Best Ships for Sea Days - Cruises - Cruise Critic:
"Now that you know what to look for itinerary-wise, here's our selection of the best ships for days at sea.
We chose our favorites based on their variety of onboard attractions, both indoors and out, to keep folks entertained.
They also include plenty of daytime dining options.
And if you need more inspiration, check out our companion piece: Top 10 Things to Do on Sea Days. "
We're cruisin' on #7 next spring!
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
10 Woefully Adorable Photos of Foo-chan the Disappointed Cat

"This Japanese feline sensation, also known as "the disappointed cat," is a chinchilla golden Persian cat sporting a brow that makes it look as if he is in a constant state of worry.
According to his Twitter profile, Foo-chan was picked up as a stray, and his owners guess that he is around 3 years old."
What Happened to the Rule of Law?
What Happened to the Rule of Law? -
"So maybe it should not surprise us that President Obama seems poised to authorize American military action against Syria, in clear violation of international law.
The Charter permits nations to use force against other nations only for self-defense or when the Security Council authorizes such force “to maintain or restore international peace and security,” as it did for Libya in 2011.
Mr. Obama seems to recognize the problem.
“If the U.S. goes in and attacks another country without a U.N. mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented, then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it,” he told CNN last week."
"So maybe it should not surprise us that President Obama seems poised to authorize American military action against Syria, in clear violation of international law.
The Charter permits nations to use force against other nations only for self-defense or when the Security Council authorizes such force “to maintain or restore international peace and security,” as it did for Libya in 2011.
Mr. Obama seems to recognize the problem.
“If the U.S. goes in and attacks another country without a U.N. mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented, then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it,” he told CNN last week."
Washington Post Publishes Jailbait Apologist (Ain’t I Done Told You So?)
Washington Post Publishes Jailbait Apologist (Ain’t I Done Told You So?) : The Other McCain:
"Well, here we are in August, and the Washington Post is publishing columns advocating the legalization of student-teacher sex.
Wesley J. Smith at National Review says, “How low can we go? I am afraid we are going to find out.”
"Well, here we are in August, and the Washington Post is publishing columns advocating the legalization of student-teacher sex.
Wesley J. Smith at National Review says, “How low can we go? I am afraid we are going to find out.”
Friday, August 30, 2013
No. 1: Michigan State Spartans | College Football Rankings: The Top 50 by Team Schedule Posters
No. 1: Michigan State Spartans | College Football Rankings: The Top 50 by Team Schedule Posters | Bleacher Report:
"No. 1: Michigan State Spartans"

"No. 1: Michigan State Spartans"
Team Spirit: Who wouldn't be blown away by the massive Spartan helmet? 10/10.
Schedule: It's there, but it doesn't really bring much to the party. 6/10.
Photo Quality: Making the players surround the giant Spartan helmet was perfectly done. The light and shadow is also striking. 9/10.
Creativity: Again, who doesn't love the Spartan helmet? 9/10
Awesomeness: It's a giant Spartan helmet! What more do you want? 10/10
Dunkin' Donuts criticized for 'racist' ad campaign
Dunkin' Donuts criticized for 'racist' ad campaign - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG:
"The CEO for Dunkin' Donuts in Thailand dismissed the criticism as "paranoid American thinking."
"It's absolutely ridiculous," said CEO Nadim Salhani.
"We're not allowed to use black to promote our doughnuts?
I don't get it.
What's the big fuss?
What if the product was white and I painted someone white, would that be racist?"
"The CEO for Dunkin' Donuts in Thailand dismissed the criticism as "paranoid American thinking."
"It's absolutely ridiculous," said CEO Nadim Salhani.
"We're not allowed to use black to promote our doughnuts?
I don't get it.
What's the big fuss?
What if the product was white and I painted someone white, would that be racist?"
Study puts value of Detroit music industry at $1 billion
Study puts value of Detroit music industry at $1 billion | Crain's Detroit Business:
"AEG set clear delineations as to the type of person counted: Items such as businesses selling car radios or workers at a pizza place that happens to have music were excluded, Anderson said. "
"AEG set clear delineations as to the type of person counted: Items such as businesses selling car radios or workers at a pizza place that happens to have music were excluded, Anderson said. "
"Imagine: Obama’s publicity agents at the AP are admitting to faulty intel on the chemical weapons attack in Syria.
This is compounded by reports yesterday that the White House falsified intelligence on Syria."
"Imagine: Obama’s publicity agents at the AP are admitting to faulty intel on the chemical weapons attack in Syria.
This is compounded by reports yesterday that the White House falsified intelligence on Syria."
Deadly Consequences: CA Crime Rate Spikes After Easing Prison Overcrowding
PJ Media » Deadly Consequences: CA Crime Rate Spikes After Easing Prison Overcrowding:
"It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way, was it?
In 2011, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Plata that California must reduce overcrowding in the state’s prisons, overcrowding so severe that the Court — or five members of it, anyway — found that it constituted cruel and unusual punishment and thus violated the Eighth Amendment.
The “Brown” of the case is California Governor Jerry Brown, who when faced with the predictably grim prospects demanded by the decision, saw through the legislation and implementation of what has been labeled “Public Safety Realignment.”
This innocuous term is of course government-speak for “realigning” people out of prison where they belong and onto the streets of California’s cities, with the greatest share of them coming to roost in and around Los Angeles."
"It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way, was it?
In 2011, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Plata that California must reduce overcrowding in the state’s prisons, overcrowding so severe that the Court — or five members of it, anyway — found that it constituted cruel and unusual punishment and thus violated the Eighth Amendment.
The “Brown” of the case is California Governor Jerry Brown, who when faced with the predictably grim prospects demanded by the decision, saw through the legislation and implementation of what has been labeled “Public Safety Realignment.”
This innocuous term is of course government-speak for “realigning” people out of prison where they belong and onto the streets of California’s cities, with the greatest share of them coming to roost in and around Los Angeles."
'Kim Jong-un executes nork-baring ex and pals for love polygon skin flick'
'Kim Jong-un executes nork-baring ex and pals for love polygon skin flick' • The Register:
"The Seoul-based Ilbo reports that the group were accused of videotaping themselves having sex and selling the flicks in North Korea and China.
In a strange twist, the musicians were also accused of having Bibles in their possession; seemingly a heinous crime in the anti-church communist paradise that still worships its dead "Eternal President" Kim Il-sung."
"The Seoul-based Ilbo reports that the group were accused of videotaping themselves having sex and selling the flicks in North Korea and China.
In a strange twist, the musicians were also accused of having Bibles in their possession; seemingly a heinous crime in the anti-church communist paradise that still worships its dead "Eternal President" Kim Il-sung."
All your passwords belong to us
All your passwords belong to us | ZDNet:
"This week has been another example of the hacker blitz on passwords; leading off with the password-cracker program oclHashcat-plus, which was infused with upgrades that allow it to break passwords as long as 55 characters. "
"This week has been another example of the hacker blitz on passwords; leading off with the password-cracker program oclHashcat-plus, which was infused with upgrades that allow it to break passwords as long as 55 characters. "
Artist who painted Putin, Medvedev in women's undies flees to France
Artist who painted Putin, Medvedev in women's undies flees to France:
"ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Aug. 29 (UPI) --
The Russian artist whose painting of Vladmir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev in women's underwear was seized by police, said Thursday he's seeking asylum in France."
"ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Aug. 29 (UPI) --
The Russian artist whose painting of Vladmir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev in women's underwear was seized by police, said Thursday he's seeking asylum in France."
Minimum wage protesters in Flint: 'Turn down $7.40, turn up $15'
Minimum wage protesters in Flint: 'Turn down $7.40, turn up $15' |
"FLINT, MI -- Lorenzo Johnson took a break from mopping floors and bagging food orders at the McDonald's restaurant on North Carpenter Road today, Aug. 29, and went to work delivering a message about the minimum wage.
"I do everything.
I do front counter.
I clean, sweep floors, mop, sweep up outside," said Johnson, 19, of Flint.
"This is a multi-million-dollar business.
They probably need to be forced" to raise wages."
"FLINT, MI -- Lorenzo Johnson took a break from mopping floors and bagging food orders at the McDonald's restaurant on North Carpenter Road today, Aug. 29, and went to work delivering a message about the minimum wage.
"I do everything.
I do front counter.
I clean, sweep floors, mop, sweep up outside," said Johnson, 19, of Flint.
"This is a multi-million-dollar business.
They probably need to be forced" to raise wages."
Oakland County to give Michigan bond market its biggest test next month
Oakland County to give Michigan bond market its biggest test next month | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Oakland County is set to sell $350 million of debt next month in the biggest offer from the state since June, before Detroit's record bankruptcy.
Moody's Investors Service gives the county's limited-tax general obligations its highest grade, with a stable outlook, citing a "very large and fairly affluent tax base."
"Oakland County is set to sell $350 million of debt next month in the biggest offer from the state since June, before Detroit's record bankruptcy.
Moody's Investors Service gives the county's limited-tax general obligations its highest grade, with a stable outlook, citing a "very large and fairly affluent tax base."
Superman-Batman movie will film in Michigan; $35M in incentives OK'd by state
Superman-Batman movie will film in Michigan; $35M in incentives OK'd by state | Detroit Free Press |
"The movie, informally known as the untitled “Man of Steel” sequel, has been approved for $35 million in incentives on an anticipated $131 million of in-state spending."
"The movie, informally known as the untitled “Man of Steel” sequel, has been approved for $35 million in incentives on an anticipated $131 million of in-state spending."
7 Detroit building inspectors accepted bribes, endangered public, Bill Schuette says
7 Detroit building inspectors accepted bribes, endangered public, Bill Schuette says | Detroit Free Press |
"Schuette declined to discuss the investigation in detail, saying it is ongoing.
