Sunday, April 06, 2014

The ‘Little-Noticed’ Consequence of Obamacare That Will Leave Many Americans Out of Luck |

The ‘Little-Noticed’ Consequence of Obamacare That Will Leave Many Americans Out of Luck |

Americans thinking about buying health insurance on their own later this year, or maybe switching to a different insurer, are probably out of luck. The policies are going off the market as a little-noticed consequence of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul.

With limited exceptions, insurance companies have stopped selling until next year the sorts of individual plans that used to be available year-round. That locks out many of the young and healthy as well as the sick and injured, even those who can afford to buy without government subsidies.

“Now they’re stuck,” said Bonnie Milani, an independent insurance broker in Los Angeles, who says she warned her customers last year that the change was coming. “It just closes everything down.”"

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