Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Elect crooks, expect honest leaders? Flint City Councilman Eric Mays jailed, accused of drunken driving and marijuana possession
Flint City Councilman Eric Mays jailed, accused of drunken driving and marijuana possession | MLive.com:
"FLINT, MI -- Flint City Councilman Eric Mays was arrested for alleged drunken driving and possession of marijuana on I-475 early Saturday morning.
Mays was elected to Flint City Council for the First Ward in November.
Flint Police Chief James Tolbert said Mays was arrested for operating while under the influence of alcohol, OUIL, possession of marijuana.
According to a news release from Tolbert, Mays was also cited for no proof of insurance and failure to submit to fingerprinting."
Mays was elected to Flint City Council for the First Ward in November.
Flint Police Chief James Tolbert said Mays was arrested for operating while under the influence of alcohol, OUIL, possession of marijuana.
According to a news release from Tolbert, Mays was also cited for no proof of insurance and failure to submit to fingerprinting."
This'll give ya a pucker.....For 20 Years the Nuclear Launch Code at US Minuteman Silos Was 00000000

"Today I found out that during the height of the Cold War, the US military put such an emphasis on a rapid response to an attack on American soil, that to minimize any foreseeable delay in launching a nuclear missile, for nearly two decades they intentionally set the launch codes at every silo in the US to 8 zeroes."
Funny. The media has kinda forgotten their outrage about this "BIG, BIG" story......----Family Says They Did Tip Gay Server, Didn't Leave Note
Family Says They Did Tip Gay Server, Didn't Leave Note | NBC New York
Dayna Morales, a former Marine and a server at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, posted a photo on Facebook earlier this month, showing the bill with a line through the space for a tip. The photo of the receipt showed someone had written, "I'm sorry but I cannot tip because I do not agree with your lifestyle."
After a gay server at a New Jersey restaurant said a customer denied her a tip and wrote her a hateful note on the receipt, a local family contacted NBC 4 New York and said their receipt shows they paid a tip and didn't write any such note.
Morales indicated in her Facebook post, and in subsequent media interviews -- including with NBC 4 New York -- that the customer wrote that line.
But a family contacted NBC 4 New York claiming their receipt from the restaurant shows they did leave a tip, and provided what they said was a credit card statement as proof.
The husband and wife, who asked to remain anonymous, showed NBC 4 New York a receipt that appeared to be printed at the same minute, on the same date, for the same $93.55 total, except with an $18 tip.
They also provided a document they said was a Visa bill, which appears to indicate their card was charged for the meal plus the tip, for a total of $111.55.
So, you might ask. How were they able to hire those "geniuses" to begin with? ------State's top investment officials get giant pay raises
"LANSING — The State of Michigan quietly increased the salaries of its top investment officials in the Treasury Department by more than 80% this year, saying it was too difficult to attract and keep qualified people under the former pay rates.
Jon Braeutigam, the state’s chief investment officer, got a 90% pay raise to $333,000 a year from $175,000, department spokesman Terry Stanton confirmed Friday.
Treasury’s two senior directors of investment — Robert Brackenbury and Greg Parker — received 82% pay increases, boosting them from $128,000 to $233,000 a year."
Deadline's here: Is Healthcare.gov fixed? Sort of
This is ALL bu!!sh!t.
I tried the site at 5:40am this morning.
And the "chat" scam at 6:51am after trying for over an hour.
The propagandists at FREEP and other Obama enablers are working full time to spread the lies.
Sad for them, we keep dropping subscriptions to their crapola.
Good for us the web, FoxNews and talk radio are getting the truth out.
Deadline's here: Is Healthcare.gov fixed? Sort of | Detroit Free Press | freep.com:
""That said, there could be moments in the middle of the day — seems to be the peak — where capacity goes beyond that current user level, at which point there will be a customer-friendly queuing system which would notify you when to come back to the site and sort of be first in line," Zients said.
In other words, people will receive an e-mail letting them know when to return to the page."
I tried the site at 5:40am this morning.
And the "chat" scam at 6:51am after trying for over an hour.
The propagandists at FREEP and other Obama enablers are working full time to spread the lies.
