Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New White House Emails Reveal Effort to Portray Benghazi Attack as Being ‘Rooted’ in an ‘Internet Video,’ Protect President’s Re-Election |

New White House Emails Reveal Effort to Portray Benghazi Attack as Being ‘Rooted’ in an ‘Internet Video,’ Protect President’s Re-Election |
"Several top White House staffers, including political strategist David Plouffe and press secretary Jay Carney, were involved in these emails, some of which were circulated just a day before then-United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on television to blame the attacks on a YouTube video.
The “goal” going forward, one Rhodes email said, is “to underscore that these protests are rooted in [an] Internet video, and not a broader failure or policy.”

The 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents released Tuesday show that Rice received her talking points directly from the highest reaches of Obama’s inner circle."

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