Monday, December 30, 2013

Silence of the Lambs: GOP Establishment Remained Neutral on 'Duck Dynasty' Controversy

Pandering cowards!
Silence of the Lambs: GOP Establishment Remained Neutral on 'Duck Dynasty' Controversy:
"Later in the day, Sen.Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Robertson's suspension was an affront to those who value freedom of speech and religion.
"The reason that so many Americans love Duck Dynasty is because it represents the America usually ignored or mocked by liberal elites: a family that loves and cares for each other, believes in God, and speaks openly about their faith," Cruz wrote.
Palin, Cruz, and Jindal were repeatedly mentioned in stories in the mainstream media about Robertson.
In contrast, the Republican establishment organizations and D.C. figureheads were ducking for cover and nowhere to be found, reinforcing the suspicions of the "Teavengelical" base that has always suspected that the Republican elite on the coasts and in D.C. disdains them and their "flyover country" values. "

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