Sad for them, we keep dropping subscriptions to their crapola.
Good for us the web, FoxNews and talk radio are getting the truth out.
""That said, there could be moments in the middle of the day — seems to be the peak — where capacity goes beyond that current user level, at which point there will be a customer-friendly queuing system which would notify you when to come back to the site and sort of be first in line," Zients said.
In other words, people will receive an e-mail letting them know when to return to the page."
And they tell us an "education" is important for future success. Whose success? I'm thinkin' the teacher's pockets. Not the student's......Elon University is Offering a Self-Pleasure Course to Teach Students How to Masturbate
"Though this class is totally bizarre, people seem to be actually interested since it hasn’t been cancelled yet. Two professors Liz Sheehan and Jeff Kaufman, are going to be teaching the class and I honestly would love to know what sort of curriculum they are going to be using to teach this course. "
Obama'a america---Fort Myers teen arrested after random attacks
Fort Myers teen arrested after random attacks - NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida:
"I didn't hear anything. There was nobody in the area at all. It was very quiet [when] all of a sudden I felt a blow to my hip and I was on the ground. I turned around to see what happened and there was a girl standing there laughing," he said.
Traveshia Blanks, of Fort Myers, is charged with two counts of battery on a person 65 years of age or older.
On Tuesday around 3:50 p.m., deputies responded to a report of a group of people who randomly attacked an unsuspecting victim in the area of South Pointe Boulevard.
"I was in shock. Who would expect anything from out of the blue to happen like that. There's no reason had I done something or said something," said the 72-year-old Fort Myers victim.
The victim stated that while he was weeding his garden, someone kicked him from behind, knocking him to the ground. The victim says he saw a teenage girl laughing at him before she walked back to join a larger group of teens.
Concerned citizens saw a group of suspicious teenagers walking down a nearby street and took several photographs with their cell phone, providing investigators with what would later be a crucial piece of evidence.
The investigation into the first incident continued and on Tuesday, a second victim contacted the sheriff's office.
Harry Hurvitz, 89, told deputies that someone rang his doorbell, and he looked and saw several well-dressed teens standing outside his door and one of them appeared to be holding a cell phone or camera.
When he opened the door, one of the juveniles suddenly and without provocation slapped him in the face.
....We talked to students from nearby Cypress Lake High School who didn't seem to think the teens did anything wrong.
"I'm not gonna say it's not right and it's not fun, because it is fun," said a teen familiar with the game.
In many cases across the country, teens are recording the punches and kicks on their cell phones then posting them online. The attacks are often impossible to predict and prevent.
"What's not fun about it? Just go up to a random person, slap them and run away," said another teen.
OMG, we don't have an official fruit!!!!!! 2013 Senate Bill 515: Declare blueberry as the official state fruit
"2013 Senate Bill 515: Declare blueberry as the official state fruit
Introduced by Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker (R) on September 19, 2013, to establish in law that henceforth the blueberry (Vaccinium Cyanococcus) shall be designated as the official State of Michigan fruit.
Note: At present, Michigan does not have an official state fruit.
Past bills have proposed designating the cherry as the official state fruit, and apple cider as the official state beverage."
Union members of the MSM prefer you think they're unbiased. They're not. -----Black Friday Protests and Union Front Groups
"Anticipated Black Friday protests of Walmart later this week most likely involve few actual employees and plenty of people involved with union front groups, according to the Mackinac Center’s labor policy director.
“Their success comes from the media covering it, regardless of how many workers walk out,” F. Vincent Vernuccio told The Washington Free Beacon.
“And there won’t be many workers on Black Friday, just like last year.”"
Yes, the system is still down. But instead of a simple "Sorry, the system is down" window, we're hiring people to engage in idiotic conversation.
