Saturday, May 10, 2014

Fed Chair: ‘Deficits Will Rise to Unsustainable Levels’ | CNS News

Fed Chair: ‘Deficits Will Rise to Unsustainable Levels’ | CNS News:
"Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, referencing the Congressional Budget Office's long-term budget projections, told the Joint Economic Committee of Congress today that under current policies the federal government’s deficits “will rise to unsustainable levels.”
In the 10-year budget projections it released in April, the CBO estimated that the federal government will run $7.618 trillion in deficits from 2015 through 2024. At the same time, the CBO projected that the federal government’s debt held by the public would rise from $11.983 trillion at the end of fiscal 2013 to $20.947 trillion by the end of 2024."

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