Tuesday, March 11, 2014

U.S. state: 350,000 gun owners suddenly felons

U.S. state: 350,000 gun owners suddenly felons:

"The state of Connecticut has created a crisis for itself: The possibility of having 350,000 new felons in the state – roughly 20 times the state’s current state prison system population.

It’s all because the legislature adopted a law that said that based on certain physical features, some types of guns and weapons magazines no longer were allowed.

But there was no grandfathering for those who already had them. The guns are just no longer allowed, unless, of course, the owner submitted an application with identifying information such as fingerprints for the state to be able to identify those gun owners.

Now estimates are that up to 250,000 or even 350,000 residents didn’t meet the state’s deadline for submitting that information.

The result? They’re felons. Of course they haven’t been charged or convicted yet, but the law allows no half-measures. Even possessing the weapon makes a person a felon.

And a judge who was asked to suspend the law while a challenge to its constitutionality is debated in the courts jumped down on the side of prosecution, refusing to make that allowance."

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