Monday, June 16, 2014

Anti-incumbent wave building

Anti-incumbent wave building | The Detroit News
What I think is rallying voters is not a dissatisfaction with the conservative credentials of Republican candidates, but rather a general disgust with Washington and the politicians who populate it.
Voters believe the country is headed to Hell, are fed up with the inability of their leaders to change its course, and are sick of hearing excuses.
They aren’t simply voting against incumbents because some ranting radio talk show host challenged their conservative cred.
They’re sending a broader message of their dissatisfaction by the only means available to them.
So far, Republican voters are the ones leading the charge.
....Those aren’t just Republicans who are unhappy with the performance of their representatives.
Democrats and Independents are honked off, too.
And they’ll get a shot in the general election to exact their punishment.
Democrats who are mightily enjoying watching Republicans destroy each other’s political careers shouldn’t get too smug.
If they’re incumbents, they soon may be the ones at the end of the broom.

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