[06:51:48 am]: Thanks for contacting Health Insurance Marketplace Live Chat. Please wait while we connect you to someone who can help. |
[06:51:54 am]: Please be patient while we're helping other people. |
[06:51:56 am]: Welcome! You're now connected to Health Insurance Marketplace Live Chat. Thanks for contacting us. My name is Anthony. To protect your privacy, please don't provide any personal information, like Social Security Number, or any other sensitive medical or personal information. |
[06:52:05 am]: Anthony |
Good morning, how can I help you? |
[06:52:24 am]: james |
Still doesn't work. I thought the President said it would work today. Sup? |
[06:53:08 am]: Anthony |
Are you trying to log into your account or fill out or submit an application? |
[06:54:52 am]: james |
I'm loged in. Have given the government ALL my personal and financial information. Chosen my plan. I have a nifty "check mark" showing I've chosen my plan. It won't allow me to "Enroll". Been doing the same thing for over a month. |
[06:56:30 am]: Anthony |
Alright you click on "Enroll" and nothing happens or it gives you an error message or it just sits there and does nothing? |
[06:58:00 am]: james |
I click "Enroll" and it goes back to the "you're not enrolled" page. Cycles through all the same pages endlessly. |
[06:59:27 am]: Anthony |
Okay there are a few things we can try. Have you tried using different browsers? Or turning off your pop-up blocker? Are you using any toolbars? |
[07:01:51 am]: Anthony |
Sir are you still there? |
[07:04:22 am]: james |
I'm trying now. |
[07:05:06 am]: Anthony |
Alright. If this doesnt work the only other option is to call the call center and have them assist you. |
[07:05:19 am]: james |
I turned off virus protection, firewall, pop-up blocker and used a different browser. Same old time wasting result. |
[07:07:08 am]: Anthony |
Alright I apologize for the inconvenience. I am going to refer you to our call center at 1-800-318-2596. They can get you enrolled into the health plan that you want. |
[07:11:09 am]: james |
I've spoken with them many times before. Same time wasting result. If this was a traditional insurance provider, the media would be demanding we get money damages foe our many hours of wasted time. Instead we are forced to pay you people to tell us the same worthless information. Time after time. You should all be ashamed. |
[07:12:14 am]: Anthony |
Sir, I understand your frustration and I apologize. What do they tell you when you call our call center? |
[07:15:45 am]: james |
Same suggestions you gave. Promises the system would be up in 24,48,72 hours. Promises of return calls to get me healthcare. Again. If this was a private company, it would be out of business NOW. Instead, my taxs will go up to pay for this disaster. Thankfully, you and those who voted for Obama will get most of the bill to pay for this so there is some justice. |
[07:17:59 am]: Anthony |
Alright so here is my suggestion. Call our call center again and tell them what your issue is and if they tell you they can not help you ask to be transfered to a supervisor. Tell the supervisor what your issue is and see what they can do for you. |
[07:19:17 am]: james |
thank you |
[07:19:49 am]: Anthony |
I really am sorry for the frustrations. Hopefully you can get your issue solved this way. |
[07:20:56 am]: Anthony |
Is there anything else I can do for you? |
If you are a Chinese General, what are ya thinkin' about this guy, Obama? -----Airlines Urged by U.S. to Give Notice to China

Airlines Urged by U.S. to Give Notice to China - NYTimes.com
WASHINGTON — Even as China scrambled fighter jets to enforce its newly declared air defense zone, the Obama administration said on Friday that it was advising American commercial airlines to comply with China’s demands to be notified in advance of flights through the area.
....."The U.S. government generally expects that U.S. carriers operating internationally will operate consistent with” notice requirements “issued by foreign countries,” the State Department said in a statement, adding that that “does not indicate U.S. government acceptance of China’s requirements."
Crooked (yes a redundancy) democrat politicians and greedy (redundancy alert!) unions guaranteeing financial ruin.
Guaranteeing financial ruin in Illinois - chicagotribune.com:
"This isn't a reform, but rather a fiscal death sentence:
.....Compare the generous benefits provided by our state to government employees, as compared to the benefits enjoyed by those who work in the private sector.
In Illinois, a member of the Teachers Retirement System who retired in 2012 after 30 years of service could expect to receive a starting pension of $72,693, with an automatic 3 percent annual compounded increase and free health care.
In fact, nearly 10,000 Illinois government pensioners receive more than $100,000 a year.
For those employed in the private sector who elect to retire at age 62, the maximum benefit under Social Security one can receive is $23,076 — and that person gets lower cost-of-living increases and less health coverage than our state public pensioners.
