Thursday, April 03, 2014

Charles Krauthammer Says These Are the Two Things You Need to Think About as the White House Celebrates Its Obamacare Sign-Up Milestone | Video |

Charles Krauthammer Says These Are the Two Things You Need to Think About as the White House Celebrates Its Obamacare Sign-Up Milestone | Video |

"It’s no secret that conservative author and commentator Charles Krauthammer is skeptical of the Affordable Care Act and its architects.

And it appears that the White House’s victory lap Tuesday over the millions of people it said have signed up for health insurance coverage under the law has only reinforced his distrust for Obamacare.

Indeed, after President Barack Obama hailed the 7.1 million people he said have signed up under his signature health care law and declaring that it is “here to stay,” Krauthammer ran through what he believes are the law’s many failings and the White House’s questionable sign-up data."

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