(2) Chris Parks - Please read:
B Hunt wrote:
I live in SW Utah.
I grew up on a ranch less than 100 miles from the Bundy's ranch.
My father knows Cliven Bundy.
I know Cliven's son Ryan.
The BLM was going to sell the cattle at one of the smallest cattle markets in Utah.
No cattle markets in Nevada would take the cattle without a properly signed brand inspection
...Now, for Cliven Bundy, he's not fighting this for his cattle or his own livelihood.
He recognizes that he will probably die before this fight is over.
He has said multiple times that he is fighting this to wake people up about the tyranny of the Federal Government and also to help wake up the western states about getting the rights to their own land back from the federal government, which has repeatedly shut down ranchers and closed off land. "
I think that your story is a completely slanted misrepresentation of the truth. Bundy acknowledges he owes money. He didn't decide to take on the "tyranny" of the current administration 20 years ago when he sherked his bills and chose to forego his LEGAL rights to graze his cows by not signing his lease. "Improvements" to the land, really? Hardly. He ran cattle on the land and did not bother to restore habitat or vegetation the trampled. He left dead cows to rot on the land. I hardly see him as a hero. He is a thief who has mooched off of the system for far too long. He is no different than someone who collects welfare when they can work.
Not unreasonable points.
The entire story has yet to be clear.
But, is this what you or I want our government to be doing when our borders are left unguarded?
I'm thinkin' the priorities are totally unside down.
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