"This isn't a reform, but rather a fiscal death sentence:

In Illinois, a member of the Teachers Retirement System who retired in 2012 after 30 years of service could expect to receive a starting pension of $72,693, with an automatic 3 percent annual compounded increase and free health care.
In fact, nearly 10,000 Illinois government pensioners receive more than $100,000 a year.
For those employed in the private sector who elect to retire at age 62, the maximum benefit under Social Security one can receive is $23,076 — and that person gets lower cost-of-living increases and less health coverage than our state public pensioners.
Obama shows his Chicago-style "class" as he refers to Tea Party Members as 'Tea-baggers'
Obama Refers to Tea Party Members as 'Tea-baggers':
"President Barak Obama used the sexually vulgar expression “tea-baggers” to refer to tea party members in a letter he wrote to a Texas grade school Teacher.
The term “tea-baggers” has been used to ridicule the tea party, a group of American activists who advocate reducing taxes, shrinking the size of government, and returning to traditional family values.
Obama was replying to a letter he received from Thomas Ritter, a 5th grade school teacher from Irving, Texas."
Go home folks. Nothing to see here. Victims are white. Perps .........Manhattan Chef Latest Victim of Knockout Game?
"Philadelphia police believe the “Knockout Game” is responsible for the vicious beating of a Manhattan chef visiting Old Town Philly on Tuesday.
Diego Moya, with his nose shattered and his jaw fractured, underwent a three hour surgery which included the wiring of his jaw shut, leaving him speechless.
The “Knockout Game” is played by predominantly black teens who punch unsuspecting victims, rendering them unconscious, severely injured, or in some cases dead."
Friday, November 29, 2013
Obama's america-Food Bank of Eastern Michigan's services help more than 82,000 'food insecure' families, individuals in Genesee County
Gotta love the libs and their professional propagandists.
"Food insecure" is the new "starving".
Their problem is they can't find a photo of ANYONE who's officially "food insecure" who weighs less than 200 pounds.
Food Bank of Eastern Michigan's services help more than 82,000 'food insecure' families, individuals in Genesee County | MLive.com:
"Sanders is one of 82,570 Genesee County residents estimated by the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan to be "food insecure" -- families and individuals uncertain of where their next meal will come from. "
"Food insecure" is the new "starving".
Their problem is they can't find a photo of ANYONE who's officially "food insecure" who weighs less than 200 pounds.
Food Bank of Eastern Michigan's services help more than 82,000 'food insecure' families, individuals in Genesee County | MLive.com:
"Sanders is one of 82,570 Genesee County residents estimated by the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan to be "food insecure" -- families and individuals uncertain of where their next meal will come from. "
Read this and practice your "duck and cover"----Here's What a Shooting War in the East China Sea Might Look Like
"The war of words and maritime move–countermove has been under way for years, but this latest escalation could be the fuse to ignite a war that can't easily be stopped.
Here's how a hypothetical scenario might unfold. "
RIGGING THE FUTURE: Obamacare Creates 50 New State Databases With No Function Beyond Gathering Potential Voter Information, Real or Fraudulent
"Since the passage of Obamacare, all fifty state Medicaid agencies have been forced to create a new standalone database that contains nothing besides the contact information of Medicaid applicants who used Healthcare.gov.
Some of these new databases mail out voter registration forms automatically.
You cannot refuse them.
No worthwhile verification occurs before the forms are mailed.
Apply for Medicaid and the form will be mailed to you, be you a verifiable citizen or Ayman al-Zawahiri on a computer in Pakistan.
Further, these new databases are accessible by groups like Organizing for Action, the reconstituted ACORN, and malevolent figures like Chris Tarango.
And no reasonable purpose exists for creating the databases besides making them available to the aforementioned Democratic activists."
CNN and MSNBC Lose Almost Half Their Viewers in One Year
"It's been a tough year for the liberal cable news outlets.
Data released Tuesday show CNN shedding 48 percent of total viewers since last November and MSNBC dropping 45 percent."
United Airlines Nearly Kills Pet, Aims For Streisand Glory Instead Of Paying Vet Bill
"As the saying goes, there are many ways to skin a Streisand effect.
