Saturday, May 24, 2014

Holy crap! This judge just dumped all our petition laws!!!!----------Conyers camp celebrates federal judge's ruling putting him on ballot

Conyers camp celebrates federal judge's ruling putting him on ballot | Detroit Free Press |
U.S. Rep. John Conyers’ on-again, off-again roller-coaster ride for the Aug. 5 ballot took a new twist Friday when U.S. District Judge Matthew Leitman put the 85-year-old congressman back on the ballot.
Leitman’s decision, released late Friday, contradicts the Secretary of State’s review of Conyers’ petitions, which found earlier in the day that Conyers had less than half the required signatures of valid registered voters on the petitions he turned in to qualify for the Aug. 5 primary ballot.
But Leitman said the requirement that petition circulators be registered voters — the issue that got Conyers booted off the ballot in the first place — put serious limitations on the free speech rights of the circulators, the people who signed the petitions and Conyers.“The public interest favors the enjoining of the likely unconstitutional Registration Statute,” for circulators, Leitman said.
He also said that for at least two of the circulators, who Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett and Secretary of State Ruth Johnson said weren’t properly registered to vote, the proof wasn’t there.
“There is evidence that their failure to comply with the Registration Statute was the result of good faith mistakes and that they believed they were in compliance with the statute,” Leitman said in his ruling.

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