Saturday, May 24, 2014

In a Month, TV News Gives Less Airtime to VA Scandal than Christie Controversy Received in Four Days

In a Month, TV News Gives Less Airtime to VA Scandal than Christie Controversy Received in Four Days | Media Research Center:
"In nearly four and a half weeks, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news shows have offered 110 minutes to an evolving Obama administration scandal involving secret lists designed to keep veterans from receiving proper medical treatment.
Back in January, it took those same network shows just four and a half days to churn that much coverage for Chris Christie's Bridgegate. 

Since the VA story broke on April 23 with news as many as 40 veterans seeking treatment at one Phoenix facility died while on secret waiting lists, CBS has provided the most coverage, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. NBC allowed 44 minutes and 53 seconds and ABC came in last with a scant 16 minutes and 44 seconds. None of the networks bothered covering the story until May 6, almost two weeks after it broke. (This is despite heavy investigative reporting by Fox News and CNN.)"

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