Monday, May 26, 2014

Brotherly Farewell Caught On Dustoff Helmet Cam

FUNKER530 » Military Videos And Veteran Community discussing Army, Navy, Air Force topics. » Brotherly Farewell Caught On Dustoff Helmet Cam:

This video was taken by a pilot and crew chief on a dustoff bird that was flying MEDEVAC in Kunar in 2009. 
The events shown are from the Battle of Ganjgal, a firefight that earned both CPT Swenson (shown) and CPL Dakota Meyer the Medal Of Honor.
Regardless of your thoughts on the politicians that start and perpetuate these wars, that’s not what this page is about, and those that never served and troll the comments section about such topics will never be privileged enough to understand that. You don’t fight for presidents, oil or for the empire. You may stand for freedom, but you don’t fight for it. You fight for your brothers that are standing shoulder to shoulder with you, while looking into the face of an early death, in a filthy and forsaken no man’s land. Nothing else matters at that point but your brothers.
This is what brotherhood looks like.

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