But, he said, the charges are against inspectors and not administrators or mayoral appointees."
"Schuette declined to discuss the investigation in detail, saying it is ongoing.
But, he said, the charges are against inspectors and not administrators or mayoral appointees."
Judge halts state review of Detroit's write-in ballots in mayoral primary
Judge halts state review of Detroit's write-in ballots in mayoral primary | Detroit Free Press |
"Wilcoxon’s lawyer is Drew Paterson, who often handles legal matters for labor activist Robert Davis.
Paterson said state law allows only Wayne County’s canvassers to certify and recount ballots, so the state’s canvassers “are stuck with what the county gave them.
They’re doing an action they have no authority to do.”
"Wilcoxon’s lawyer is Drew Paterson, who often handles legal matters for labor activist Robert Davis.
Paterson said state law allows only Wayne County’s canvassers to certify and recount ballots, so the state’s canvassers “are stuck with what the county gave them.
They’re doing an action they have no authority to do.”
Detroit's pension systems to move out of Coleman A. Young building
Detroit's pension systems to move out of Coleman A. Young building | Detroit Free Press |
"Detroit’s two pension funds this week agreed to move their operations out of city hall this fall to the One Detroit Center across the street.
Pension officials estimate the move will save the funds about $1 million in rent costs. "
"Detroit’s two pension funds this week agreed to move their operations out of city hall this fall to the One Detroit Center across the street.
Pension officials estimate the move will save the funds about $1 million in rent costs. "
Ted Nugent's wife arrested after gun found in her luggage at Dallas airport
Ted Nugent's wife arrested after gun found in her luggage at Dallas airport | Detroit Free Press |
"Deziel was taken into custody and a police report is expected to be released tomorrow, according to the Dallas Morning News."
"Deziel was taken into custody and a police report is expected to be released tomorrow, according to the Dallas Morning News."
Michigan workers see 2nd-biggest drop in wages in U.S., Labor Day study finds
Michigan workers see 2nd-biggest drop in wages in U.S., Labor Day study finds | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Since 1982, the median wage in Michigan fell 7 percent, adjusted for inflation, according to the report, entitled "Labor Day Report: Michigan's Paycheck Blues."
Only Alaska had a bigger wage drop."
"Since 1982, the median wage in Michigan fell 7 percent, adjusted for inflation, according to the report, entitled "Labor Day Report: Michigan's Paycheck Blues."
Only Alaska had a bigger wage drop."
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Kim Jong-un's ex-lover 'executed by firing squad'
Kim Jong-un's ex-lover 'executed by firing squad' - Telegraph:
"Hyon's band was responsible for a string of patriotic hits in North Korea, including "Footsteps of Soldiers," "I Love Pyongyang," "She is a Discharged Soldier" and "We are Troops of the Party."
Her popularity reportedly peaked in 2005 with the song "Excellent Horse-Like Lady."
"Hyon's band was responsible for a string of patriotic hits in North Korea, including "Footsteps of Soldiers," "I Love Pyongyang," "She is a Discharged Soldier" and "We are Troops of the Party."
Her popularity reportedly peaked in 2005 with the song "Excellent Horse-Like Lady."
Amtrak riders getting free Wi-Fi in 2014
WOODTV - Amtrak riders getting free Wi-Fi in 2014 | WOOD TV8:
"LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Michigan passenger train riders will be getting Wi-Fi access next year.
The Michigan Department of Transportation says it's spending about $1 million to install by January on Amtrak trains in the state. Department spokesman Nick Schirripa tells that improving Internet access should increase ridership and produce higher revenues that more than offset the cost.
Amtrak gets state and federal subsidies and has three routes in Michigan. The Blue Water runs from Port Huron to Chicago, the Pere Marquette from Grand Rapids to Chicago and the Wolverine from Pontiac to Chicago.
Michigan's funding for Amtrak is $25.2 million in the fiscal year starting Oct. 1, up from $8 million this fiscal year.
Amtrak had 793,000 passengers in Michigan last year, generating $27.8 million in revenue. "
"LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Michigan passenger train riders will be getting Wi-Fi access next year.
The Michigan Department of Transportation says it's spending about $1 million to install by January on Amtrak trains in the state. Department spokesman Nick Schirripa tells that improving Internet access should increase ridership and produce higher revenues that more than offset the cost.
Amtrak gets state and federal subsidies and has three routes in Michigan. The Blue Water runs from Port Huron to Chicago, the Pere Marquette from Grand Rapids to Chicago and the Wolverine from Pontiac to Chicago.
Michigan's funding for Amtrak is $25.2 million in the fiscal year starting Oct. 1, up from $8 million this fiscal year.
Amtrak had 793,000 passengers in Michigan last year, generating $27.8 million in revenue. "
Obama: Martin Luther King Jr. would have liked Obamacare
Obama: Martin Luther King Jr. would have liked Obamacare |
"We were just talking with some folks earlier about the fact that, for a lot of people, it will be cheaper than your cell phone bill," Obama explained."
"We were just talking with some folks earlier about the fact that, for a lot of people, it will be cheaper than your cell phone bill," Obama explained."
Free At Last, Obama Fan Busted For Indecent Exposure At Walmart Celebrates March On Washington Anniversary
Free At Last, Obama Fan Busted For Indecent Exposure At Walmart Celebrates March On Washington Anniversary | The Smoking Gun:
"The 21-year-old Virginia man who was wearing an “Obama 2008” t-shirt when he allegedly exposed himself to a female shopper inside a Walmart is facing a misdemeanor criminal charge, though that did not stop him from participating in commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington."
"The 21-year-old Virginia man who was wearing an “Obama 2008” t-shirt when he allegedly exposed himself to a female shopper inside a Walmart is facing a misdemeanor criminal charge, though that did not stop him from participating in commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington."
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Britains's Government-Run Health Care Predictably Running Out Of Money
Britains's Government-Run Health Care Predictably Running Out Of Money -
"In Decline:
How bad are things in Great Britain's national health care system?
Bad enough that officials are now recruiting cheaper foreign doctors to save money.
According to the Press Trust of India, "Britain's cash-strapped National Health Service is planning to strike up a series of health care deals in India, including inviting Indian doctors to treat patients in the U.K., in a bid to boost its coffers.
"The proposals center around NHS doctors being flown to India to treat patients in a bid to raise cash for British hospitals and less-expensive Indian doctors coming to the U.K. to perform operations."
"In Decline:
How bad are things in Great Britain's national health care system?
Bad enough that officials are now recruiting cheaper foreign doctors to save money.
According to the Press Trust of India, "Britain's cash-strapped National Health Service is planning to strike up a series of health care deals in India, including inviting Indian doctors to treat patients in the U.K., in a bid to boost its coffers.
"The proposals center around NHS doctors being flown to India to treat patients in a bid to raise cash for British hospitals and less-expensive Indian doctors coming to the U.K. to perform operations."
Hope You Enjoyed Your Summer. Now, It's RINO Season
Hope You Enjoyed Your Summer. Now, It's RINO Season:
RINO: Republican in name only.
You're familiar with the label, right? Some would say the Republican Party is a lost cause, but the truth is, it's not the party's beliefs that are the problem, it's what the party's standard bearers do with the banner.
Let me quote a couple lines right out of the GOP platform:
"The massive federal government is structurally and financially broken. For decades it has been pushed beyond its core functions, increasing spending to unsustainable levels...Three programs-Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security- account for over 40 percent of total spending. While these levels of spending and debt are already harming job creation and growth, projections of future spending growth are nothing short of catastrophic, both economically and socially. And those dire projections do not include the fiscal nightmare of Obamacare, with over $1 trillion in new taxes, multiple mandates, and a crushing price tag."
The assumption here is that the GOP is actually going to DO something about it. But, what did 8 members of the Republican caucus in the Senate do yesterday? They voted with ALL the Democrats for a $1.7 billion increase in state spending through Medicaid expansion (read Obamacare) with money that will come from "Washington."
Washington? Really? No, not really. It's money coming out of your pocket via the nation's capital for a program that will live forever. As Ronald Reagan said:
"Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth."
Fast-food strikes set for cities nationwide
Fast-food strikes set for cities nationwide - Yahoo! Finance:
"Thursday's planned walkouts follow a series of strikes that began last November in New York City, then spread to cities including Chicago, Detroit and Seattle.
Workers say they want $15 an hour, which would be about $31,000 a year for full-time employees. "
"Thursday's planned walkouts follow a series of strikes that began last November in New York City, then spread to cities including Chicago, Detroit and Seattle.
Workers say they want $15 an hour, which would be about $31,000 a year for full-time employees. "
Why Was Stacey Rambold Get 30 Days In Jail
Why Was Stacey Rambold Get 30 Days In Jail - Business Insider:
"A former high school teacher will spend just 30 days in jail for raping a 14-year-old in part because the girl's suicide made it difficult to prosecute his case, The Billings Gazette reports."
"A former high school teacher will spend just 30 days in jail for raping a 14-year-old in part because the girl's suicide made it difficult to prosecute his case, The Billings Gazette reports."
Clinton: Continuing Racism Means Harder to Vote than Buy Assault Weapon
Clinton: Continuing Racism Means Harder to Vote than Buy Assault Weapon:
"Clinton suggested that the Supreme Court decision striking down a portion of the Voting Rights Act was an act of continuing racism.
“A great democracy does not make it harder to vote than to buy an assault weapon.
We must open those stubborn gates,” Clinton stated. "
"Clinton suggested that the Supreme Court decision striking down a portion of the Voting Rights Act was an act of continuing racism.
“A great democracy does not make it harder to vote than to buy an assault weapon.