Wait, no, that's not right, but the point is that attempts at silencing speech resulting in an explosion of that speech are quite varied.
From railing against parody Twitter accounts, to attempts to silence negative online reviews, to professional sports leagues trying to keep documentaries from going live, it seems we all have something to learn from Senorita Streisand and her icy wrath.
But few such lessons include puppies, such as this one that reader IAsimov alerts us to, in which United Airlines nearly killed an owner's beloved dog and agreed to pay her vet bills, but only if she signed an non-disclosure agreement.
Janet Sinclair brought her pets, Sedona the greyhound and Alika the cat, on a cross-country trip using UA's "PetSafe" program, which makes several promises about how the animals will be treated and what type of conditions they'll be exposed to.
It would appear, to put it mildly, that the airline failed to keep their promises."
"The Streisand Effect": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect
Detroititis infected the entire county--Could Wayne County be headed to state intervention?
Wayne County is a financial mess.
Its budget deficit is huge, projected just two months into the current fiscal year to exceed an estimated $220 million. Major departments, led by the sheriff and prosecutor, routinely bust their budgets even as their bosses beg for more cash.
And the county’s employee pension fund is woefully underfunded, with only half the assets on hand to pay currently projected liabilities.
That’s roughly on par (depending on who is doing the estimating for whom) with Detroit’s underfunded pension funds — plagued as they have been in recent years by corruption, self-dealing board members and now the threat posed by Chapter 9 bankruptcy.
That’s roughly on par (depending on who is doing the estimating for whom) with Detroit’s underfunded pension funds — plagued as they have been in recent years by corruption, self-dealing board members and now the threat posed by Chapter 9 bankruptcy.
Obama: Thankful for injuns. Not so thankful for God's blessing
So the guy's an atheist.
But he pretends otherwise.
And not convincingly so.
Obama: We'll spend today like many of you by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com:
"And as Americans, we have so much to be thankful for.
We give thanks for the men and women who set sail for this land nearly four centuries ago, risking everything for the chance at a better life — and the people who were already here, our Native American brothers and sisters, for their generosity during that first Thanksgiving."
Focusing on "race and unions". The perfect recipe for municipal collapse-Former Flint mayor calls for 'drastic measures' to help city rebound
Former Flint mayor calls for 'drastic measures' to help city rebound | MLive.com:
"Today, Collier said he blames race and union politics for the project never getting off the ground.
Fast forward more than 20 years and GM has shuttered several factories and Flint’s tax base is a sliver of what it once was.
“Here, the city is electing felons and people who are bankrupt,” he said, referring to the Nov. 5 Flint City Council election that saw wins by two candidates with felony convictions and two who had filed for bankruptcy. “Unfortunately, I think it does give Flint a real black eye.
From an outside perspective, it gives Flint a real negative perception.”"
Liberals Are Nice People-Actually, no. They're not.
Plus they take your stuff without asking.
And then tell you to thank them.
And then tell you how generous they are.
▶ Liberals Are Nice People. - YouTube: ""
'via Blog this'
And then tell you to thank them.
And then tell you how generous they are.
▶ Liberals Are Nice People. - YouTube: ""
'via Blog this'
The brilliant black economist/author the liberals call an "oreo"-----Random Thoughts - Thomas Sowell
"One of the best peace speeches I ever read was one delivered back in the 1930s -- by Adolf Hitler!
He knew that peace speeches would keep the Western democracies from matching his military buildup with their own, or attacking him to prevent his buildup from continuing.
Peace speeches by Iran today serve the same purpose of buying time -- until they can create a nuclear bomb."
Don't you love it when a politicians says, "I take full responsibility"?
Saying "I take full responsibility" is like a get-out-of-jail-free card in the Monopoly game.
Think I read about media cover-ups when Jews were beaten and killed back in the day-----The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal
Little seems to have changed with today's American liberal media.
We expect it with NYT/CNN/MSNBC/CBS/NBC/ABC.
But it is especially galling to see American tax dollars supporting the cover-up at the government funded NPR and PBS.
Pravda by any other name.
The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal | RealClearPolitics:
"The "knockout game" -- and the media underreporting of it -- combines the breakdown of the family with the media's condescending determination to serve as a public relations bureau for blacks.
