Obamacare Navigator Fraud Rampant, Not "Isolated Incident" - YouTube: ""
If you earn cash on the side, do not tell the government—that’s what multiple Obamacare navigators are saying in Texas.
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released a second video exposing more Obamacare navigators who encouraged undercover investigators to lie and hide income when applying for Obamacare.
“I have two jobs. One is part time and the other is part time but I don’t claim the income, so how does that work?” a Project Veritas investigator asked an Obamacare navigator.
“Nora,” an Obamacare navigator at Community Health Centers of South Central Texas, said, “If you don’t claim the income then you don’t have to.”
A second navigator advised an undercover investigator to get her income as low as possible before reporting it.
“I like went on to the calculator thing online and it said I qualify for these things,” the investigator said. “But then if you add my additional income, I do like every Friday, Saturday, Sunday I nanny for a family and it makes, I make substantial extra income from that, that put me over.”
The navigator, Kris McCray from Change Happens located in Houston, Texas, said, “Well see I don’t know if you have to report all that stuff. I think they’re going to go off on where you file for your taxes. So stuff like that, to get a lower premium, I wouldn’t include in it.”
McCray continued, “If I was cutting grass on the weekends, and they were just giving me money, that’s my money.”
“I would just try to get the number as low as you can. It would help you qualify you for more stuff as far as aid and stuff like that,” he said to the investigator.
Watch the video to see more and hear a navigator explain that he hasn’t been able to sign anybody up for Obamacare.
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