Saturday, March 29, 2014

Residents in This Longtime Liberal City Are Making the Case for the Second Amendment — Criminals Are Leaving Them No Choice

Residents in This Longtime Liberal City Are Making the Case for the Second Amendment — Criminals Are Leaving Them No Choice |

"In what could be a future case study on firearms, fatal self-defense shootings are on the rise in Detroit. Instead of victims, criminals are increasingly facing armed citizens determined to defend themselves and their homes.

On Tuesday, a Detroit man reportedly shot and killed two men he said tried to break into his home. Assuming the shooting is ruled self-defense, that means there have been 10 fatal self-defense shootings in Detroit in 2014 so far.

“Detroit has traditionally had a large percentage of the nation’s justifiable homicides by citizens. In 2012, the last year for which national figures are available, there were 25 justifiable homicides in Detroit, which made up 8 percent of the 310 seen nationwide,” the Detroit News reports. “Last year, there were 15 justifiable homicides in the city.”"

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