Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Politichicks.tvRacists and Extremists and Teabaggers--Oh My!

Politichicks.tvRacists and Extremists and Teabaggers--Oh My! -
I remember the very first time in my life when I was called a racist. (Mind you, I am no spring chicken either.) 
It was in 2008 during campaign season when it became official that Barack Obama would face John McCain in the fight for the office of the President. 
I was having coffee with my friend Jackie who early on appeared to be leaning on the fence regarding which candidate would get her vote. Apparently she had listened to a few of Obama’s speeches and to my dismay, she was suddenly part of a movement that would sweep the nation and elect then-Senator Barack Obama as president. 
She knew nothing about him, couldn’t name one of his accomplishments and had no knowledge of his voting record during the short time that he was in office. 
Her only defense was that she “liked what he said” and that she was tired of the “rich” Republicans and their “disregard for the poor”. 
I remember asking her what she knew of him and what experience he may have had that would qualify him for the job. 
It seemed that the more I pressed her, the more defensive she became. 
I reminded her that Hitler gave good speeches and history will tell you what happens when you follow a man who only tells you what you want to hear. 
Unfortunately, that must have been the straw that broke the camel’s back because the next words out of my friend’s mouth were accusations that I was a racist, merely because I didn’t like her candidate! 

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