Monday, December 23, 2013

Death wish----D.C. Council Approves Minimum Wage Increase

D.C. Council Approves Minimum Wage Increase: DCist:
"In a rather anticlimactic moment, the D.C. Council unanimously passed an increase in the minimum wage today to one of the highest levels in the country.
Council chair Phil Mendelson moved to place both the minimum wage increase and paid sick days for restaurant workers bills on the consent agenda, and that passed without any discussion.
Supporters of the bills poured out into the Wilson Building's fifth floor lobby to celebrate. 
The Council unanimously passed the bill on first reading earlier this month.
The increase will raise the minimum wage to $9.50 in July 2014, $10.50 the following year, and $11.50 by 2016, with future increases tied to the Consumer Price Index. "

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