Thursday, May 22, 2014

And we wonder why we're screwed--------D.C. said it was recycling — it wasn’t. Nearly 53 tons of plastic trash cans sent to landfill.

D.C. said it was recycling — it wasn’t. Nearly 53 tons of plastic trash cans sent to landfill. - The Washington Post:
It started with the rush delivery of more than 200,000 shiny-new cans before the city’s primary election last month.
......And the city’s overcorrection of the languishing can problem, which officials dubbed a “blitz” — cleared away not just unwanted cans, but even some recently delivered ones.
And now, it turns out that the city has not been recycling thousands of the cans, as the administration of Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D) had promised — but chucking them instead.
City officials admitted Tuesday that sanitation crews dumped at least 132 truckloads of plastic bins — a third of the more than 16,000 old cans collected last week — alongside city waste and hauled them all off to Virginia to be incinerated.
A spokeswoman said that throwing away the cans was ultimately a safety decision made after streets and alleyways became overly congested.

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