The "game" is a dare in which a young man -- all the perps appear to be male people of color, mostly blacks -- tries to literally knock out an innocent bystander with one blow.
Both National Public Radio and The New York Times say these reports of the "knockout game" being widespread are overblown and do not represent a trend.
According to Colin Flaherty, author of "White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It," the knockout game has gone national. He describes "knockouts" in Philadelphia, Atlantic City, St. Louis, Birmingham, Chicago, Charlotte, Milwaukee, Denver, Minneapolis, Georgetown, New York City, Greensboro, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Miami, Cleveland, Nashville, Peoria, Seattle, Saratoga Springs, Atlanta and a host of others towns and cities."
We expect it with NYT/CNN/MSNBC/CBS/NBC/ABC.
But it is especially galling to see American tax dollars supporting the cover-up at the government funded NPR and PBS.
The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal | RealClearPolitics:
"The "knockout game" -- and the media underreporting of it -- combines the breakdown of the family with the media's condescending determination to serve as a public relations bureau for blacks.
The "game" is a dare in which a young man -- all the perps appear to be male people of color, mostly blacks -- tries to literally knock out an innocent bystander with one blow.
Both National Public Radio and The New York Times say these reports of the "knockout game" being widespread are overblown and do not represent a trend.
According to Colin Flaherty, author of "White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It," the knockout game has gone national. He describes "knockouts" in Philadelphia, Atlantic City, St. Louis, Birmingham, Chicago, Charlotte, Milwaukee, Denver, Minneapolis, Georgetown, New York City, Greensboro, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Miami, Cleveland, Nashville, Peoria, Seattle, Saratoga Springs, Atlanta and a host of others towns and cities."
No mention of "race" in the story......you know what that means......Hamden High School student arrested for playing 'knockout game'
"HAMDEN, CT (WFSB) -A Hamden High School student has become a victim of a brutal trend known as the "knockout game."
A male senior was walking in the halls of Hamden High School on Friday when police said a student "ran toward him and punched him under the eye."
Because of the assault, the senior suffered an eye injury."
The reason the GOP loses-act like the democrat thugs. Just do it stupider----Tea party critics blast 'incumbent protection act' approved by Republican-led Michigan Senate
The ruling republicans see balanced budget and Tea Party as the enemy.
We see the GOPer leadership as "democrats without any social skills".
Tea party critics blast 'incumbent protection act' approved by Republican-led Michigan Senate | MLive.com
"But what's largely gone unreported is that the bill also would lift a longstanding prohibition against primary spending by political party caucuses.
That would allow committees run by current lawmakers to back state House or Senate candidates of their choosing - including themselves or their colleagues.
Tea party activists say that the proposed change would protect "establishment" candidates from grassroots challengers. Some are derisively referring to the bill as the "incumbent protection act."
"The intent is to keep the ruling political class the ruling political class," said Joan Fabiano, founder of Grassroots in Michigan. "Whoever is going to be the team player, according to the powers that be, will have considerably more financial resources at their disposal."
We see the GOPer leadership as "democrats without any social skills".
Tea party critics blast 'incumbent protection act' approved by Republican-led Michigan Senate | MLive.com
"But what's largely gone unreported is that the bill also would lift a longstanding prohibition against primary spending by political party caucuses.
Tea party activists say that the proposed change would protect "establishment" candidates from grassroots challengers. Some are derisively referring to the bill as the "incumbent protection act."
"The intent is to keep the ruling political class the ruling political class," said Joan Fabiano, founder of Grassroots in Michigan. "Whoever is going to be the team player, according to the powers that be, will have considerably more financial resources at their disposal."
Thank you kids. We get to spend the moolah. You get to pay. Keep voting democrat!!! -----N.Y. Leads With $66.5 Billion Unfunded Retiree Cost, S&P Says
"New York’s $66.5 billion unfunded obligation for costs such as retiree health care is the largest among U.S. states as the governments’ combined liability fell about 3 percent from a 2011 survey, Standard & Poor’s said.
The liability of the third-most-populous state surpassed that of California, which has a $65 billion unfinanced burden, according to an S&P report released today.