We must open those stubborn gates,” Clinton stated. "
Former UN Ambassador: Trayvon Martin Is A ‘Martyr’
Former UN Ambassador: Trayvon Martin Is A ‘Martyr’ « CBS Tampa:
"Former United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young stated that Trayvon Martin is one of several martyrs under the cause of civil rights violence and injustice."
"Former United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young stated that Trayvon Martin is one of several martyrs under the cause of civil rights violence and injustice."
Labor union movement topic of Muskegon Community College free lecture series
Labor union movement topic of Muskegon Community College free lecture series |
"Budimir said he decided to turn his labor studies course into a public lecture series as a public service, and to help people "refamiliarize" themselves with the world of labor, which I think people are very alienated from."
Among the presenters are the presidents of the Michigan Education Association and the Michigan Chapter of the American Federation of Teachers as well as the chairman of the Muskegon County Republican Party."
"Budimir said he decided to turn his labor studies course into a public lecture series as a public service, and to help people "refamiliarize" themselves with the world of labor, which I think people are very alienated from."
Among the presenters are the presidents of the Michigan Education Association and the Michigan Chapter of the American Federation of Teachers as well as the chairman of the Muskegon County Republican Party."
How they voted: Michigan Senate OKs Medicaid expansion with just 8 Republicans saying 'yes'
How they voted: Michigan Senate OKs Medicaid expansion with just 8 Republicans saying 'yes' |
"Y -Geoff Hansen R Hart"
How can we re-elect ANY "republican" who sides with the SEIU and EVERY democrat on this critical issue?
"Y -Geoff Hansen R Hart"
How can we re-elect ANY "republican" who sides with the SEIU and EVERY democrat on this critical issue?
Michigan house call firm locations tied to Medicare investigation, arrests
Michigan house call firm locations tied to Medicare investigation, arrests | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Prosecutors have announced arrests in a health care fraud case that allegedly extended to several states, including Michigan."
Prepare for more fraud than "health care"......
"Prosecutors have announced arrests in a health care fraud case that allegedly extended to several states, including Michigan."
Prepare for more fraud than "health care"......
President Obama meets with Flint mayor in roundtable to discuss youth violence strategies
President Obama meets with Flint mayor in roundtable to discuss youth violence strategies |
"Flint Mayor Dayne Walling was in Washington, D.C., for the brainstorming meeting with President Barack Obama and another with Attorney General Eric Holder. ...
"We have to get beyond a reactionary response from law enforcement and actually address the underlying causes of violence," Walling said. "There was a lot of discussion about the need for more early childhood education, literacy programs for adults, and support for parents."
Free at last.......
"Flint Mayor Dayne Walling was in Washington, D.C., for the brainstorming meeting with President Barack Obama and another with Attorney General Eric Holder. ...
"We have to get beyond a reactionary response from law enforcement and actually address the underlying causes of violence," Walling said. "There was a lot of discussion about the need for more early childhood education, literacy programs for adults, and support for parents."
Free at last.......
Lansing marijuana reform law: 'Democracy in its purest form'
Lansing marijuana reform law: 'Democracy in its purest form' |
"LANSING – Supporters of marijuana reform say they're excited that Lansing City Clerk Chris Swope has certified their ballot initiative to legalize the possession, use and transfer of an ounce of marijuana by adults 21 years and older on private property. "
"LANSING – Supporters of marijuana reform say they're excited that Lansing City Clerk Chris Swope has certified their ballot initiative to legalize the possession, use and transfer of an ounce of marijuana by adults 21 years and older on private property. "
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Password breaker successfully tackles 55 character sequences
Password breaker successfully tackles 55 character sequences | ZDNet:
"After modifying 618,473 total lines of source code over six months, the new version is able to conduct eight billion guesses per second on a high number of hashes, and attacks can be tailored depending on which firm has been targeted."
"After modifying 618,473 total lines of source code over six months, the new version is able to conduct eight billion guesses per second on a high number of hashes, and attacks can be tailored depending on which firm has been targeted."
Get ready for a 'massive interest rate shock' soon
Get ready for a 'massive interest rate shock' soon:
Wall Street and Washington love to spread fables that facilitate feelings of bliss among the investing public.
For example, recall in 2005 when they inculcated to consumers the notion that home prices have never, and will never, fall on a national basis.
We all know how that story turned out.
...........When the Fed stops buying Treasurys, foreign and domestic investors will do so as well. This means for a period of time there won't be anyone left to buy Treasurys unless prices first plunge.
The effects of rising rates will be profound on currencies, equity prices, real estate values and economies across the globe.
It would be wise to prepare your portfolio for a massive interest rate shock in the near future.
—Michael Pento is an economist and president of Pento Portfolio Strategies.
Kids bully toddler and make her cry - Kids bully toddler and make her cry:
"Kids bully toddler and make her cry
A group of kids and a pre-teen bully a three year old girl and make her cry at least twice on camera.
The cameraman (a 12 year old boy) brags on Facebook and titled his video "When white people piss black people off."
"Kids bully toddler and make her cry
A group of kids and a pre-teen bully a three year old girl and make her cry at least twice on camera.
The cameraman (a 12 year old boy) brags on Facebook and titled his video "When white people piss black people off."
The Obamacare Lobbying Bonanza
The Obamacare Lobbying Bonanza - Hit & Run :
"The sheer amount of lobbying that surrounds the law is pretty staggering. A Reuters report offers some context:
A Reuters review of lobbying records found that more than 500 companies, business groups, consumer advocates, unions and other organizations weighed in on the Affordable Care Act during the second quarter of this year.
A typical issue in Washington attracts 15 interest groups at any one time, according to research by Beth Leech, a Rutgers University political science professor who has written three books about lobbying. At the height of political debate over the law, just before Congress passed the legislation in March 2010, more than 1,000 stakeholders lobbied on the bill."
"The sheer amount of lobbying that surrounds the law is pretty staggering. A Reuters report offers some context:
A Reuters review of lobbying records found that more than 500 companies, business groups, consumer advocates, unions and other organizations weighed in on the Affordable Care Act during the second quarter of this year.
A typical issue in Washington attracts 15 interest groups at any one time, according to research by Beth Leech, a Rutgers University political science professor who has written three books about lobbying. At the height of political debate over the law, just before Congress passed the legislation in March 2010, more than 1,000 stakeholders lobbied on the bill."
Michigan Senate poised to vote on Medicaid expansion under Affordable Care Act
Michigan Senate poised to vote on Medicaid expansion under Affordable Care Act |
Call Sen. Goeff Hansen TODAY!
Two good info links to help you understand this important issue:
Call Sen. Goeff Hansen TODAY!
Two good info links to help you understand this important issue:
GVSU’s LGBT Resource Center hosting book clubs
GVSU’s LGBT Resource Center hosting book clubs |
"ALLENDALE, MI - Grand Valley State University’s LBGT Resource Center has chosen two books for discussion groups open to the campus community this school year.
The books are “Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law” by Dean Spade and “The Erotic Life of Racism” by Sharon Patricia Holland."
This'll really bring 'em back to readin'........
"ALLENDALE, MI - Grand Valley State University’s LBGT Resource Center has chosen two books for discussion groups open to the campus community this school year.
The books are “Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law” by Dean Spade and “The Erotic Life of Racism” by Sharon Patricia Holland."
This'll really bring 'em back to readin'........
Detroit Three customer satisfaction falls in latest quarterly survey
Detroit Three customer satisfaction falls in latest quarterly survey | Detroit Free Press |
"The gap in customer satisfaction between the Detroit Three and Asian automakers is widening, according to a new survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index."
"Detroit Three" includes Fiat?(Chrysler)
"The gap in customer satisfaction between the Detroit Three and Asian automakers is widening, according to a new survey by the American Customer Satisfaction Index."
"Detroit Three" includes Fiat?(Chrysler)
State takes up Detroit's disputed election today, seeks to finalize mayor count
State takes up Detroit's disputed election today, seeks to finalize mayor count | Detroit Free Press |
"State election officials will meet in Detroit this morning in an effort to finalize disputed results of the city’s Aug. 6 mayoral primary election.
The state’s review of the election is ongoing and might not be finished by today’s public meeting of the Board of State Canvassers, said Fred Woodhams, spokesman for the secretary of state."
"State election officials will meet in Detroit this morning in an effort to finalize disputed results of the city’s Aug. 6 mayoral primary election.
The state’s review of the election is ongoing and might not be finished by today’s public meeting of the Board of State Canvassers, said Fred Woodhams, spokesman for the secretary of state."
California Proposition 187 (1994)
How we got into this mess.
Click the link and read:
California Proposition 187 (1994) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Click the link and read:
California Proposition 187 (1994) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Legal challenges[edit source | editbeta]
The constitutionality of Proposition 187 was challenged by several lawsuits. On November 11, 1994, three days after the bill's passage, Federal Judge Matthew Byrne issued a temporary restraining order against institution of the measure, which was filed by State Attorney General Dan Lungren.[19] After Judge Mariana Pfaelzer issued a permanentinjunction of Proposition 187 in December 1994, blocking all provisions except those dealing with higher education and false documents, multiple cases were consolidated and brought before the federal court. In November 1997, Pfaelzer found the law to be unconstitutional on the basis that it infringed on the federal government's exclusive jurisdiction over matters relating to immigration.[20] Pfaelzer also explained that Proposition 187's effect on the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, the Congressional overhaul of the American welfare system, proved that the bill was a "scheme" to regulate immigration:
"California is powerless to enact its own legislative scheme to regulate immigration. It is likewise powerless to enact its own legislative scheme to regulate alien access to public benefits."
Governor Wilson appealed the ruling, which brought the case to the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. But in 1999, the newly elected Democratic Governor Gray Davis had the case brought before mediation.[21] His administration withdrew the appeal before the courts in July 1999, effectively killing the law.[22]
Monday, August 26, 2013
Faces of Evil in a Violent Underclass
Articles: Faces of Evil in a Violent Underclass:
"Faces of Evil - that was the headline of the Australian Herald Sun when reporting the depraved murder of Aussie Christopher Lane.
