Sunday, November 24, 2013

My "friends" at explain the debacle is caused by the greedy insurance companies and not Barry. Or anyone who Barry has even heard of......

And everything is Okeydokie!

Dear MoveOn member,
I'm Jim Frost, a MoveOn member in Reston, Virginia, and I started a petition to Congress and President Barack Obama, which says:
The Affordable Care Act is a good thing. Defend it for the sake of the majority!
Why are we so fixated on 4 million insured people who may lose their current and mostly sub-standard health insurance policies and ignoring the fact that 48 million people who have never had health insurance will finally be able to buy health insurance?
The 4 million insured have had the ability to purchase insurance all along. 

Now, due to circumstances beyond their control, including the greed of insurance companies, they could potentially lose their current policy. 
But they still have the option to get another plan.
The 48 million people that have never had coverage would not be able to get any health insurance coverage if it were not for the Affordable Care Act. End of story!
Tell your lawmakers to stop putting politics ahead of the needs of the majority—that is not the way a democracy is supposed to work.
–Jim Frost
MoveOn members around the country have gone all-in to save Obamacare. As part of that big campaign, Jim Frost started this petition urging Congress and President Obama to defend the Affordable Care Act.
In addition to Jim's petition, we collected over 800 stories this week about how Obamacare is helping people. We're fighting to get the media to cover those stories. We're beating back lies and misinformation about the law—and we're holding lawmakers who voted to gut the law accountable.
Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

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