Sunday, June 08, 2014

Anonymous Cowards @NYTimes Launch Sneak Attack Against #Bergdahl Vets

Anonymous Cowards @NYTimes Launch Sneak Attack Against #Bergdahl Vets | Progressives Today: "New York Times writers have abandoned, or deserted, their byline in order to launch an assault against the brave American soldiers.
The soldiers in question dared to voice their anger at the Left’s characterization of Bowe Bergdahl as anything other than a traitor at best who deserted his post and caused many American deaths.

In an effort to teach people about how to treat troops like Bergdahl with decency and respect, the New York Times launched an anonymous smear against Bergdahl’s fellow troops as partisan liars who’re just interested in hurting Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama.
This duck-and-cover response is the result of the outrageous demonization of Bergdahl in the absence of actual facts. Republican operatives have arranged for soldiers in his unit to tell reporters that he was a deserter who cost the lives of several soldiers searching for him. In fact, a review of casualty reports by Charlie Savage and Andrew Lehren of The New York Times showed there is no clear link between any military deaths and the search. [more…]
No wonder the New York Times writers defected from their bylines. No self respecting writer could possibly attach their name to such hatred and expect to work outside of the progressive Journo-list bubble ever again.
Instead, it was simply credited to the entire NYT Editorial Board.
Let’s politely reach out to these members of the NYT Editorial Board and ask them if they’re brave enough to take ownership of this attack on our troops who DID NOT abandon their posts, leading to the death and dismemberment of their fellow Americans.

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