It is instructive to carry that theme further with a few more faces."
"Faces of Evil - that was the headline of the Australian Herald Sun when reporting the depraved murder of Aussie Christopher Lane.
It is instructive to carry that theme further with a few more faces."
At RNC event, (respected black) speaker says African Americans have taken a back seat to gays, immigrants
At RNC event, speaker says African Americans have taken a back seat to gays, immigrants:
"Woodson also criticized the “moral traitors” who mourned the death of Martin but not Chris Lane, the Australian baseball player who prosecutors allege was shot to death in Oklahoma by three boys, two whom are black.
Conservatives have strongly criticized black leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson for treating the cases of Martin and Hale differently.
Woodson said King would mourn for both equally.
“If Dr. King were alive today, he would not be just talking about justice for Trayvon Martin,” Woodson said.
”He would also give a prayer for this 18-year-old man, this little baby, who was shot in the face by two black kids."
"Woodson also criticized the “moral traitors” who mourned the death of Martin but not Chris Lane, the Australian baseball player who prosecutors allege was shot to death in Oklahoma by three boys, two whom are black.
Conservatives have strongly criticized black leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson for treating the cases of Martin and Hale differently.
Woodson said King would mourn for both equally.
“If Dr. King were alive today, he would not be just talking about justice for Trayvon Martin,” Woodson said.
”He would also give a prayer for this 18-year-old man, this little baby, who was shot in the face by two black kids."
Lack of seasonal workers puts Michigan farmers in a pickle
Lack of seasonal workers puts Michigan farmers in a pickle | The Detroit News:
“Every operation in the county is short of migrant labor right now,” said Leitz, who heads a farm near Sodus in Berrien County.
“I thought this would never happen to us with the migrant stream we had going from Florida to Michigan.”
“Every operation in the county is short of migrant labor right now,” said Leitz, who heads a farm near Sodus in Berrien County.
“I thought this would never happen to us with the migrant stream we had going from Florida to Michigan.”
First, defund Obamaphones
First, defund Obamaphones | The Detroit News:
"Nothing better illustrates the impossibility of killing a federal entitlement than the fraud-riddled Obamaphone program.
The $2.1 billion giveaway, funded by a tax on every cellphone service contract, is a well-documented boondoggle — an estimated 41 percent of the phones go to ineligible recipients."
"Nothing better illustrates the impossibility of killing a federal entitlement than the fraud-riddled Obamaphone program.
The $2.1 billion giveaway, funded by a tax on every cellphone service contract, is a well-documented boondoggle — an estimated 41 percent of the phones go to ineligible recipients."
16 Best Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis Quotes
16 Best Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis Quotes | Washington Free Beacon:
"3. “I come in peace.
I didn’t bring artillery.
But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes:
If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.”
(San Diego Union Tribune)"
"3. “I come in peace.
I didn’t bring artillery.
But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes:
If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.”
(San Diego Union Tribune)"
The Greatest Keyboard Shortcut Ever
The Greatest Keyboard Shortcut Ever - Slashdot:
"Did you know there is a the miraculous way to resuscitate tabs sent to the 'undiscovere'd country,' a sort of Ctrl-Z for the entire Internet, that means 'no more called-out cusswords, no more wishing the back button had you covered when, aiming to click on a tab, you accidentally hit the little X on the tab's starboard.'
For Macs: Command [plus] shift [plus] t reopens the last tab.
For PCs: Ctrl [plus] Shift [plus] T."
"Did you know there is a the miraculous way to resuscitate tabs sent to the 'undiscovere'd country,' a sort of Ctrl-Z for the entire Internet, that means 'no more called-out cusswords, no more wishing the back button had you covered when, aiming to click on a tab, you accidentally hit the little X on the tab's starboard.'
For Macs: Command [plus] shift [plus] t reopens the last tab.
For PCs: Ctrl [plus] Shift [plus] T."
Board approves ex-Ficano aide's $97K annual pension
Board approves ex-Ficano aide's $97K annual pension | The Detroit News:
"Detroit — A 41-year-old former top aide to Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano will collect a pension that pays nearly $97,000 per year after working for the county only 8 1/2 years."
"Detroit — A 41-year-old former top aide to Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano will collect a pension that pays nearly $97,000 per year after working for the county only 8 1/2 years."
Your Monday Morning Dose of Doom & Gloom
VodkaPundit » Your Monday Morning Dose of Doom & Gloom:
"At the low end, about 40 percent of Americans now do minimal-skilled service jobs — the ones that, in the wake of Obamacare, are becoming neither full-time nor part-time but kinda-sorta two-thirds-time in order not to impose health-insurance obligations on the employer.
In the middle, a similar number of Americans are diverted into those paper-shuffling jobs that do provide health benefits — say, in the “human resources” department of the bureaucracy; the kind of job in which you pass the time calling someone in Idaho to say you need them to fill in a W-9 before you can send them a 1099, or vice versa.
And, at the top end, privileged Americans spend six-figure sums acquiring college degrees that admit them to an homogenized elite that tells itself Obamacare makes perfect sense for everyone except them.
The U.S. economy can never recover until more of its real “human resources” are engaged in genuine wealth creation.[Emphasis added. For emphasis.]"
"At the low end, about 40 percent of Americans now do minimal-skilled service jobs — the ones that, in the wake of Obamacare, are becoming neither full-time nor part-time but kinda-sorta two-thirds-time in order not to impose health-insurance obligations on the employer.
In the middle, a similar number of Americans are diverted into those paper-shuffling jobs that do provide health benefits — say, in the “human resources” department of the bureaucracy; the kind of job in which you pass the time calling someone in Idaho to say you need them to fill in a W-9 before you can send them a 1099, or vice versa.
And, at the top end, privileged Americans spend six-figure sums acquiring college degrees that admit them to an homogenized elite that tells itself Obamacare makes perfect sense for everyone except them.
The U.S. economy can never recover until more of its real “human resources” are engaged in genuine wealth creation.[Emphasis added. For emphasis.]"
Italians wake up, and their factory is gone. Literally.
Italians wake up, and their factory is gone. Literally. | Conservative Intelligence Briefing:
"Earlier this month, Fabrizio Pedroni wished his employees a happy summer holiday and told them to return to work in three weeks.
That night, he began dismantling his electric component factory in northern Italy and packing its machinery off to Poland.
“Had I told them earlier about any plans to shift the production abroad, they would have occupied my factory and seized all my stuff,” Pedroni said in an Aug. 21 telephone interview from Poland.
“The plain truth is that I wanted my business to survive and there weren’t the right conditions for me to operate in Italy any longer.”
Pedroni is now facing death threats and probably can’t show his face anywhere in Italy.
But his company had been losing money for five years running."
"Earlier this month, Fabrizio Pedroni wished his employees a happy summer holiday and told them to return to work in three weeks.
That night, he began dismantling his electric component factory in northern Italy and packing its machinery off to Poland.
“Had I told them earlier about any plans to shift the production abroad, they would have occupied my factory and seized all my stuff,” Pedroni said in an Aug. 21 telephone interview from Poland.
“The plain truth is that I wanted my business to survive and there weren’t the right conditions for me to operate in Italy any longer.”
Pedroni is now facing death threats and probably can’t show his face anywhere in Italy.
But his company had been losing money for five years running."
Farmer's Almanac Predicts 'Bitterly Cold' Winter
Farmer's Almanac Predicts 'Bitterly Cold' Winter:
"The famous Farmer’s Almanac is going to damper the mood of many man-made global warming alarmists when the book hits the shelves on Monday.
They predict the 2013-2014 winter will be extremely cold.
The book uses words like “piercing cold,” “bitterly cold,” and “biting cold” to describe the upcoming winter. The authors predict a huge winter storm during the first outdoor Super Bowl in years. "
"The famous Farmer’s Almanac is going to damper the mood of many man-made global warming alarmists when the book hits the shelves on Monday.
They predict the 2013-2014 winter will be extremely cold.
The book uses words like “piercing cold,” “bitterly cold,” and “biting cold” to describe the upcoming winter. The authors predict a huge winter storm during the first outdoor Super Bowl in years. "
Right-to-work's practical effect: Subdued
Right-to-work's practical effect: Subdued | Crain's Detroit Business:
"There will be more pressure on unions to justify their existence to their members, so employers should be prepared to see more grievances filed, he said. "
"There will be more pressure on unions to justify their existence to their members, so employers should be prepared to see more grievances filed, he said. "
Detroit creditors' tales of owe
Detroit creditors' tales of owe | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Fifteen cents on the dollar.
That's the going rate for debt that Detroit owes its trade creditors, at least in the estimation of firms seeking to buy that debt."
"Fifteen cents on the dollar.
That's the going rate for debt that Detroit owes its trade creditors, at least in the estimation of firms seeking to buy that debt."
Obama hides Obamacare subsidies for foreign students, guest workers
Obama hides Obamacare subsidies for foreign students, guest workers | The Daily Caller:
"He made the misleading claim during a televised roundtable at the second stop of his two-day, two-state tour promoting more aid to students.
“Obviously, when it come to federal grants, loans, support, subsidies, that we provide, those are for our citizens,” Obama told a student questioner from the friendly audience of college professors, administrators and students at the Binghamton University in New York."
...A 1996 law bars foreigners and recent immigrants for most means-tested products.
"He made the misleading claim during a televised roundtable at the second stop of his two-day, two-state tour promoting more aid to students.
“Obviously, when it come to federal grants, loans, support, subsidies, that we provide, those are for our citizens,” Obama told a student questioner from the friendly audience of college professors, administrators and students at the Binghamton University in New York."
