Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Emails Reveal Obama White House Worked on Concocting Benghazi Lie DURING the Attacks

New Emails Reveal Obama White House Worked on Concocting Benghazi Lie DURING the Attacks:
"Issa scolded current Secretary of State, Democrat John Kerry, for just now turning over a classified version of the email, some 20 months after the attack, while calling on the regime to release a unclassified copy. 
“Unfortunately, Secretary Kerry and the State Department continue to try to keep this information from the public, only turning this document over to Congress last month. While the information I have cited from this email is clearly unclassified, the State Department has attempted to obstruct its disclosure by not providing Congress with an unclassified copy of this document that redacted only classified portions outlining what the Department of Defense and the Secretary of State were doing in response to the attack in Benghazi that night.”

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