Wednesday, March 12, 2014

U.N. ‘behind plan for overseers for all kids’

U.N. ‘behind plan for overseers for all kids’:

"Families and homeschoolers in Scotland have described the Children and Young People Bill as “anti-family” and “illegal,” and the Christian Institute, a Christian rights organization in the United Kingdom, plans to challenge it in court.

HSLDA has been exposing the pitfalls of the U.N. treaty, which has not been adopted by the United States.

The Scotland bill would appoint a “named person,” a government social worker, for every child born. The social worker’s job would be to “promote, support and safeguard the well being” of the child according to the standards of the state.

The bill includes vast data collection, which could be shared with just about anyone with or without the parents’ consent.

HSLDA warned the Children and Young People Bill is part of a larger government policy initiative in Scotland called “Getting it Right for Every Child,” or GIRFEC, a response to the U.N. treaty."

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