...A 1996 law bars foreigners and recent immigrants for most means-tested products.
But the Obamacare system will provide valuable health-care subsidies to many student-workers and foreign guest workers hired for jobs
in America.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Author and former tutor Lacy Crawford reveals rich parents’ college-admissions madness
Author and former tutor Lacy Crawford reveals rich parents’ college-admissions madness -
“My ex-husband, he’s not seeing the application, so we’ll say what we want.
We lived four years in Senegal.
Our name is exotic.
So, we will check the box and say he is black.”
I said this was not a good idea.
“Why not?” she pressed me. “Can they ask for proof?”
Her son sat silent as a stone, blue eyes fixed on his notebook, while the appraisers’ cameras flashed on the Picassos on the walls.
In the months to follow, I failed to dissuade the mother of her plan. Her son was not admitted."
“My ex-husband, he’s not seeing the application, so we’ll say what we want.
We lived four years in Senegal.
Our name is exotic.
So, we will check the box and say he is black.”
I said this was not a good idea.
“Why not?” she pressed me. “Can they ask for proof?”
Her son sat silent as a stone, blue eyes fixed on his notebook, while the appraisers’ cameras flashed on the Picassos on the walls.
In the months to follow, I failed to dissuade the mother of her plan. Her son was not admitted."
‘Lawless White House’ Has Made a ‘Clear Attempt’ to ‘Aid & Abet Voter Fraud,’ Says GOP Rep
‘Lawless White House’ Has Made a ‘Clear Attempt’ to ‘Aid & Abet Voter Fraud,’ Says GOP Rep |
“Whether it is blocking the prosecution of voter intimidation in Philadelphia, illegally running guns to Mexican drug lords or assisting voter fraud in Texas Barack Obama has decided the rule of law takes a back seat to ‘Rules for Radicals,’” he added."
“Whether it is blocking the prosecution of voter intimidation in Philadelphia, illegally running guns to Mexican drug lords or assisting voter fraud in Texas Barack Obama has decided the rule of law takes a back seat to ‘Rules for Radicals,’” he added."
Man Banned From Farms. All Farms
Man Banned From Farms. All Farms. - The Daily Beast:
Man Banned From Farms. All Farms.
Robert Newman, a 23-year-old man, was banned from visiting every single farm in London after he was caught having intercourse with a goat at a farm in Wiltshire. "
Man Banned From Farms. All Farms.
Robert Newman, a 23-year-old man, was banned from visiting every single farm in London after he was caught having intercourse with a goat at a farm in Wiltshire. "
A Proud Nation Ponders How to Halt Its Slow Decline
A Proud Nation Ponders How to Halt Its Slow Decline -
"Today, however, Europe is talking about “the French question”: can the Socialist government of President François Hollande pull France out of its slow decline and prevent it from slipping permanently into Europe’s second tier?
At stake is whether a social democratic system...... can survive the combination of globalization, an aging population and the acute fiscal shocks of recent years."
"Today, however, Europe is talking about “the French question”: can the Socialist government of President François Hollande pull France out of its slow decline and prevent it from slipping permanently into Europe’s second tier?
At stake is whether a social democratic system...... can survive the combination of globalization, an aging population and the acute fiscal shocks of recent years."
Save us from govt’s good intentions
Save us from govt’s good intentions | Columnists | Opinion | Ottawa Sun:
OK, that’s a real mess. So how did it happen?
Simple. The government decided some nice people should get something free and some other people should have to pay, not because they deserved to but because they could. It wasn’t even fair. In this sense social justice already bears no discernible resemblance to actual justice. But, in any case, it didn’t work because many of the intended pinatas not only couldn’t pay, they didn’t have to.
Governments in hock up to our eyeballs don’t seem to get the basic notion that driving useful businesses like assisted-living residences into bankruptcy leaves their customers worse off. They certainly don’t grasp that owners are unlikely passively to submit to personal ruin for no social gain.
Faced with new requirements including staff background checks, “panic” buttons in all rooms and 24-hour surveillance that one owner claimed would cost between $200,000 and $300,000, owners didn’t just have choices. They had minds able to grasp those choices. They could notice a change in their circumstances, pleasant or otherwise, and respond rationally. People usually do. Yet many people in government simply don’t believe the common man or woman notices what’s going on and reacts sensibly.
When I say politicians think we’re stupid and helpless, this is what I mean. They figure we can’t tell what’s happening and if we could, we wouldn’t know what to do about it.
Ban E-Cigarettes? The Anti-Smoking Lobby's Clueless Crusade
Ban E-Cigarettes? The Anti-Smoking Lobby's Clueless Crusade - The Daily Beast:
"The anti-smoking movement is going after e-cigarettes, the harmless inhalers that help people kick the habit."
"The anti-smoking movement is going after e-cigarettes, the harmless inhalers that help people kick the habit."
Eric Holder fails to fight election policies that discriminate against me
Eric Holder fails to fight election policies that discriminate against me | The Barbershop: Dennis Byrne, Proprietor:
For example, Illinois' 4th Congressional district (below) is designed to protect Democratic Cong. Luis Gutiérrez.
Does it look
compact and contiguous to you?
For example, Illinois' 4th Congressional district (below) is designed to protect Democratic Cong. Luis Gutiérrez.
Does it look
ObamaCare: When Socialist Theory Meets Practice
Articles: ObamaCare: When Socialist Theory Meets Practice:
"America is lucky to have had two great social theorists:
Yogi Berra and Richard Feynman.
Had the Democrats heeded their words of wisdom when the issue of ObamaCare arose they'd not be sliding down the slippery slope they greased all by themselves.
Yogi's warning is nice and succinct:
"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
Professor Feynman said much the same thing but in a few more words:
"The real question of government versus private enterprise is argued on too philosophical and abstract a basis. Theoretically, planning may be good.
But nobody has ever figured out the cause of government stupidity and until they do (and find the cure) all ideal plans will fall into quicksand."
Whichever version you choose, it's clear that Democrat stupidity is at the heart of Obamacare, the entire juggernaut is sliding into quicksand and taking the party down with it as bits of the law become implemented, other bits have been delayed, waived for some buddies, or jettisoned as unworkable by an administration which consistently confuses executive and legislative functions. "
"America is lucky to have had two great social theorists:
Yogi Berra and Richard Feynman.
Had the Democrats heeded their words of wisdom when the issue of ObamaCare arose they'd not be sliding down the slippery slope they greased all by themselves.
Yogi's warning is nice and succinct:
"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
Professor Feynman said much the same thing but in a few more words:
"The real question of government versus private enterprise is argued on too philosophical and abstract a basis. Theoretically, planning may be good.
But nobody has ever figured out the cause of government stupidity and until they do (and find the cure) all ideal plans will fall into quicksand."
Whichever version you choose, it's clear that Democrat stupidity is at the heart of Obamacare, the entire juggernaut is sliding into quicksand and taking the party down with it as bits of the law become implemented, other bits have been delayed, waived for some buddies, or jettisoned as unworkable by an administration which consistently confuses executive and legislative functions. "
Medicaid expansion: There is a better alternative
Sen. Patrick Colbeck on Medicaid expansion: There is a better alternative |
"I remain stridently opposed to this legislation because it:
1. Expands an already unsustainable Medicaid program
2. Encourages poor quality care through managed care
3. Raises the cost of healthcare for many to subsidize lower cost healthcare for some
4. Increases government spending
5. Increases the debt risk for future generations
6. Promotes uncertainty in Michigan’s healthcare market as its parent legislation, Obamacare, suffers from so many implementation delays that Democrat Senators Max Baucus and Harry Reid have referred to it as a “train wreck”
7. Discourages job growth as expenses and uncertainty increase
8. Simply converts uncompensated care in hospitals to undercompensated care
9. Promotes current third party payment model with minimal price transparency
10. Promotes expanded control over “we the people” rather than returning control of healthcare decisions to patients and their doctors
The most significant reason that I remain stridently opposed to HB 4714 is very simple, though.
We have a better option.
That option is the Patient-Centered Care Act that I have introduced as Senate Bills 459 and 460. "
"I remain stridently opposed to this legislation because it:
1. Expands an already unsustainable Medicaid program
2. Encourages poor quality care through managed care
3. Raises the cost of healthcare for many to subsidize lower cost healthcare for some
4. Increases government spending
5. Increases the debt risk for future generations
6. Promotes uncertainty in Michigan’s healthcare market as its parent legislation, Obamacare, suffers from so many implementation delays that Democrat Senators Max Baucus and Harry Reid have referred to it as a “train wreck”
7. Discourages job growth as expenses and uncertainty increase
8. Simply converts uncompensated care in hospitals to undercompensated care
9. Promotes current third party payment model with minimal price transparency
10. Promotes expanded control over “we the people” rather than returning control of healthcare decisions to patients and their doctors
The most significant reason that I remain stridently opposed to HB 4714 is very simple, though.
We have a better option.
That option is the Patient-Centered Care Act that I have introduced as Senate Bills 459 and 460. "
Saturday, August 24, 2013
When I was a rich kid, we were all pro-communist
Articles: When I was a rich kid, we were all pro-communist:
"Communists back then pretended, like Obama today, to defend the middle class and spitefully attack the rich. But communism actually decimated the middle class and created a new power-class out of the communist faithful.
It is a party built on jealousy.
The communists, like the Occupy Wall Street crowd, are so jealous of the rich that they are willing to destroy the business structure of Wall Street without leaving themselves a viable path to success.
Imagine those unemployed rich kids and rapists setting up a new business model on Wall Street.
Failure, thy name is inexperience and youth. "
"Communists back then pretended, like Obama today, to defend the middle class and spitefully attack the rich. But communism actually decimated the middle class and created a new power-class out of the communist faithful.
