Thursday, May 08, 2014

How Much Has College Tuition Increased In Your State (A Lot), And Why

How Much Has College Tuition Increased In Your State (A Lot), And Why | Zero Hedge:
"It is common knowledge that in the hierarchy of bubbles, not even the stock market comes close to the student loan bubble. 

If it isn't, one glance at the chart below which shows the exponential surge in Federal student debt starting just after the great financial crisis, should put the problem in its context.

And while we have previously reported that a shocking amount of the loan proceeds are used to fund anything but tuition payments, a major portion of the funding does manage to find itself to its intended recipient: paying the college tuition bill.

Which means that with student debt being so easily accessible anyone can use (and abuse), it gives colleges ample room to hike tuition as much as they see fit: after all students are merely a pass-through vehicle (even if one which for the most part represents non-dischargeable "collateral") designed to get funding from point A, the Federal Government to point B, the college treasury account."

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