Monday, November 18, 2013

So How Many Died At Watergate?

JustOneMinute: So How Many Died At Watergate?:
"And a third view - Bush was at least instrumental in leading the rebuilding effort after Katrina; the jury is out on ObamaCare.
And for those scoring at the Yglesias home, we have managerial scandals and debacles ranked by immediate bodycount:
Fast and Furious (US dead only)
Watergate/ObamaCare/Whitewater/Iran-Contra (tie).

 And do let's note - a standard lib talking point during the promotion of Obamacare was that access to health insurance saves lives. 
Dare we presume that failure to implement Obamacare thereby costs lives, eventually if not by this weekend?

Ezra Klein was talking about 15,000 to 20,000 lives per year, which dwarfs the 1,833 who died at Katrina."

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