It is a party built on jealousy.
The communists, like the Occupy Wall Street crowd, are so jealous of the rich that they are willing to destroy the business structure of Wall Street without leaving themselves a viable path to success.
Imagine those unemployed rich kids and rapists setting up a new business model on Wall Street.
Failure, thy name is inexperience and youth. "
How Responsible Is Obama for the Oklahoma Killing?
Articles: How Responsible Is Obama for the Oklahoma Killing?:
"Even if true, Obama neglected to mention the motive behind this seeming bad behavior: according to best evidence, blacks commit interracial muggings, robberies and rapes at thirty-five times the rate of whites, and everyone more or less knows it, Jesse Jackson included."
"Even if true, Obama neglected to mention the motive behind this seeming bad behavior: according to best evidence, blacks commit interracial muggings, robberies and rapes at thirty-five times the rate of whites, and everyone more or less knows it, Jesse Jackson included."
Escaping the death spiral of Blue State taxes
Examiner Editorial: Escaping the death spiral of Blue State taxes |
"Debt-ridden California needs every cent it can squeeze out of its taxpayers.
The government unions that control the state through the Democratic Party are the highest paid state government employees in the nation.
Despite being near the bottom in student academic achievement, California is near the top on per-pupil spending.
And that $68 billion high-speed train to nowhere that the state is building in the Central Valley won't pay for itself."
"Debt-ridden California needs every cent it can squeeze out of its taxpayers.
The government unions that control the state through the Democratic Party are the highest paid state government employees in the nation.
Despite being near the bottom in student academic achievement, California is near the top on per-pupil spending.
And that $68 billion high-speed train to nowhere that the state is building in the Central Valley won't pay for itself."
A recent history of hate-crime hoaxes
A recent history of hate-crime hoaxes | Conservative Intelligence Briefing:
"Here’s a brief and partial recent history of hate-crime hoaxes, culled from various online sources including (which contains accounts of several real hate crimes as well) and"
"Here’s a brief and partial recent history of hate-crime hoaxes, culled from various online sources including (which contains accounts of several real hate crimes as well) and"
Bert Fish Medical Center: Smokers need not apply
Bert Fish Medical Center: Smokers need not apply |
"[NEW SMYRNA BEACH — Starting Jan. 1, Bert Fish Medical Center will no longer hire tobacco users, joining two other local hospitals in telling smokers not to apply.
Applicants will be tested for a nicotine byproduct and sign an agreement to remain tobacco-free during their employment with the New Smyrna Beach public hospital. "
"[NEW SMYRNA BEACH — Starting Jan. 1, Bert Fish Medical Center will no longer hire tobacco users, joining two other local hospitals in telling smokers not to apply.
Applicants will be tested for a nicotine byproduct and sign an agreement to remain tobacco-free during their employment with the New Smyrna Beach public hospital. "
Friday, August 23, 2013
Unacceptable: New Study Shows Welfare Benefits Surpass Minimum Wage
Unacceptable: New Study Shows Welfare Benefits Surpass Minimum Wage |:
"In Mississippi, a welfare recipient can receive as much as $16,984 in welfare benefits.
That is more than working for minimum wage in the private sector.
However, it gets worse.
It’s because Mississippi is dead last in handing out welfare goodies.
It only goes up from there."
"In Mississippi, a welfare recipient can receive as much as $16,984 in welfare benefits.
That is more than working for minimum wage in the private sector.
However, it gets worse.
It’s because Mississippi is dead last in handing out welfare goodies.
It only goes up from there."
Best Cruises - Cruisers' Choice Awards
Best Cruises - Cruisers' Choice Awards:
We've sailed on 2 of the top 6 with Equinox with coming up in Mar.
Our 1st cruise was a few years ago......
We've sailed on 2 of the top 6 with Equinox with coming up in Mar.
Our 1st cruise was a few years ago......
Car-Ownership Costs By State
Car-Ownership Costs By State |
Estimated annual cost of car ownership
MI v IN cost 20% more to operate a car.
How much more to operate a truck?
Estimated annual cost of car ownership
MI v IN cost 20% more to operate a car.
How much more to operate a truck?
Rank | State | Repairs | Taxes/fees | Gasoline | Insurance | Total |
24 | Michigan | $317 | $976 | $1,025 | $921 | $3,240 |
46 | Indiana | $329 | $558 | $1,190 | $621 | $2,698 |
“The Love Boat’s” Final Act Continues…
“The Love Boat’s” Final Act Continues… | MaritimeMatters | Cruise ship news and ocean liner history:
"The former “Love Boat’s” death struggle remains in a stasis per new images from Aliaga taken this morning."
"The former “Love Boat’s” death struggle remains in a stasis per new images from Aliaga taken this morning."
Will Michigan Business Taxpayers Be Subsidizing Batteries for 'Free' Golf Carts?
Will Michigan Business Taxpayers Be Subsidizing Batteries for 'Free' Golf Carts? [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"While many Michigan taxpayers may be laughing or angry at the revelation by Fox News' John Stossel that he obtained a "free" golf cart using special tax breaks and giveaways for electric cars [video], very few may realize that Michigan's lawmakers have been altering this state's business tax code to provide special credits and giveaways for the industry that creates these cars. "
"While many Michigan taxpayers may be laughing or angry at the revelation by Fox News' John Stossel that he obtained a "free" golf cart using special tax breaks and giveaways for electric cars [video], very few may realize that Michigan's lawmakers have been altering this state's business tax code to provide special credits and giveaways for the industry that creates these cars. "
NM Supreme Court Finds Refusing to Photograph Gay Wedding Illegal
NM Supreme Court Finds Refusing to Photograph Gay Wedding Illegal | National Review Online:
"Justice Richard C. Bosson, writing in concurrence, said that the case “provokes reflection on what this nation is all about, its promise of fairness, liberty, equality of opportunity, and justice.”
In addition, the case “teaches that at some point in our lives all of us must compromise, if only a little, to accommodate the contrasting values of others.
A multicultural, pluralistic society, one of our nation’s strengths, demands no less.”
"Justice Richard C. Bosson, writing in concurrence, said that the case “provokes reflection on what this nation is all about, its promise of fairness, liberty, equality of opportunity, and justice.”
In addition, the case “teaches that at some point in our lives all of us must compromise, if only a little, to accommodate the contrasting values of others.
A multicultural, pluralistic society, one of our nation’s strengths, demands no less.”
BILLION-TONNE BELCH emitted from Sun to hit Earth this weekend
BILLION-TONNE BELCH emitted from Sun to hit Earth this weekend • The Register:
"The official US government space weather centre's latest forecast as this is written says there is a 55 per cent chance of a "severe" geomagnetic storm on the 24th, and a 25 per cent chance the storm will be only "minor". "
"The official US government space weather centre's latest forecast as this is written says there is a 55 per cent chance of a "severe" geomagnetic storm on the 24th, and a 25 per cent chance the storm will be only "minor". "
Hotel Sues Guest for 95K over Bad Review, Bedbugs
Hotel Sues Guest for 95K over Bad Review, Bedbugs:
"You can bet this Montreal man regrets his short stay at the the Hotel Quebec: bit by bed bugs in the night, he reviewed his negative experience the next day on Trip Advisor, and when he refused to take it down, the chain of hotels sued him for $95,000."
"You can bet this Montreal man regrets his short stay at the the Hotel Quebec: bit by bed bugs in the night, he reviewed his negative experience the next day on Trip Advisor, and when he refused to take it down, the chain of hotels sued him for $95,000."
Wisconsin Employer Lands' End Cuts Part Time Hours Due To Obamacare
Wisconsin Employer Lands' End Cuts Part Time Hours Due To Obamacare - Right Wisconsin - Conservative politics and perspective powered by Charlie Sykes:
"According to WKOW in Madison, Lands' End is planning to cut the hours of part time employees due to Obamacare.
In an internal memo leaked to 27 News, Lands' End informed part-time employees in February that they would see a reduction to 29 hours a week or less due to the Affordable Care Act."
"According to WKOW in Madison, Lands' End is planning to cut the hours of part time employees due to Obamacare.
In an internal memo leaked to 27 News, Lands' End informed part-time employees in February that they would see a reduction to 29 hours a week or less due to the Affordable Care Act."
Franz Statement on Medicaid Expansion
Franz Statement on Medicaid Expansion
By JGillman, Section News
Posted on Wed Jun 12, 2013 at 02:46:43 PM EST
Tags: Michigan, Medicaid Expansion, HB4714, Ray Franz, Conservative (all tags)
Posted on Wed Jun 12, 2013 at 02:46:43 PM EST
Tags: Michigan, Medicaid Expansion, HB4714, Ray Franz, Conservative (all tags)
I apologize in advance for the length of this piece, but
this is a big and complex issue. I find
it somewhat amusing that some of the people who were worried that I would vote
in lockstep with the Governor, now want me to rubberstamp his Medicaid Expansion
I cannot and here's why:
First, this subsidized health coverage (benefit) is going to include a very large portion of
our population - some say as many as 600,000. I believe it may be more. The benefit will go to those over 133% of the
Federal Poverty Line. But that is based
on adjusted gross income which takes 5% off the bottom and adjusts. So the
133% could be 140% of actual earnings - or more. When you consider that ObamaCare is forcing
many in the service and retail industry to cut employee hours to under 29 -
this has the potential of including far more than 600,000 people.
Next, I don't think
for one moment that once this large population is on a "benefit" that
there will ever be the political will or ability to take them off. Heck, we cannot even muster the will to fix a
broken "no-fault" system after the parade of wheelchairs.
This bill gives the
first six months free - then starts to charge individuals. That's going to be a surprise that won't go
over very well.
