Monday, August 19, 2013

How to Fight Medicaid Expansion, and Free Hot Air Balloon Rides, Thursday

How to Fight Medicaid Expansion, and Free Hot Air Balloon Rides, Thursday

Governor Snyder, health insurance industry lobbyists, and the Obama Administration are pushing to fully implement ObamaCare and expand Medicaid in Michigan.
Join AFP-Michigan on Thursday, August 22nd, in Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo area to learn how you can fight back. Come for free foodtethered hot air balloon rides (no charge) and learn from informative speakers why Obamacare's Medicaid expansion is the wrong direction for Michigan.    

Thursday, AUGUST 22    

Registration: 7:30 AM  Event Time: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM  
Flesher Field Park (at the pavilion)  3664 South 9th Street  Kalamazoo, MI 49009  
*Coffee, bagels, and donuts provided    

Register for Caledonia/Grand Rapids event.  
Registration: 5:30 PM  Event Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM  
Caledonia Lakeside Park (at the pavilion)  370 North Lake Drive  Caledonia, MI 49316 *Dinner provided    

Currently, twenty-one states are not moving forward with expansion because they know Medicaid is a broken, unaffordable system that has "Had No Significant Effect" on health outcomes versus being uninsured

Michigan should join these 21 states and oppose expansion. To prevent this incredible expansion of government, activists like you need to be armed with the facts so that the message of health care freedom can resonate across this great state. Join AFP and get the facts to share with others in your community.    

Don't forget to bring the family!

This event is sponsored by Americans for Prosperity of Michigan.

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