Can Be Caught In School Drunk Five Times and On Drugs Three Times Before ...
Union Contract: Teachers Can Be Caught In School Drunk Five Times and On Drugs Three Times Before ... [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Teachers in possession or under the influence of illegal drugs could be caught three times before they lost their job, and they got five strikes if they were drunk on school grounds before being fired.
A school district official said the language in the union contract that protects teachers for those instances "was incorporated into the teacher Master Agreement in 1997."
"Teachers in possession or under the influence of illegal drugs could be caught three times before they lost their job, and they got five strikes if they were drunk on school grounds before being fired.
A school district official said the language in the union contract that protects teachers for those instances "was incorporated into the teacher Master Agreement in 1997."
Whitehall Township Residents Should Say 'Yes' To Wal-Mart
Commentary: Whitehall Township Residents Should Say 'Yes' To Wal-Mart [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Groups like BOW NOT claim to speak for the community, but they often represent a narrow slice of citizens, and those tend to be ones for whom the benefits of a more conveniently located Wal-Mart are not significant enough to matter.
For the struggling families who benefit most from Wal-Mart's low prices, greater variety and convenience, and the jobs they provide, having one even closer to home can be a big difference maker."
"Groups like BOW NOT claim to speak for the community, but they often represent a narrow slice of citizens, and those tend to be ones for whom the benefits of a more conveniently located Wal-Mart are not significant enough to matter.
For the struggling families who benefit most from Wal-Mart's low prices, greater variety and convenience, and the jobs they provide, having one even closer to home can be a big difference maker."
Experts say fraud rampant in federal worker disability program
Experts say fraud rampant in federal worker disability program |
"First of a three-part series
A postal worker who ran marathons found her race times improved after she began drawing federal disability checks for an alleged back injury.
Another disabled federal employee went scuba diving, skied in Switzerland and did flips on a trapeze. She spent part of her $193,000 in disability payments on a boat named "Free Ride" before she was caught.
A Justice Department lawyer collected $90,000 in annual disability checks after claiming the stress of his job kept him off the job. Apparently the cable TV show he began hosting while drawing disability pay wasn't so stressful."
"First of a three-part series
A postal worker who ran marathons found her race times improved after she began drawing federal disability checks for an alleged back injury.
Another disabled federal employee went scuba diving, skied in Switzerland and did flips on a trapeze. She spent part of her $193,000 in disability payments on a boat named "Free Ride" before she was caught.
A Justice Department lawyer collected $90,000 in annual disability checks after claiming the stress of his job kept him off the job. Apparently the cable TV show he began hosting while drawing disability pay wasn't so stressful."
James O’Keefe targets ‘Obamaphones’ in latest undercover investigation
James O’Keefe targets ‘Obamaphones’ in latest undercover investigation |
"James O’Keefe is back – this time targeting cell phone stores participating in the government program to offer free phones to low income individuals – or ‘Obamaphones.’
O’Keefe’s latest video features his investigators getting free phones from a store in Philadelphia, explicitly telling the employees that they planned to sell them for cash to buy designer hand bags or heroin.
One employee responds, “Hey, I don’t judge.”
Another responds, “Just keep it to yourself.”
Another employee reminds an investigator that it’s illegal to sell the phone, but tells her to “plead the Fifth” if she is caught."
"James O’Keefe is back – this time targeting cell phone stores participating in the government program to offer free phones to low income individuals – or ‘Obamaphones.’
O’Keefe’s latest video features his investigators getting free phones from a store in Philadelphia, explicitly telling the employees that they planned to sell them for cash to buy designer hand bags or heroin.
One employee responds, “Hey, I don’t judge.”
Another responds, “Just keep it to yourself.”
Another employee reminds an investigator that it’s illegal to sell the phone, but tells her to “plead the Fifth” if she is caught."
3 Things You Should Know About the Supreme Court and Voter ID
3 Things You Should Know About the Supreme Court and Voter ID
1. This is not a voter ID decision.
2. Federal law already mandates that a person must be a U.S. citizen to vote.
3. States do determine the qualifications of their voters.
1. This is not a voter ID decision.
2. Federal law already mandates that a person must be a U.S. citizen to vote.
3. States do determine the qualifications of their voters.
Monday, June 17, 2013
AMA Considers Classifying Obesity As A Disease
AMA Considers Classifying Obesity As A Disease - Forbes:
"“More widespread recognition of obesity as a disease could result in greater investment by government and the private sector to develop and reimburse obesity treatments,” a 14-page report released by the AMA’s Council on Science and Public Health said."
"“More widespread recognition of obesity as a disease could result in greater investment by government and the private sector to develop and reimburse obesity treatments,” a 14-page report released by the AMA’s Council on Science and Public Health said."
Treasury’s ‘Extraordinary’ Accounting: Deficit UP $138.7B in May, Debt DOWN $90B
Treasury’s ‘Extraordinary’ Accounting: Deficit UP $138.7B in May, Debt DOWN $90B | CNS News
Where did that additional $49.574 billion come from? asked the Treasury Department. A department spokesman pointed to the letter Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew sent to House Speaker John Boehner on May 17, which explained that the Treasury was going to begin using “extraordinary measures” to avoid hitting the current legal limit on the federal government’s debt.
.....Among the “extraordinary measures” the Treasury can use during a “Debt Issuance Suspension Period,” Lew explained in the appendix to his letter, is to change the way it accounts for the pension funds of federal employees.
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