To think that we can impose a 48 month limit, or reduce
benefits at a later time because a waiver is not granted is fool-hardy. I can
envision a waiver to start - than the waiver rescinded - and us stuck with
pulling the benefit - it's just not going to happen.
What happens to our
health care system with the influx of 600,000+ new covered individuals? It can only be overwhelmed. One of the worries we currently have is
uncompensated care at hospitals and cost shifts. However, this will shift costs to doctors who are already seeing reimbursement
for Medicare and Medicaid at 47% of billables. What happens when we put this huge new demand
on a depleting resource? The medical
community will be stretched and stressed beyond its limits. You will see fewer doctors willing to work
for ever less and the quality of services to individuals will decline. The hospital cost shift will be spread
thinner and wider - but not lessened. Quite
the contrary - it will worsen.
Let's also look at the unintentional consequences to
peoples' lives as a result of this new benefit. We see it in unemployment,
current Medicaid and food stamps. When
people get to the point of losing this benefit due to their earnings; they will
back away so as not to hurt their eligibility. This new "benefit" also will put a
ceiling on peoples' upward mobility and prosperity.
When someone's
earnings rise to 131% or 132% of FPL - they will ask themselves - "is it
worth crossing that line and losing the subsidy?" Is the overtime worth losing my
affordable insurance? Inevitably that answer would be no - this destroying the
will and ability to improve one's lice.
On top of that, this would also negatively impact businesses large and
small. It stifles productivity and
limits the availability of employees and thus limits their ability to adjust
schedules and hours.
Next, I would like to address the costs to the State. While
the bill states that it will stop benefits if the Fed's don't pay 100%, as
stated before, I don't believe for a moment that the benefit could be stopped
and I don't believe for a moment that the Feds will pay 100% forever.
There simply isn't the money for it. If, as
the Feds previously stated, they will fund three years and then reduce to 90%
(or less) - the cost to the State, according to the Keiser Foundation and
Heritage Foundation reports, will skyrocket.
In six or seven years, they
report our share will rise to $300 - $400 Million. Given the history of health care estimates,
(LBJ said Medicaid would never exceed $5 Billion, the Federal Office of
Management and Budget says ObamaCare costs have already doubled) - I believe it will cost our State more
than half a Billion dollars a year.
Where is that revenue going to come from - schools, roads or new taxes? While it would
be an easy vote and be a very politically advantageous position, I will not
leave that bill to my successors in this seat or to future generations.
Some say that we should respond with an alternative - a
"better", "lighter", "more effective and
efficient" way. I respectfully
disagree. Sometimes we must say
"no". Advancing a bad idea only "better" or "less" is
still advancing a bad idea - and bad public policy. There are alternatives in a true free market
that I have espoused for nearly six years, but it is obvious that the time is
not right for that.
In closing, let me summarize. This legislation will hurt and entrap people
over the long haul; hurt our doctors and health system; cost millions and
billions we don't have; and leave future
generations with bills and responsibilities that will be difficult if not
impossible to handle.
HB 4714 offers short
term gains for, what I believe, are long term pains of the highest order. Fool's Gold - if you will.
Thank you for remaining strong and looking at the big
picture representative Franz. || Franz Statement on Medicaid ExpansionPolice seek 2 young suspects after World War II veteran dies following parking lot beating
Police seek 2 young suspects after World War II veteran dies following parking lot beating | Fox News: "Authorities on Thursday released surveillance photos of the two suspects, who they describe as African-American males between the ages of 16 and 19.
Friends identified the victim as 88-year-old Delbert Belton, and say he was sitting outside a lodge for the Fraternal Order of the Eagles when he was attacked."
Friends identified the victim as 88-year-old Delbert Belton, and say he was sitting outside a lodge for the Fraternal Order of the Eagles when he was attacked."
New Medicaid Study: ‘Waivers Are Temporary, Expansion Is Forever’
New Medicaid Study: ‘Waivers Are Temporary, Expansion Is Forever’ [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Just as it would be imprudent for anyone to enter into a legally enforceable written contract with the expectation that the he can later persuade the other party to waive parts that are no longer preferable, likewise agreeing to expand Medicaid ... based upon the hopes of procuring future waiver concessions is ill-advised," the study says.
"Any decision to accept the Medicaid expansion today should not be based on the illusory promise of a federal waiver tomorrow," the study concludes."
"Just as it would be imprudent for anyone to enter into a legally enforceable written contract with the expectation that the he can later persuade the other party to waive parts that are no longer preferable, likewise agreeing to expand Medicaid ... based upon the hopes of procuring future waiver concessions is ill-advised," the study says.
"Any decision to accept the Medicaid expansion today should not be based on the illusory promise of a federal waiver tomorrow," the study concludes."
Delta Air Lines: Next Year, Our Health Care Costs Will Increase By 'Nearly $100 Million'
Delta Air Lines: Next Year, Our Health Care Costs Will Increase By 'Nearly $100 Million' - Forbes:
"A recently-leaked letter from Delta Air Lines to the Obama administration states that the “cost of providing health care to our employees will increase by nearly $100,000,000 next year,” much of it due to Obamacare."
"A recently-leaked letter from Delta Air Lines to the Obama administration states that the “cost of providing health care to our employees will increase by nearly $100,000,000 next year,” much of it due to Obamacare."
NM Supreme Court Finds Refusing to Photograph Gay Wedding Illegal
NM Supreme Court Finds Refusing to Photograph Gay Wedding Illegal | National Review Online:
"The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that, by refusing to photograph a gay wedding, a photography studio violated the New Mexico Human Rights Act (NMHRA).
The court found that Elane Photography’s refusal to serve Vanessa Willock violated the act, which “prohibits a public accommodation from refusing to offer its services to a person based on that person’s sexual orientation,” according to the ruling."
"The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that, by refusing to photograph a gay wedding, a photography studio violated the New Mexico Human Rights Act (NMHRA).
The court found that Elane Photography’s refusal to serve Vanessa Willock violated the act, which “prohibits a public accommodation from refusing to offer its services to a person based on that person’s sexual orientation,” according to the ruling."
Wednesday Cable Ratings: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Dominates
Wednesday Cable Ratings: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Dominates + ‘Modern Dads’, ‘Deal With It’, ‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ & More - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers:
"Duck Dynasty was Wednesday's top cable program, with a 4.5 adults 18-49 rating, down from last week's 5.0 adults 18-49 premiere rating.
Modern Dads came in second with a 1.9 adults 18-49 rating."
"Duck Dynasty was Wednesday's top cable program, with a 4.5 adults 18-49 rating, down from last week's 5.0 adults 18-49 premiere rating.
Modern Dads came in second with a 1.9 adults 18-49 rating."
Taxpayer cost of housing NYC prisoners last year: $167,000 per inmate
Taxpayer cost of housing NYC prisoners last year: $167,000 per inmate -
"Crime doesn’t pay — but it costs a fortune.
The city spent about $167,000 per inmate last year and had 12,287 prisoners on an average day, according to the Independent Budget Office’s first-ever study of the Big Apple’s jails."
"Crime doesn’t pay — but it costs a fortune.
The city spent about $167,000 per inmate last year and had 12,287 prisoners on an average day, according to the Independent Budget Office’s first-ever study of the Big Apple’s jails."
Farmers market fundraising campaign reaches 80 percent of $3.8 million goal
Farmers market fundraising campaign reaches 80 percent of $3.8 million goal |
"The goal is to raise the entire $3.8 million farmers market campaign goal by the end of the year and have the market open in its new location in May 2014.....
The community has sought a $700,000 economic development grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corp., which has provided a letter of intent but not a final grant award.
“The state understands that a new farmers market like the one being built in Muskegon is catalyst for economic development,”
"The goal is to raise the entire $3.8 million farmers market campaign goal by the end of the year and have the market open in its new location in May 2014.....
The community has sought a $700,000 economic development grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corp., which has provided a letter of intent but not a final grant award.
“The state understands that a new farmers market like the one being built in Muskegon is catalyst for economic development,”
Closing of Pontiac High School urged by Great Lakes Education Project
Closing of Pontiac High School urged by Great Lakes Education Project -
"A nonprofit agency for quality education is urging closure of 20 chronically failing schools in Michigan, including Pontiac High School."
"A nonprofit agency for quality education is urging closure of 20 chronically failing schools in Michigan, including Pontiac High School."
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Secret wind farm report into house price blight
Secret wind farm report into house price blight - Telegraph:
"Owen Paterson, the Environment Secretary, has commissioned a consultancy to investigate whether renewable technologies – including wind turbines – lower house prices in the countryside.
Coalition sources said the report is being blocked by officials at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), run by Ed Davey, a Liberal Democrat, amid fears it will conclude that turbines harm property prices."
"Owen Paterson, the Environment Secretary, has commissioned a consultancy to investigate whether renewable technologies – including wind turbines – lower house prices in the countryside.
Coalition sources said the report is being blocked by officials at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), run by Ed Davey, a Liberal Democrat, amid fears it will conclude that turbines harm property prices."
Union protestors clash with Republicans over state Sen. Goeff Hansen's stance on Medicare (video)
Union protestors clash with Republicans over state Sen. Goeff Hansen's stance on Medicare (video) |
"The Muskegon County Republican Party recently passed a resolution admonishing Hansen and other Senate Republicans to stand firm against Medicare.
Hansen’s last statement on the issue didn’t rule out the possibility that he would actually vote in favor of Medicaid expansion, which already passed the Michigan House of Representatives and has the blessing of Gov. Rick Snyder.
“(Hansen) is a Republican, and we’d like to support him,” Fink said. “Right now, he’s uncommitted (on Medicaid).”
Hansen’s cheif of staff declined to comment on the protest."
"The Muskegon County Republican Party recently passed a resolution admonishing Hansen and other Senate Republicans to stand firm against Medicare.
