Wednesday, March 26, 2014

More students take to Internet with videos of how to get teachers fired

More students take to Internet with videos of how to get teachers fired | Rare
More kids are taking to YouTube to teach the rest of their peers how to get their teachers fired.
It’s the newest trend among youth who do not realize the serious ramifications of their actions: fabricating stories, even accusing a teacher of molestation, as one kid did (the video has since been removed from YouTube).

“So I had this teacher, right, Ms. Keller, and I just didn’t like her, you know, so, you know, what I said ‘let me just get her fired’ … So I went to the principal and instead of saying ‘I was molested you need to play the victim,’” another student said in a YouTube video, according to KRIV. 
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In the below video that the Houston-affiliate of Fox News reported on, the boys made up stories last year about a teacher harassing them and other classmates, even creating a petition for students to sign.
“We gave her a lot for her to handle,” the boys said, though not specifying if she was actually fired or resigned.
Education officials have noted such foolish behavior can have legal and personal consequences on innocent teachers.
“Whenever there is an allegation, there is a victim, whether it is the accused or the accuser,” Colorado Education Association lawyer Greg Lawler said to the National Education Association.

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