Friday, June 27, 2014

Blog: The sleeper case that could bust open the IRS scandals

Blog: The sleeper case that could bust open the IRS scandals:
In the absence of a special prosecutor, the best opportunity for piercing the veil of secrecy and evasion that surrounds the IRS handling of groups perceived as enemies of the Obama administration lies in civil litigation.  
The National Organization for Marriage has just obtained a $50,000 settlement from the IRS for its criminal release of confidential donor information to an opposition group. 
But so far Eric Holder’s Justice Department is not pursuing inquiries into who feloniously released that information.
The absence of any official judicial inquiry into the inner workings of the IRS processes is why it is so important to note that yesterday saw the beginning of the discovery phase in the lawsuit by Z-Street a pro-Israel organization that was toldits application for tax exempt status was being delayed because:
…these cases are being sent to a special unit in the DC office to determine whether the organization’s activities contradict the Administration’s public policies.

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