Hansen’s last statement on the issue didn’t rule out the possibility that he would actually vote in favor of Medicaid expansion, which already passed the Michigan House of Representatives and has the blessing of Gov. Rick Snyder.
“(Hansen) is a Republican, and we’d like to support him,” Fink said. “Right now, he’s uncommitted (on Medicaid).”
Hansen’s cheif of staff declined to comment on the protest."
How Adding Iodine to Salt Boosted Americans' IQ
How Adding Iodine to Salt Boosted Americans' IQ - The Crux |
The economists found that in the lowest-iodine areas—the bottom quarter of the study population—the introduction of iodized salt had stark effects. Men from these regions born in 1924 or later were significantly more likely to get into the Air Force and had an average IQ that was 15 points higher than their predecessors."
The economists found that in the lowest-iodine areas—the bottom quarter of the study population—the introduction of iodized salt had stark effects. Men from these regions born in 1924 or later were significantly more likely to get into the Air Force and had an average IQ that was 15 points higher than their predecessors."
Why there will be many more Detroits – in one chart
Why there will be many more Detroits – in one chart |:
"But the reality is the Federal Reserve is artificially suppressing interest rates because of the Godzilla-sized national debt of $16.9 trillion.
That’s the official figure, according to our feral gummint.
The real figure, according to a U.C. San Diego economics professor, is $70 trillion.
If the Federal Reserve lets interest rates go up, then our gargantuan national debt will balloon even quicker."
"But the reality is the Federal Reserve is artificially suppressing interest rates because of the Godzilla-sized national debt of $16.9 trillion.
That’s the official figure, according to our feral gummint.
The real figure, according to a U.C. San Diego economics professor, is $70 trillion.
If the Federal Reserve lets interest rates go up, then our gargantuan national debt will balloon even quicker."
Packard plant could go on auction block, sell for $21,000, if latest development deal falls through
Packard plant could go on auction block, sell for $21,000, if latest development deal falls through | Detroit Free Press |
"If the latest proposal to buy Detroit’s old Packard plant falls through, the crumbling 35-acre complex would head to its first public auction and under one scenario could go for as little as $21,000 this fall."
"If the latest proposal to buy Detroit’s old Packard plant falls through, the crumbling 35-acre complex would head to its first public auction and under one scenario could go for as little as $21,000 this fall."
Egelston Township returning to voters with two millage requests they defeated earlier
Egelston Township returning to voters with two millage requests they defeated earlier |
EGELSTON TOWNSHIP, MI – The same two millage requests that Egelston Township voters defeated earlier this month will be back on the ballot in November.
The township board voted unanimously Monday night to return to voters with a renewal of 1 mill of tax for fire department operations and a 0.8-mill request for street lights, which includes a renewal of 0.5 mill plus a 0.3-mill increase."
EGELSTON TOWNSHIP, MI – The same two millage requests that Egelston Township voters defeated earlier this month will be back on the ballot in November.
The township board voted unanimously Monday night to return to voters with a renewal of 1 mill of tax for fire department operations and a 0.8-mill request for street lights, which includes a renewal of 0.5 mill plus a 0.3-mill increase."
ACT Report: Only 21% Of Michigan High School Grads Academically Ready For College
ACT Report: Only 21% Of Michigan High School Grads Academically Ready For College |
"Only 21 percent of Michigan high school graduates are ready for college in English, reading, mathematics, and science, according to a new ACT report titled “The Condition Of College Career Readiness.”
When the four subject areas are separated out, the numbers look a little better: 57 percent are prepared in English, 37 percent are ready in reading, 35 percent make standards in math readiness, and 33 percent meet benchmarks in science.
In all four academic areas, Michigan high school graduations ranked lower than national averages.
It may be too late for students to get serious about academics in high school."
"Only 21 percent of Michigan high school graduates are ready for college in English, reading, mathematics, and science, according to a new ACT report titled “The Condition Of College Career Readiness.”
When the four subject areas are separated out, the numbers look a little better: 57 percent are prepared in English, 37 percent are ready in reading, 35 percent make standards in math readiness, and 33 percent meet benchmarks in science.
In all four academic areas, Michigan high school graduations ranked lower than national averages.
It may be too late for students to get serious about academics in high school."
Muskegon County set to hire Grand Rapids lawyer as lead public defender
Muskegon County set to hire Grand Rapids lawyer as lead public defender |
“This is something that is clearly needed,” said Jackie Darnell on behalf of the NAACP Muskegon branch. “Over the years NAACP has received numerous complaints from indigents ... claiming they are not receiving due process of the law....
“We in the NAACP are looking forward to those changes,” Darnell said."
“This is something that is clearly needed,” said Jackie Darnell on behalf of the NAACP Muskegon branch. “Over the years NAACP has received numerous complaints from indigents ... claiming they are not receiving due process of the law....
“We in the NAACP are looking forward to those changes,” Darnell said."
New Yorkers Fleeing The State Took $46 Billion With Them
New Yorkers Fleeing The State Took $46 Billion With Them | The Lonely Conservative:
"A new study by the Tax Foundation shows that New York leads the nation in the amount of money those who flee the state take with them.
New Yorkers who have fled over the past decade have taken almost $46 billion with them, topping even California where the loss was a comparatively paltry $29.4 billion.
But our loss is Florida and other red states’ gain, as you can see from this map."
Michigan ain't doin' too well either.
"A new study by the Tax Foundation shows that New York leads the nation in the amount of money those who flee the state take with them.
New Yorkers who have fled over the past decade have taken almost $46 billion with them, topping even California where the loss was a comparatively paltry $29.4 billion.
But our loss is Florida and other red states’ gain, as you can see from this map."
Michigan ain't doin' too well either.
“How to know that Syria is, in fact, using chemical weapons on its people:
Instapundit » Blog Archive » KEN FROM POPEHAT: “How to know that Syria is, in fact, using chemical weapons on its people:
“How to know that Syria is, in fact, using chemical weapons on its people: They did it on the one year anniversary of the ‘red line’ warning. Anniversaries mean things.
I don’t support a Syrian intervention.
I’m not sure a fascist Iranian-Russian puppet is any worse for America than the Al Qaeda superstate that would follow it.
In fact it’s probably ‘better.’
But if you’re going to give ‘red line’ warnings, you should kick ass when the line’s crossed.
We’re just taking names.
We’ve gone from the world’s policeman to the world’s hall monitor.”
Speaks loudly. No stick. Obama acted stupidly by issuing that warning. Now he’s in a box of his own making."
“How to know that Syria is, in fact, using chemical weapons on its people: They did it on the one year anniversary of the ‘red line’ warning. Anniversaries mean things.
I don’t support a Syrian intervention.
I’m not sure a fascist Iranian-Russian puppet is any worse for America than the Al Qaeda superstate that would follow it.
In fact it’s probably ‘better.’
But if you’re going to give ‘red line’ warnings, you should kick ass when the line’s crossed.
We’re just taking names.
We’ve gone from the world’s policeman to the world’s hall monitor.”
Speaks loudly. No stick. Obama acted stupidly by issuing that warning. Now he’s in a box of his own making."
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Voters to consider $24 million Muskegon Community College request with downtown location
Voters to consider $24 million Muskegon Community College request with downtown location |
"It's official: Muskegon County voters in November will decide on a $24 million plan to improve Muskegon Community College facilities, including developing a downtown location.
The college board of trustees on Wednesday approved a Nov. 5 ballot proposal seeking additions to the science wing and health education facility, a new creative arts facility and an undefined college facility located downtown."
"It's official: Muskegon County voters in November will decide on a $24 million plan to improve Muskegon Community College facilities, including developing a downtown location.
The college board of trustees on Wednesday approved a Nov. 5 ballot proposal seeking additions to the science wing and health education facility, a new creative arts facility and an undefined college facility located downtown."
NASA warns of solar storm racing toward Earth this week
NASA warns of solar storm racing toward Earth this week - Computerworld:
"NASA issued a warning Tuesday that a coronal mass ejection may reach Earth this week, possibly affecting satellites and electronic systems on the ground.
On Tuesday, at 4:24 a.m. ET, the sun erupted with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection, which is a huge burst of solar wind and magnetic fields shooting into space, NASA reported.
This solar phenomenon can launch billions of tons of particles into space, reaching Earth one to three days later.
With that time frame, the particles could reach Earth between today and Friday.
The solar particles won't harm humans, but they can affect satellites and electronic systems, breaking up communication signals and causing electrical surges in power grids."
"NASA issued a warning Tuesday that a coronal mass ejection may reach Earth this week, possibly affecting satellites and electronic systems on the ground.
On Tuesday, at 4:24 a.m. ET, the sun erupted with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection, which is a huge burst of solar wind and magnetic fields shooting into space, NASA reported.
This solar phenomenon can launch billions of tons of particles into space, reaching Earth one to three days later.
With that time frame, the particles could reach Earth between today and Friday.
The solar particles won't harm humans, but they can affect satellites and electronic systems, breaking up communication signals and causing electrical surges in power grids."
D.C. government program to subsidize marijuana for poor patients
D.C. government program to subsidize marijuana for poor patients - Washington Times:
"An unprecedented D.C. government program will require medical marijuana dispensaries to put aside 2 percent of their profits in order to subsidize pot purchases for poor patients."
"An unprecedented D.C. government program will require medical marijuana dispensaries to put aside 2 percent of their profits in order to subsidize pot purchases for poor patients."
Obamacare penalty: Your family could pay more for insurance
Obamacare penalty: Your family could pay more for insurance:
"Those credits are available to households whose incomes fall below 400 percent of federal poverty levels, which for a family of four is $94,200."
"Those credits are available to households whose incomes fall below 400 percent of federal poverty levels, which for a family of four is $94,200."
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