New Jersey was third with $64 billion in other post-employment benefits.
Oklahoma had the lowest.
States’ collective burden was about $529 billion. "
Taxes to bureaucrats are like chocolate for fat people. They know they are long term bad. But it feels so good in the short run------"'Tax on tax' keeps Illinois gas prices among nation's highest
"The state’s share of the sales tax is 5 percent, while local governments receive 1.25 percent.
Some municipalities pile their own sales taxes on fuel in addition – ranging from 0.25 percent in some small communities to 3.5 percent in the city of Chicago.
The city of Springfield has no municipal motor-fuel tax.
California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Michigan and New York are among the handful of other states that charge a motor-fuel sales tax."
Phony "non-partisan" group gets rich--Families USA Received $1 Million to Promote Obamacare
Million to Promote ObamacareCapitol City Project:
With the roll out of Obamacare being as disastrous as possible for the Obama administration, one group was given a $1 million grant to help lead a rebranding effort with hopes of salvaging the law in the eyes of the American people.
Families USA (FUSA) — an organization that describes itself as a “national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans” — was given a $1.1 million grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation on October 4, 2013, to gather “success stories” of Americans dealing with Obamacare and distribute them to the media who often refer to them as an “independent” group. This is part of a greater upcoming effort to bolster the perception of the lowly health care law.
However, the organization is a far cry from “non-partisan” and is extremely close to the Obama Administration and Enroll America – the group leading the efforts to sign people up for Obamacare.
Philippe Villers, the president of Families USA, serves as the Secretary and Treasurer of Board of a little-known group called the Herndon Alliance. The Herndon Alliance originated in Herndon, VA in 2005 and produced research the left used to sell the overhaul of the United States health care system and counteract opposition as the president was making a push for Obamacare.
‘Non-partisan’ group paid $1 million to produce positive Obamacare
November 25, 2013 | Joe Schoffstall
With the roll out of Obamacare being as disastrous as possible for the Obama administration, one group was given a $1 million grant to help lead a rebranding effort with hopes of salvaging the law in the eyes of the American people.

However, the organization is a far cry from “non-partisan” and is extremely close to the Obama Administration and Enroll America – the group leading the efforts to sign people up for Obamacare.
Philippe Villers, the president of Families USA, serves as the Secretary and Treasurer of Board of a little-known group called the Herndon Alliance. The Herndon Alliance originated in Herndon, VA in 2005 and produced research the left used to sell the overhaul of the United States health care system and counteract opposition as the president was making a push for Obamacare.
As Lachlan Markay of the Washington Free Beacon noted, they are credited with crafting President Obama’s, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” message, and are even backed with money from George Soros’ Open Society Institute.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Heck, if yer brought up to hate America yer gonna hate America. No matter how "smart" the libs tell you you are----Ronan Farrow links Thanksgiving to genocide
"Ronan Farrow, alleged genius and MSNBC’s newest host, took to Twitter to share some thoughts about Thanksgiving on Wednesday:
Farrow is the 25-year-old son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, though there is some speculation that his father may actually be Frank Sinatra. He has impressive professional and academic credentials, graduating from college at 15 and Yale Law School at 21 before being named a Rhodes Scholar at 23. He also allegedly worked for Hillary Clinton and the late Richard Holbrooke at the State Department.
But Farrow’s public comments have not lent weight to his genius reputation. Appearing on MSNBC in October, he declared – to much ridicule — that Bill and Hillary Clinton “represent a style of honesty that the public craves.” With his Thanksgiving tweets, he gives off the impression he is nothing more than a run-of-the-mill leftwing hack.
Farrow’s MSNBC show is set to premier sometime in 2014."
Before Chainsaws - America's Logging Industry
"Before chainsaws were invented, the logging industry in the United States & Canada was a seriously challenging occupation and we are only talking about 125 years ago.
In the Pacific Northwest there were forests full of monster trees and cutting them down was done by hand.
A friend sent me these photos and I had to share them with you."
War drums! ----Argentina declares war on falkland island oil reserves las malvinas exploration
The Argentine economy is collapsing.
England has almost eliminated their navy.
