Friday, April 11, 2014

In light of President Obama’s comments on LBJ, you may enjoy what one critic wrote about his ‘anti-poverty’ agenda back in 1964 |

In light of President Obama’s comments on LBJ, you may enjoy what one critic wrote about his ‘anti-poverty’ agenda back in 1964 |

"During President Obama’s address at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library honoring the 50th Anniversary of President Johnson’s signing of the Civil Rights Act, the president praised Johnson, not only in terms of his passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but in fighting for civil rights such as “a decent job, decent wages, health care” — in other words for the entirety of the Great Society agenda.
Tying this argument into today, Obama cast his opponents in the “debate about equality and opportunity and the role of government in ensuring each” as analogous to those of 50 years ago, who “dismiss the Great Society as a failed experiment and an encroachment on liberty, who argue the government has become the true source of all that ails us and that poverty is due to the moral failings of those who suffer from it.”"

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