Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Boxer: Obamacare 'Is a Huge Success' | CNS News

Boxer: Obamacare 'Is a Huge Success' | CNS News:

"Never in my lifetime have I seen a law that is helping so many people be so vilified," Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) told a conference call on Friday.

She talked about the millions of people in her state who are benefiting from the law that Republicans have tried to repeal 54 times.

"This is a huge success, this law. I'm saying that. We had a terrible rollout, it slowed us up, but it's all falling into place now and the Republican answer is very, very simple -- let's repeal it and take away all these benefits from people. And that's just gonna wind up to be very bad for them at the end of the day.""

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