Barack "Peace-in-our-time" Obama has shown his true colors.
NATO is an environmental club.
The perfect mix for WW3
Argentina declares war on falkland island oil reserves las malvinas exploration | World | News | Daily Express:
"ARGENTINA has declared war on the Falkland Islands’ oil reserves after the country’s Congress today passed a law imposing criminal sanctions on any “illegal exploration around Las Malvinas”."
FLASH-BBC News - China sends warplanes to newly declared air zone
They are NOT our friends!
BBC News - China sends warplanes to newly declared air zone
BBC News - China sends warplanes to newly declared air zone
The vast zone, announced last week, covers territory claimed by China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.
China has said all planes transiting the zone must file flight plans and identify themselves, or face "defensive emergency measures".
Continue reading the main story
“sThe new dispute in an already tense region has raised concerns it could escalate into an unplanned military incident.
China's state news agency Xinhua quoted air force spokesman Col Shen Jinke as saying several fighter jets and an early warning aircraft had been deployed to carry out routine patrols as "a defensive measure and in line with international common practices".
He said the country's air force would remain on high alert and would take measures to deal with all air threats to protect national security.
He said the country's air force would remain on high alert and would take measures to deal with all air threats to protect national security.
They'd NEVER lie like this if they knew the media would call them on it. But they know their comrades in the media........ The Next ObamaCare Mirage
"The president jumped on this theme in his press conference on Nov. 14.
"I'm not going to walk away from something that has helped the cost of health care grow at its slowest rate in 50 years," he said. On Wednesday, the White House Council of Economic Advisers published a report claiming that "the ACA is contributing to the recent slow growth in health care prices and spending."
These assertions border on nonsense.
National spending on health care is projected to reach a record $2.9 trillion in 2013, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
This is more than 25% above pre-recession spending levels in 2007.
Health-care expenditures per capita and as a percentage of GDP are also at record highs, expected to top out this year at $9,216 and 18% respectively."
10 classic American brands that are foreign-owned
10 classic American brands that are foreign-owned | Detroit Free Press | freep.com:
"These are ten great American brands that are foreign-owned.
4. Good Humor
• Founding date: 1923
• Category: Ice cream
• Current parent company: Unilever
• Currently headquartered: England
• In 1923, Harry B. Burt of Youngstown, Ohio, patented his new method of making frozen confections — freezing ice cream bars to wooden handles and coating them in a hard chocolate layer. According to Burt, the value of the new process was in its sanitation and cleanliness. Instead of opening a store to sell his new Good Humor bars, Burt organized a fleet of ice-cream trucks with bells and carefully trained white-clad salesmen. When its founder died in 1926, the company went public and successfully expanded across much of the U.S. Unilever subsidiary Lipton purchased Good Humor in 1961.
Hey, maybe the sky really is falling--------Dad: Son struck by meteorites while playing outside
"LOXAHATCHEE, Fla. -The family of a 7-year-old boy says their son was hurt after small meteorites fell from the sky while he was playing outside."
They are NOT our friends--U.S. Sent B-52s Into China Air Zone, Official Says
"The U.S. flew two unarmed B-52 bombers into a disputed air-defense zone claimed by China, the first test of China’s response amid escalating tensions in the region that have implications for international air travel."
And everyone thinks it's Walmart's fault-------When Roosevelt (he was a democrat...OMG!) replaced "Thanks" with commerce.
"In 1939, Franklin D. Roosevelt departed from tradition by declaring November 23, the next to the last Thursday that year, as Thanksgiving.
All of Lincoln's successors had proclaimed Thanksgiving for the final Thursday in November.
But in 1939, the National Dry Goods Association had requested Roosevelt move Thanksgiving back one week to allow for a longer Christmas season.
This caused considerable controversy, with 23 states celebrating Thanksgiving on the 23rd, and 23 states waiting until the 30th.
This Thanksgiving was called "Franksgiving" by many who considered Roosevelt's proclamation an outrage.
In 1941, Roosevelt announced that the extending of the Christmas season had caused no increase in retail sales, and on November 26, 1941, he signed a bill that established the fourth Thursday in November as the national Thanksgiving holiday, which it has been ever since."
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