Sunday, November 10, 2013

Is Chicago More Dangerous than Afghanistan?

chi_raq6Is Chicago More Dangerous than Afghanistan?:
"Chicago, once known most for its wind, the Cubs, and being home to the tallest building in the United States, now has a more ominous and alarming monicker.
This Midwest American city has gained the unfortunate title of Murder Capital, USA. With the highest murder rate out of all 50 states and gun violence at an all time high, crime in Chi-town has become so rampant that seemingly ridiculous comparisons have become actual topics for debate.

One of the most recent assertions: that Chicago has become more dangerous in terms of homicide prevalence than Afghanistan is for a soldier.
Whether this can be supported with evidence is a whole different matter."

1 comment:

patriarchal landmine said...

the vast majority of american urban areas are more dangerous than afghanistan or iraq.